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When we say someone is in a blue mood. It means he or she is unhappy or sad. Are you feeling a little blue? Here are some fast and easy ways to cheer you up.

Do exercise.

When you exercise, your brain gives out a chemical called Endorphins(内啡肽). This chemical makes you feel happy. That is why exercise is good for you.

Have a talk.

If something or somebody is troubling you, don't quarrel(争吵) with other people to relax yourself. It is a good idea to have a heart-to-heart talk with a friend or a family member. Tell them your feelings. A chat is a useful way to make you feel better.

Have some hobbies.

For example, playing pop music, drawing something or listening to your favorite music will make you smile. Act like an artist. Draw, paint or make something. Being active and creative makes you feel more satisfied and less nervous.

Laugh more

Laughing is the best way to improve your moods. Children laugh about 400 times a day. Adults only laugh about 20 times a day. What happens? Experts say if we laugh more, we will be happier and healthier.

Think positively.

Close your eyes and imagine a beautiful scene or a time. Never think about anything terrible that you can't change. What's more, leave your flat and go outside. Sunshine and fresh air are good for you. Be a kid for a day. Play games, watch comedy movies or read jokes online.

Ways to cheer you up

Do exercise

●It is good for you to do exercise.
●The chemical your brain 【小题1】 out makes you feel happy.   

Have a talk

●Don't quarrel with others to 【小题2】 yourself.
●Having a heart-to-heart talk can make you feel better.

Have some hobbies

●Doing your favorite things will make you smile.
●Being active and creative makes you feel more satisfied and less 【小题3】, wood, bone or silver

Laugh more

●We will be happier and 【小题4】 if we laugh more every day.
●Children laugh 400 times a day.

Think positively

●Close your eyes and imagine a beautiful scene.
●Leave your flat and go 【小题5】 to do your favorite things like playing games, watching comedy films comedy films or reading jokes.

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You probably know you should say “please” and “thank you” at restaurants. You probably know the rules of a library. You know you should respect and be nice to your classmates. But do you have music manners?

Keep It Down! You have to notice the volume of your music. You should not play your music so loud that everyone around you can hear it. Some people might even get angry. Usually, very loud music can also be harmful for your ears, so even if you are alone when listening to our MP3 player, you shouldn’t have it turned up too high.

Take Them off! You need to know when to turn your MP3 player off and put it away. Places like libraries, schools and museums don’t allow MP3 players. So you should keep your MP3 players off.

Take One Out! Once in a while, it’s okay just to take out one earphone and not the other. Imagine you are listening to your MP3 player when someone asks you the way. It would not be rude to take out one earphone, tell him the way, and put back the earphone and continue listening. You can also do this when you order food at a fast-food restaurant or when you answer the telephone and it’s not for you.

It’s Your Choice! There are times when you need to decide what is best. For example, some people can listen to music on their MP3 players when reading books while others think it makes them do things without full attention. In cases like this, you need to do what seems right for you.

Proper music manners

Keep It Down!

Your loud music might make some people around you get 【小题1】.
Very loud music can also be 【小题2】 for your ears.

Take Them off!

Turn your MP3 player off and put it away because MP3 players are not 【小题3】 in places like libraries, schools and museums.

Take One Out!

It’s okay just to take out one earphone.
You can continue 【小题4】 to music after you tell others the way.
At some times, it is your 【小题5】 to decide what seems right for you.

Choosing a career —something you’re thinking of doing for the rest of your working life —isn’t always easy but equally, it doesn’t have to be the agony (苦恼) that some people make it. Here are our tips to help you make up your mind.

Don’t let other people tell you what to do!

There are always people who want you to become a lawyer, or work in banking, or be a teacher. Listen to them, but remember it’s your life and it’s your decision, so be sure that you’re the one who makes that decision!

Consider what you think you're good at.

It’s true that things like salary (薪水) are important, but you should also consider other aspects when choosing a career. Follow your heart and your personality —if you’re not very outgoing, don’t go for a sales job, even if the pay’s good. In the same way, if you don’t like work that needs lots of attention to detail, think long and hard before you decide to do something like engineering.

Your first job isn’t forever.

Some lucky people get it right first time — they choose a job, find they love it and stick at it. But it isn’t always like that, so remember —you’re allowed to change your mind! Certainly, it’s no good worrying for years: maybe you’ve got three or four possible things you’d like to do, so choose and try one — and if you don’t like it, try another one.

Do something of value.

Some people choose their career simply because they think they’ll make huge amounts of money. OK, if that’s what you want. But generally, people get more satisfaction out of their career if they feel they are doing something of value to others. It doesn’t have to be charity work—it could be a job that helps other people, like being a child-minder. Just don’t forget that job satisfaction isn’t only about money.

Title: How to choose a career


Possible Reasons

Making your own 【小题2】•Just 【小题3】 when other people tell you what to do.
•Don’t 【小题4】 that it is your life and it is you who make the decision.
Considering your advantages (优势)•Although the salary for a position is important, it isn’t the 【小题5】 thing you should consider when choosing a career.
•It’s important to 【小题6】 your heart and personality, especially your interest and your ability.
Allowing changing your mind•It’s 【小题7】 for some people to get a right career first time
•You are allowed to change your mind about your 【小题8】 again and again at any time in your life.
Doing something 【小题9】•Doing jobs that will get high salary is OK, but doing jobs that help 【小题10】 can bring more career satisfaction.

What Is Shyness?

Shyness means feeling a little scared (恐惧的) when you’re around other people. Everybody may feel shy sometimes.

But being shy isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s OK if it takes you a while to feel comfortable with new people and new situations. In fact, it can even be helpful to be a little shy. When you’re shy, you may spend a little more time observing (观察) things before jumping into them.

What Causes Shyness?

Some kids are born shy. Some weren’t shy as little kids, but it’s possible for them to be shy people. You might have learned to be shy because of experiences you’ve had at school or home. And sometimes you only feel shy for a short while, like the first time you get on a new school bus. This type of shyness often goes away after you get used to it.

Can Shyness Be Serious?

Sometimes, people become so shy that they are afraid to do simple things in life. Some people are so shy about meeting new people that they seldom go outside. Doctors can often help a person work through this kind of shyness.

If your shyness is keeping you from doing things you want to do, talk to someone about it. Parents, teachers, and doctors are all good people to turn to. Talking about your shyness might help you manage it. Your friends or parents may tell you that they, too, have the same shy feeling and what they do to feel less shy.

If you know someone who’s shy, try to help the person feel less nervous. Laughing will make your friend feel even more shy. The more time you spend with the person, the less shy he or she will feel around you.


What Is Shyness?It is a common feeling that you have when you are around other people. It means you are 【小题1】.
●It isn’t always bad. It’s normal to take a while before you feel comfortable with new people and situations.
●It is of some 【小题2】 because it stops you from jumping into something before observing the situation first.
What Causes Shyness?●Some are born shy and some learn it through some 【小题3】.
●Some shyness doesn’t last long.
Can Shyness Be Serious?●It can let people 【小题4】 to do simple things.
●You can take measures to manage to stop the feeling, like talking to others about it.
●Don’t laugh at those shy people. 【小题5】, spend more time with them.
