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Venice is considered to be one of the most【小题1】(beauty)cities in the world. It has been known as the "City of Canals(运河), "City of Bridges" and" City of Water". The city is made up of about 100【小题2】(island), 150 canals, and 400 bridges. There【小题3】(be)no roads in the city, so there are no cars. The only forms of transportation(交通)are on water and【小题4】foot. There are roads, a train station, 【小题5】an airport at the edge(边缘)of the city. One of the famous symbols of Venice is a "gondola(平底船)". Gondolas are still used today, though【小题6】(main)by tourists. All Venice gondolas are painted black-it was a law that was passed in the【小题7】(sixteen)century. Most Venetians travel by water buses called "vaporetti". Venice has one of the world's most famous bridges【小题8】(call)the Rialto Bridge, built in 1591.

Venezuela, a county in South【小题9】(American), means "little Venice". This is because the early European visitors to Venezuela first met the local people who lived in homes built over the water, reminding【小题10】(they)of Venice.

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