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“Do you want a hug?” the young man asked Ginny. He held a sign in his hand-Free Hugs! I looked around. There were other people with him. They all held their handmade signs high. The message was the same on all of them-Free Hugs!

“Sure!” Ginny smiled and walked up to him. She reached up, wrapped her arms around his neck, pulled him down to her level and hugged him with all the love she had in her heart. “Wow.” he said. “that is the best bug I've had all day !” “I'm a hugger,” Ginny smiled at him. He looked at me. “How about a hug?” he asked. “You got it!” I walked into his open arms. We held for a short time and parted. A young lady walked up and hugged Ginny. She turned to me, opened her arms and hugged me, too.

I felt warmth filling my heart. Ginny and I were going through hard times. Money was not enough and bill collectors called regularly. We were stressed and worried, but on that afternoon, for a moment, it was all forgotten.

Sometimes, a hug is all we need. “The Free Hugs Movement was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives,” said the young man. In an age short of human contact, the effects of the free hugs became more and more surprising. Without considering the differences of people's social positions, sexes, and jobs and so on, everyone gets equal care, greetings, smile and warmth from someone else. In fact, hugging is not the object of this activity. Instead, it is only one of the ways to express love to other people.

【小题1】What is the aim of the Free Hugs Movement?
A.To reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives.
B.To get warmth from other people so that we feel better.
C.To get to know more people and make friends with them.
D.To learn to love and care about only our family and our friends.
【小题2】What does the writer mean by saying “In an age short of human contact” in the 4th paragraph?
A.Now, it is a time when people never contact with each other.
B.Now, it is a time when people are too short to contact with each other.
C.Now, it is a time when people contact with each other in person more often.
D.Now, it is a time when people contact with each other in person less often.
【小题3】According the passage, which of the following statements is right?
A.Hugging is the only way we express love to other people.
B.Hugging is the final object of The Free Hugs Movement.
C.I felt warmth filling my heart after the young lady hugged me.
D.A young lady hugged Ginny and they soon became good friends.
【小题4】What does the writer think of a hug from others?
A.It's hard.B.It's silly.C.It's warm.D.It's worrying.
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A teenager’s(青少年的)dream of cleaning up the world’s oceans may soon come true.

Seven years ago, when Mike was a teenager, he was swimming in the ocean. He saw more rubbish in the water than fish. So for a school project, he made a plan to clean up the ocean.

In 2013, Mike formed a group called The Ocean Cleanup. It collected money to put Mike’s water clean-up plan into action. Two years later, Mike’s plan began.

In the ocean, there is a lot of floating rubbish. Mike’s group will clean it up by using a floating plastic tube(漂浮塑料管). The tube will go around the rubbish and trap(收集), waves and ocean currents will push the rubbish to the tube. A ship will pick up the rubbish and take it back to the coast to sort(分类)and recycle it.

There are 1.8 trillion pieces of rubbish in the area. Most of it is plastic, like bottles, bags and packaging. Plastic rubbish is very bad for birds and fish. They eat the rubbish and may become sick. The Ocean Cleanup says it will be able to clean up half of the rubbish in the area within five years. If this first project works well, The Ocean Cleanup hopes to launch as many as 60 more.

【小题1】Why did Mike make a plan to clean up the ocean? ________
A.Because he loved swimming in the ocean.
B.Because he saw there was too much rubbish in the ocean.
C.Because he needed to complete a school game.
D.Because he wanted to collect money.
【小题2】Mike’s group used ________ to trap the rubbish.
A.a tube
C.a ship
【小题3】Why is plastic rubbish bad for birds and fish? ________
A.Because they eat the rubbish and get sick.
B.Because they like eating plastic rubbish best.
C.Because it makes the sea clean.
D.Because it pollutes the land.
【小题4】What is the best title for the passage? ________
A.A Boy’s Project to Clean up the Ocean
B.The Use of the Plastic Tubes
C.The Danger of Rubbish in the Ocean
D.An Important School Project

“Make-A-Wish” is one of the world's most well-known charities(慈善机构) . It makes wishes come true for children who have serious illnesses. It gives them hope and joy and helps them forget about their health problems and have fun.

It all started in 1980 in Phoenix, Arizona. Christopher was a 7-year-old boy who was very sick. He always dreamed of becoming a police officer. Tommy Austin and Ron Cox, two police officers, made his wish come true. They gave Christopher a tour of the city in a police helicopter(直升飞机) and made a real police uniform(制服) for him.

There are four kinds of wishes children usually have:

I wish to go. Children usually want to travel or go to a concert, a game or a park.

I wish to meet. Children sometimes want to meet their favourite actors, singers or players.

I wish to be. Some children wish to become actors, singers or police officers.

I wish to have. They often want to have a computer, a game, a bike or many other things.

Let’s hope more wishes will come true in the future. People who work in the charity always try for the best. Almost 25 ,000 volunteers(志愿者) help, work or give money. Will you be one of them?

【小题1】"Make-A-Wish" is a charity to help _______.
A.sick childrenB.serious officers
C.famous actorsD.popular singers
【小题2】What did the two police officers do for Christopher?
A.They gave him a computer.B.They took him for a tour in a helicopter.
C.They took him to a wonderful concert.D.They took him to see a very good doctor.
【小题3】Which kind of wishes does Christopher have?
A.I wish to go.B.I wish to meet.
C.I wish to be.D.I wish to have.
【小题4】The purpose(目的) of the last paragraph(段落) is to _______.
A.explain what " Make-A-Wish" isB.encourage(鼓励) more people to join the charity
C.tell us how Christopher's wish came trueD.introduce different kinds of children's wishes

A neighbor called 911 at 11: 09 a.m. after seeing smoke coming from a house in the 165 block of 54th Street Southeast.

The man who lives in the home was able to get his older child and the family dog out of the house on fire. Just then Monroe police officers arrived. The father said his younger child was still on the upper level of the house but he didn’t know where.

Officers did a quick search of the house but couldn’t find the girl. One of them closed the door to the master bedroom, where the fire started, controlling it and slowing its spread. Firefighters arrived and after searching the closet and narrow beds in another bedroom, one firefighter noticed the closed toy box at the foot of the bed.

“She wasn’t making sounds,” later the firefighter said of the girl, whose exact age he didn’t know. “I opened it up and saw her. She was lying in the toy box just balled up.”

Firefighters got the girl outside, where she was examined by doctors and found to be fine. The fire was quickly put out. The police officer who managed to shut the master bedroom door was highly praised. And the girl’s father was so thankful to firefighters.

【小题1】How did the police officers know a child was still missing?
A.The neighbor called.B.The father told them.
C.The family dog jumped wildly.D.The child was making much noise.
【小题2】Why did the officer try to shut the master bedroom door?
A.To protect the toy box.B.To clear the way for firefighters.
C.To slow the fire’s spread.D.To keep fire from entering the master bedroom.
【小题3】Where was the girl found finally?
A.In a closet.B.Inside a toy box.
C.Behind a door.D.Under a narrow bed.
【小题4】What can be the best title for the text?
A.Calling 911B.A house on fireC.Saving a girl out of fireD.A thankful father
