阅读理解-单选 较难0.4 引用1 组卷53


Most kids learn how to count on their fingers. However, many people think finger-counting looks a little silly. As kids grow older, their teachers often tell them not to count using their fingers.

But these teachers may be wrong. Scientists now believe it is a great idea for children to count using their fingers. The habit is good for their math study. It’s not hard to see why. By using fingers, an abstract(抽象的)idea becomes easy to understand(理解). Kids then find it easier to work out difficult math problems.

In fact, there is an area in our brain called the “finger area”. In 2015, a group of US scientists made a study about the area. They found the “finger area” became active when students worked on math problems. This is true even when the students don’t use their fingers. If students are good at finger-counting in the first grade, they will be better at math in the second grade. The ability(能力)to count by using fingers can decide students’ future grades in math tests. Other studies also showed the finger use is good for math ability. For example, some scientists find pianists(钢琴家)are often good at math.

However, ________. That’s why few of them ask students to count on their fingers. Maybe it is time for people to have a new understanding of finger-counting. Teachers should help students of any age develop(开发)their “finger area” by using fingers.

【小题1】Why do many people tell older kids not to count on their fingers?
A.It is too easy.B.It looks a silly thing.
C.It is not good for their brain.D.It is not helpful for their math study.
【小题2】What do we know from the scientists’ study?
A.The finger use can’t help with math study.
B.Some pianists are good at music and sports.
C.The finger area is always active when students study.
D.Finger-counting helps students get good grades in math tests.
【小题3】Which of the following sentences can be put in the ________?
A.School teachers don’t think the finger use is important.
B.School teachers also think the finger use is useful.
C.Scientists think it’s easier to work out math problems by using fingers.
D.School teachers have no idea about the finger use.
【小题4】According to(根据)the last paragraph, the writer thinks the finger use is ________.
A.easy and funnyB.easy and useful
C.important and usefulD.boring and useless
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Navigation (导航) is an important ability for animals to find food and living places. Researchers in Israel have performed an experiment and found that goldfish are able to navigate on land after receiving around 10 driving lessons.

The experiment was led by a research team at the Ben-Gurion University. It was made to see whether goldfish could find their way in a very different environment. Researchers developed a robotic car that could drive forward, backward, and from side to side. They called the car a FOV — “Fish Operated Vehicle” (鱼驱动车). A goldfish was placed inside a water box on the FOV. Using a set of wheels with a camera system, the FOV recorded the fish’s movements and swimming directions, then moved in the same direction.

The scientists worked with six different goldfish. They placed the car in a small room with a pink target (目标) on one side. The fish would get food when the car touched the target. After a few days of training, the fish navigated to the target. At first, it took them about half an hour to drive to the target. But by the end of the experiment, they were able to complete the same task in less than a minute. Shachar Givon, one of the researchers said, “As anyone who has tried to learn how to ride a bike or to drive a car knows, it is challenging at first.”

Not only did the goldfish show that they could drive to the target, they weren’t fooled by false targets of other colors. They were also able to get free when the car hit a wall.

Although the fish may not have realized they were moving on land, these results show that a fish has the ability to navigate outside its natural environment of water. It can enrich scientific knowledge of animals’ navigation skills.

【小题1】Why did the researchers perform the goldfish experiment? To see if goldfish could ________.
A.find food and living placesB.navigate in a different environment
C.live in the land’s ecosystemD.ride a bike or drive a car like humans
【小题2】What do we know about the FOV?
A.It was placed inside a water box.B.It could control the fish’s directions.
C.It was driven by a camera system.D.It could follow the fish’s movements.
【小题3】The fish would get food as long as the car ________.
A.avoided hitting a wallB.moved in the small room freely
C.touched the pink targetD.touched the target of other colors
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.Scientists Put a Robotic Car to Good Use.B.Scientists Offer Goldfish Food and Lessons.
C.Scientists Teach Goldfish to Drive a Car on Land.D.Scientists Invent an Animal Navigation System.
【小题5】In which section (栏目) of a website may this passage appear?
A.Art and Culture.B.Wild Animals.C.Agriculture and Food.D.Animal Science.

Jorge and Maria Ramirez and their six-year-old son are smiling and laughing as they watch the baby giant panda. They are at a zoo as part of a large crowd watching the baby panda learning to walk. Why are people so attracted by the baby giant panda? Cuteness is the answer.

Experts say the things we describe as “cute” share several qualities(品质). What make something cute is different from what makes something beautiful. People often describe pandas as cute, but they don’t usually say they are beautiful. A butterfly, on the other hand, may be beautiful but not cute. While we tend(倾向于)to admire(欣赏) beautiful things, we do not tend to have the fondness for them that cute things inspire (激发) in us.

Scientists have discovered some key facial features and behaviors that cute things have in common. Two important features are a round face and bright eyes. The position of the eyes is also important: the eyes should at least appear to face forward and not be high on the face. There are also certain behaviors that cute things have in common, such as walking and moving arms, legs and wings unsteadily. Other important qualities of cuteness include youth, innocence(天真)and neediness, as well as being vulnerable(脆弱的)to possible harm or danger.

The baby panda, with its round face, big black eyes and unsteady movements, has all the key features which add up to being cute. Another popular creature that shares many of these cute qualities is the baby emperor penguin. And many of people’s pets can be described as cute.

Scientists believe there is an important reason why we are attracted to all these cute qualities. It is because human babies have all these qualities. They have round faces, bright eyes and unsteady movements. Human babies cannot get by without help from adults. Scientists point out that the cuteness of babies makes adults want to take care of them. This allows babies to survive(存活), become adults and have their own babies. This cycle ensures the human species continues.

Advertisers use the special attraction of cute things in their attempts(企图,尝试) to get us to buy their products. In Japan, for example, one of the most popular images is Hello Kitty. Many cartoon animal characters have round faces and large, bright eyes that face forward. In the real world, ducks and mice do not have round faces, and their small eyes are on the side of their heads.

The Ramirez family is not aware (意识到的) of all of this. For now, they are too busy taking pictures and admiring the baby panda.

【小题1】Why does the writer talk about the Ramirez family in the first paragraph?
A.To give an example of cuteness.B.To bring readers close to the topic.
C.To give readers some idea of admiration.D.To develop the main view of the passage.
【小题2】From the passage, we can learn that being cute ________.
A.changes people’s facial featuresB.inspires people to give their help
C.inspires people in dangerous situationsD.shares the same qualities with being beautiful
【小题3】Which of the following is one most important cute quality?
A.Beautiful eyes.B.Friendly to people.C.Newly born.D.Unsteady movement.
【小题4】Which is the best title of the passage?
A.Being Cute to SurviveB.Cute and Beautiful
C.Feature of Cute AnimalsD.Making Babies Cute

On January 15th, an underwater volcano erupted (爆发) violently in Tonga, an island nation in the South Pacific. It was among the world’s largest volcanic eruptions in the past 30 years, said New Zealand volcano expert Shane Cronin.

The explosion of the eruption was heard more than 2, 000 kilometers away, in New Zealand, and changes in air pressure were felt in the southeastern coast of China, Japan, and even on the west coast of the United States.

The eruption lasted 10 minutes and sent a huge mushroom cloud of smoke and gas 20 kilometers into the air. Rock dust and ash fell from the sky in the Tonga capital, Nuku’alofa, and phone connections were down and the whole city was cut off.

A 50-feet-high tsunami (海啸) was produced across the Pacific Ocean and hit Hawaii, Japan, and Nuku’alofa. The tsunami surprised scientists because most were caused by large, undersea earthquakes that spread across large areas. However, the Tonga eruption was only one small area in the ocean.

So why was the eruption so big? __________

Most people think of mountains when they think of volcanoes. But not every mountain is a volcano. A volcano is simply the opening in the earth from which the magma (岩浆) escapes. Magma is the melted (熔化的) rock deep down the earth. When the magma is under enough pressure, it breaks out to the surface through cracks (裂缝). These cracks are volcanoes. When the hot magma cools, it builds up on the surface of the earth. Over thousands of years, it can grow very, very big. For example, the highest mountain in Africa, Kilimanjaro, is a volcano. It rises more than 16, 000 feet above the ground around it.

Shane Cronin said the eruption in Tonga may be driven by a plate (板块) movement, which made the magma inside under huge pressure. The main part of the volcano is about 200 meters below the sea. When it exploded, sea water got in and it turned to steam (水蒸气). This added to the energy of the explosion. The volcano was in fact two combined together by the ashes from 2014 eruption. so the explosion seemed doubled when the below part collapsed during the plate movement.

【小题1】The eruption led to the problems EXCEPT __________.
A.changing the air pressure in some cities of USAB.making people in Nuku’alofa lose phone connection
C.causing an earthquake in Tonga’s capital cityD.causing a high wave around Hawaii island
【小题2】Which of the following sentences can be put in the __________.
A.Before that, you should know what a volcano is.
B.If you know where Tonga is, the answer will be easy.
C.The main reasons can be found in other volcano eruptions.
D.The volcano is one of the most frightening things of nature.
【小题3】The structure of the passage may be __________.
【小题4】The best title for the passage would be _________.
A.The Damage and Causes of Tonga Volcano Eruption
B.Tonga Volcano Eruption Led to Air Pressure Change
C.Tonga Volcano Eruption Teaches a Lesson on Environment
D.The Huge Influence of Tonga Volcano Eruption on Environment
