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I remember the green coat in my fifth and sixth grades. When I needed a new jacket, my mother asked what kind I wanted. I described something like bikers wear. She listened long. I thought she understood for sure the kind I wanted.

The next day when I got home from school, I discovered, on my bed, a jacket which was not what I had expected. I went close to the jacket slowly, as if it were a stranger.

From the kitchen mother shouted that my jacket was in the closet. I rushed and pulled at the clothes in the closet, hoping the jacket on the bed wasn't for me but my brother. No luck, I wanted to cry because it was so ugly and so big. But I knew I'd have to wear it for a long time before I'd have a new one. I looked at the jacket, like an enemy, thinking bad things before I took off my old and small jacket.

I put the big jacket on. I stood in front of the mirror, turning right and left. I looked ugly. I threw it on my brother's bed and looked at it for a long time before I put it on and went out, smiling a "thank you" to my mom.

The next day I wore it to school. At the morning break, my best friend, Steve, looked at me for a long time. The girls turned away to whisper. The teachers looked my way and talked about how foolish I looked in my new jacket. When it was time for the whole school to get together on the playground, ________. Although they didn't say out loud, "Man, that's ugly!" I heard their talk and even laughter.

And so I went in my jacket. So embarrassed, so hurt, I couldn't even do my lessons the rest of the day. I received Cs on tests. I wore that thing for three years. All in those years no love came to me.

I blamed (指责)that jacket for those bad years. I blamed my mother for her bad taste and her cheap ways. It was a sad time for the heart. Anyway, I spent my sixth-grade year, looking forward to something good to happen to me.

And it was about that time I began to grow, still in that green ugly jacket, which had become my brother who went along wherever I went.

【小题1】The writer went to school in the new jacket because _______.
A.his jacket was too old and smallB.his brother asked him to do so
C.he wanted to show it to his friendsD.he would act in school play
【小题2】The sentence that shows the writer cared about his mother's feelings is " ________".
A.I thought she understood for sure the kind I wanted
B.I blamed my mother for her bad taste and her cheap ways
C.I put it on and went out, smiling a "thank you" to my mom
D.From the kitchen mother shouted that my jacket was in the closet
【小题3】Which of the following sentences can be put in the_________.
A.it began to rainB.everyone saw meC.my mother cameD.I got angry
【小题4】The changes of the writer's attitude (态度) to the jacket can be described as ________.
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It was last January, when I’d just finished a charity activity and was on the train back home, that I put down my phone and started writing thank-you notes to people who had helped.

When I got off the train, I felt amazingly good. The next day, I wrote more thank-yous and felt good again. I suddenly had the idea: Why not keep on doing this for every day of the year?

To keep on task, I decided to pick out a different theme for each month. January was charity. February would be neighbors. And I thought of a number of names right away: the owner of our local bookstore, who let me and my little son in before the store opened; our babysitter, who took good care of our kids; …

While writing the notes, I realized how often I had spent my time on the phone appreciating(欣赏)other people’s lives. Writing thank-you notes allowed me to do something different, paying more attention to my own life.

In the following months, I wrote to my friends, doctors, teachers and parenting role models. In July, my “food” month, I wrote to Julie, who used to cook at my favorite restaurant. It went like this:

Dear Julie,

Thank you for hosting and cooking beautiful and thoughtful food. Jake and I never forget when you sent out biscuits shaped into the number VI for our sixth anniversary(周年纪念日). We talk about it every year.

Thank you. We miss you.



I was happy to receive a note back from her. Julie replied, “I don’t think I’ve ever received such a touching letter before. I’m undergoing a hard life change right now, and this helps.”

On December 31, I wrote my last card to Jake, my husband, and our two kids. And I took a picture of us, so I could remember the feeling welling up inside me. Thankfulness.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “undergoing” mean?
A.Go down.B.Go through.C.Go against.D.Go beyond.
【小题2】How did Julie most probably feel after reading the note from Gina?
A.Shy and surprised. B.Pleased and relaxed.
C.Nervous and excited.D.Moved and encouraged.
【小题3】What might be the theme of the December notes?
【小题4】What did Gina get by doing her task according to the passage?
A.Many thanks from her neighbors.B.More time to appreciate her own life.
C.More help from people around her.D.Happy moments to be with her friends.

Memory is often the source of our greatest joys as well as our deepest regrets. I cherish (珍爱) every memory I have of my Mom, but at the same time I regret no longer being able to create new ones with her. My Mom left this world when I was only 25 years old. I never got a chance to say "Thank You" to her for all of them. All I can do now is to share these memories with you.

Mom, I remember when you spent hours walking with me searching for my dog, Duke when he ran away. You never let me lose hope. I also remember you putting him in my bed after he finally found his own way home.

Mom, I remember how you never complained when you took me, my wife, and newborn baby son into your home was struggling financially(金融上) the first year of my marriage. You showed me what it takes to love and raise a child...

Mom, I remember all the lessons you taught me about patience, humor, and courage when you faced your long battle with cancer. It may have finally taken your body, but it never got your spirit. I also remember how you always ended our phone calls those last years of your life with those three words that live on inside of me today: "I Love You!"

Mom, I would give everything I have for just one more hug from you. You gave me so much love. You helped make my heart and soul what they are today. I love you and will continue to love you more every single day of my life.

【小题1】Why does the author write the passage?
A.Because he wants to share his memories.B.Because he wanted his mother to read it.
C.Because his mother made him do it.D.Because he is a writer.
【小题2】When was the author's baby born?
A.The second year of the authors marriage.B.When the author was twenty-five years.
C.The first year of the author's marriage.D.the passage doesn't tell us about it.
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The author likes his mother very much.B.Maybe the author's mother died of cancer.
C.Duke is a name of a person.D.Mom taught the author lots of things.
【小题4】What's the best title of the passage?
A.Never Lose Your Heart.B.Memories of My Mom.
C.All Happy Families Are the Same.D.Source of Our Greatest Joys.

Every family has special traditions, especially during holidays. Whether making cookies or walking around the neighborhood to enjoy colorful lights, these traditions can help you feel closer to the people you love. 【小题1】. Here’s how to get started.

Consider old traditions

Think about the old traditions your family already has, and then write them down. For example, a shared tradition might be going to a library every week, or standing in front of your home every year for a family photo. You can also ask older adults what traditions they remember taking part in as children.

Come up with new ideas

Collect the thoughts you and your family may have for new traditions. 【小题2】. The new traditions can be very simple. For example, you could discuss having a special picnic, going to a nice restaurant or seeing a show, or you could plan to round up relatives before dinner to play a family game of football.

Get your relatives on board

【小题3】. Think about those people who are in your family, whether it’s a parent or grandparent. They can help you create the “guest list” for a family party, pick a date and time, and choose the setting. They can also help you invite relatives who may live far away.

Create a keepsake (纪念品)

Celebrating traditions is also a great way to create family memories. Consider taking photos while you’re spending time together. Then you can show one in your house. 【小题4】.

Reflect (反思) on new traditions

If you try a new tradition, take time to reflect on it. Did your family enjoy it? Is there anything you will do differently next time? 【小题5】. Therefore, it’s also OK to change it in a way that works best for your family.

A.Ask the elderly for some ideas
B.That can remind your family all year long of the fun you had
C.Add those ideas to your list
D.Different families have different traditions
E.You can enjoy old traditions or create new ones together
F.The point of a tradition is to like it so much that you want to do it again
G.Many families have members who love to organize and bring everyone together
