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When teacher Margret Atkins, 39, went to ride her bike to school last Friday, she was shocked to discover it 【小题1】 (steal). When our reporter spoke to her, she told him that she'd been angry when she realized he bike was gone. It was quite 【小题2】old bike her grandpa had given her years ago. She said it was 【小题3】(valuable) gift she'd ever received.

So what did she do? She decided 【小题4】(write) a note to the thief and put it where the bike had been taken away. To her surprise, she 【小题5】(find) the thief had returned the bike, together with a written apology(道歉) later that day. “What I did was 【小题6】(complete) wrong. I'm really sorry I took your bike. Hope you can accept 【小题7】 (I)apology!”

Mrs. Atkins told reporters she was not going to call the police 【小题8】she was no longer angry. She was just thankful that she could go to school on her bike again. She added that she'd probably write another passage to the thief. “I want to thank him 【小题9】 returning the bike and tell him I've forgiven(原谅) him,” she explained. “People sometimes make 【小题10】(mistake), but the important thing is that they own up to(承认) what they’ve done,” she said.

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Same hearts, same minds

A boy named Reggie was well-known in his hometown because he couldn't hear anything. He was born deaf. Although people liked him a lot, they also treated him much 【小题1】 (different) than other people. The other children worried that they might hurt him while they 【小题2】 (play) together. Adults acted like he was incapable of understanding them, as if he was a baby.

However, this year, people got to understand Reggie a little better. On Reggie's 【小题3】 (nine) birthday, everyone in town would wear earplugs (塞) so that they couldn't hear anything, 【小题4】. This day came to be known as the Day of Silence. People realized 【小题5】 difficult life could be when they couldn't hear anything. They also learned that Reggie had some amazing skills.

On that day, no one thought of Reggie as just a deaf person. People saw a whole new side of him. More attention 【小题6】 (pay) to the things he said. They were also surprised by his intelligence, 【小题7】 (creative), and his ability to find a solution to nearly any problem or challenge 【小题8】 he faced. They realized that he had always been like that, and that he 【小题9】 (simple) needed to communicate with others in a different way. In the end, he was really just like any other little boy. On the Day of Silence, people came to know Reggie's true nature. They learned that although most of us are different 【小题10】 each other—sometimes in big ways—we are still mostly the same in our hearts and minds.
