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Do you like running? Do you know FUN RUN (夜跑)? Today in China, young people make friends on QQ or Wechat (微信), and then they get together to run in the evening. It’s a new sport.

FUN RUN is good for you. First, running can help you to be healthy. Second, it’s easy and cheap to run. You need not buy any sports equipment(设备). And in the evening, you can run in a park, in the school or just on a street. At last, many people are very busy working or studying every day, so they don’t have free time to do sports in the day. In the evening, they have much time to run.

Here are some important things for you when you want to have FUN RUN.

1. Wear a pair of sports shoes.

2. Listen to music if you think it’s boring to run.

3. Drink some water after running.

4. Don’t run alone(单独). It’s very important.

【小题1】How do young people make friends in china today?
【小题2】What do you buy when you want to FUN RUN?
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【小题1】 Alice is from Heilongjiang. She is fond of skating and skiing. She often skates and skis with her friends if she has chances. So she likes cold and snowy days best of all.

【小题2】 Tom is 15 years old. His favorite sport is swimming. But he hates cold weather because he can't swim too much in cold days. So he wishes he could live in summer every day.

【小题3】 Lily is interested in playing chess. She often plays it with her grandfather at home. But to her surprise, she can play it better in rainy days than in sunny days.

【小题4】 Wade is a mountain-climbing lover. He organizes a mountain­climbing club and they often go out to climb mountains on weekends. So he likes sunny days best of all.

【小题5】 Sam is a middle school student. His father often takes him to People's Park to fly kites. Now he likes this sport very much. He often makes kites himself and flies them in the park when the wind is OK.

A. It's rainy today. Many people don't like rainy days because they can't do sports outside, especially when it thunders. So, as rainy days come to you, you'd better do sports inside.

B. Our city will have a cloudy day tomorrow. It will be rainy at times. There will be a strong wind. The day after tomorrow will be sunny.

C. It's sunny today. And the weather is neither too cold nor too hot. It's the best day for people to climb a mountain or have BBQ somewhere. Just go out to enjoy yourself.

D. It's the coldest day of this year. It snows so hard that the earth is all white and covered with deep snow. The buses and cars go on the road slowly and carefully.

E. Summer is coming. The weather gets hotter and hotter. Everyday you need to drink a lot of water. Of course the most popular sport in summer is swimming because you will feel cool in the swimming pool.

F. You don't have to be a weatherman to tell people about the weather. If you notice the animals, the sky and the world around, you can guess weather on your own.

G. It's cloudy today and the wind is not very strong. It's a good time for people to fly kites outside and you don't need to worry that the sun will hurt you.


Audience Etiquette During Sports Games

Many people would like to watch sports games. First, you need to know about audience etiquette (观众礼仪) .

Most sports games have rules for the audience written on the back of the tickets. Read your ticket carefully before you arrive. Try to reach your seat half an hour before the start of the event and don’t leave when a game is in progress. When you leave, remember to take away your soft drink bottles and other rubbish.

During exciting games, try to control yourself. Don’t criticize (批评) the performance of players and coaches. Be careful with your words and behavior, since some may cause anger among other people in the audience.

Clapping (鼓掌) is a special form of body language you can use to communicate with players, but you should do it properly. When players first appear, clap your hands together to welcome them, but don’t go on for too long. After an excellent performance, clap warmly. If someone fails, your clapping will help encourage them. Clapping is not welcome, however, when players need to keep their attention.       

Different sports have different rules for the audience. Enjoy gymnastics (体操) silently. But lots of cheers can help basketball and football players. When you watch table tennis games, flash is not allowed. Mobile phones are not allowed in shooting centers.

To behave well, you should spend time learning the game rules and related culture of each event.

Audience Etiquette

Before sports games●Arrive half an hour 【小题1】 than the start of the event.

【小题2】 sports games

●Be careful with your words and behavior.
●Clap your hands 【小题3】.

※Clap your hands to welcome and encourage the players.

   ※Clapping is not welcome when players need to keep attention.

【小题4】 are good for basketball and football players.
●Flash is not allowed in table tennis games and mobile phones are not allowed in shooting centers.
After sports games●Take away soft drink bottles and rubbish after you leave.
