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Why is setting goals (设定目标) important? Because goals may________you to get everything you want in life.

Successful people________think about how their life should be and they set lots of goals. By setting goals you are taking control of your life. It’s like having a map to________you where you want to go. Think of it this way. There are two drivers. One has a destination (目的地) in mind (his goal), and he can find it________ the map. So he will arrive there one day. However, the other driver is________. He has no goal, destination or map. Of course, he will never have an enjoyable trip. Which driver do you________to be?

Winners set goals and follow them. They prepare for what they want by making________and setting goals. Unsuccessful people just let life happen. In fact, it’s not difficult to set goals. You just need to decide________ you want and try your best to get it. Studies show that when________write a goal down, you are more likely to reach it. You can always see it, ________it’s not easy to forget.

Let’s write our goals down now, and it will bring us closer to them.

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There was once a man who built his own house. From _____ to bottom, he designed and built every inch of his home. It took him over a year, but in the end, he had a beautiful house of his own. No other _____ in his neighborhood looked like it and many of his neighbors admired(羡慕) it.

But as time _____, his house started to have some problems. One day, a neighbor said, “Friend, it looks like your front yard (前院) is a bit overgrown.”

The man replied, “Yes, I know. But it’s okay. I’ll _____ the grass tomorrow.”

A few days later, a mailman came by with a letter for the man. The mailman said, “Friend, it looks like your windows are a bit _____.”

The man replied, “Yes, I know. But it’s okay. I’ll wash them tomorrow.”

Weeks passed by. Finally, the man’s brother came over to pay a visit. He took one look at his brother’s house and couldn’t _____ what he saw. The yard was a mess, the _____ on the walls was falling down and the windows were covered with dirt. The house looked like it could fall apart at any _____—all because the man put everything off until “_____

When we procrastinate (拖延), “tomorrow” can turn into “next week” or even “next year”. It’s much _____ to just take care of things today than to wait until some imaginary “tomorrow” that might not actually come.

A.went outB.went byC.went pastD.went up
A.yesterdayB.todayC.tomorrowD.next week

One day, a boy had a fight with one of his classmates. He was ________ all day long. After school, he went to his grandfather and told him his story ________.” He is a really bad guy. I don’t ________ him.” the boy said. “And I hate him!”

The grandfather said with a smile, “Let me tell you a story, dear. When I was a boy at your ________, I too, sometimes hated others for what they did.”

The boy listened carefully as the grandfather went on, “There are always two tigers in my ________. One is good and kind. He is kind to ________ around him. But the other is bad and unfriendly. Even the ________ thing will make him angry. He ________ with everybody all the time, and for no reason. He can’t think carefully ________ he always hates others. It is ________ for me to live with these two tigers in my heart. ________ of them try to control (控制) me.”

The boy looked into his grandfather’s ________ and asked, “Which tiger controls you, grandfather?” The old man said ________ and seriously, “The one that I always look ________ is the good and kind tiger, so I ________ hate others and seldom get angry now.”


Once upon a time, two young boys were playing in a forest. Then they _________ four old men.

The first old man had a headache and he asked them not to shout. The second old man was painting _________ picture. He asked them to move away _________ he wanted to be quiet. The third old man was doing a large jigsaw puzzle (七巧板) _________ the middle of the road, and he asked them not to walk on the jigsaw puzzle. The fourth old man was watching a butterfly flying in the trees and he asked the two _________ not to frighten it away.

The polite young boy was kind to others. He did as the old men asked. However, the impolite young man didn’t follow _________ and kept bothering (打扰) them. Later, the two young boys had to go _________ own way. But they must get back to their home before sunset or they would be punished.

Each of them separately met the four old men again and asked for their help. They didn’t want _________ the impolite boy, but they helped the respectful boy to find the right way to his home.

The impolite young man arrived much later and _________. Finally, he understood that if you want to have friends, one of the __________ ways is to be nice to everyone.

A.meetB.metC.will meetD.is meeting
A.where did the old men sayB.where the old men said
C.what did the old men sayD.what the old men said
A.helpB.buildC.to helpD.to build
A.punishB.is punishedC.was punishedD.punished
A.more carefulB.most carefulC.more importantD.most important
