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Every English learner needs to know how to ask for something in English. There are a number of ways to do this. If you know someone has something, you can ask for it with a polite question. If you don’t know, it’s possible to ask for something with a yes or no question. Be careful not to use the direct expressions. In other words, don’t say “Give me that”, but ask kindly as the following examples, “Do you have a pen I could borrow?” “Is there any wine?” “Did you buy any bread?”

If you know or see someone has something, ask a polite question with “could”, “may” or “might”. It’s also possible to use “can” in some special situations. In the past, “can” was not used when people asked for something, but meant ability. In the UK, people mainly use “Can you lend me…?” or “Can I have…?” In the US, this is still considered to be wrong and “May I have…?” is preferred.

It’s common to use “Could you lend/hand/give…?” You can also use: “May/Can I borrow…?” “Could/Can you lend me…?” “May I have…?” “Could you hand/give me…?” Do not begin a sentence with “please”, but you can add “please” at the end of the sentence to be polite.

【小题1】What can we ask if we know someone has something?
A.A direct question.B.A no question.
C.A yes question.D.A polite question.
【小题2】What can Lucy say politely if she wants some coffee?
A.Pass me some coffee.
B.Is there any coffee?
C.Give me some coffee.
D.Take some coffee to me.
【小题3】What didn’t people say when they wanted something politely in the past?
A.Can I use your dictionary?
B.Could you lend me your bike?
C.May I try your computer now?
D.Might I take your car today?
【小题4】Which of the following is a correct polite expression according to the passage?
A.Do you give me any milk, please?
B.Please could you lend me your ruler?
C.May I have some tea, please?
D.Please could you hand me a knife?
【小题5】What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.How to express or ask politely.
B.What to do when we are polite.
C.How to describe our ideas.
D.What to do with our language problems.
知识点:合作与交流语言与文化说明文细节理解主旨大意推理判断 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Being polite is an important social skill. It can help you make friends, succeed professionally and show respect.

Greet people politely. You can be polite by offering a proper greeting. 【小题1】. It shows that you are in good spirits and are happy to see him. Also, shake hands to show respect.

Make small talks. Instead of jumping right into business. 【小题2】. Talk about their lunch, their kids or their day. Listen carefully and pay attention to what they are saying to you. Show them you’re interested by asking questions.

Congratulate other people on their successes. 【小题3】. If you meet a friend in the store who has recently graduated, gotten married, or gotten a new job, congratulate him.

【小题4】. Some topics can make people uncomfortable. You might hurt other people’s feelings if you talk about them. Try to keep your conversation in the pleasant areas.

Make eye contact (接触). When in conversation with someone, look them in the eye when you’re speaking. Keeping eye contact shows that you are paying attention. However, don’t stare at people. 【小题5】.

A.Recognize (意识到) uncomfortable topics
B.Remember to say “please” and “Thank you”
C.You can make small talks first
D.When others do well, offer them your praise
E.When first meeting or greeting someone, give him a warm smile
F.Break eye contact sometimes to avoid staring

① As an old saying goes, “Laughter is the best medicine.” It’s true that laughter is really good for our health. So, the next time you feel stressed, try to laugh a lot. Develop a sense of humor and watch funny films.

② The Comic Relief charity, an organization that helps people in need, uses laughter to raise money. Every two years in spring, many English people put on a red nose, make a fool of themselves and do “silly” things to make themselves and others laugh. Examples of silly things you can do are:

③ Invite friends around to your house to watch funny films. They have to pay to watch the films—those with the most comfortable chairs pay more—and for food and drinks.

④ Hold a talent show at school and ask your friends and teachers to sing, dance or tell jokes. Sell tickets for the show to the rest of the school.

⑤ Have a red nose party at your house. All your friends come dressed in red—including a red nose—and you serve red food and drinks. If they don’t wear red clothes, they will have to pay a fine.

⑥ Get the students in your school to make funny sculptures (雕塑),using all kinds of materials. Sell tickets for your Red Nose Day exhibition and part of the money goes to Comic Relief.

⑦ The organization has helped people for more than 20 years. And how much have they collected since the first Red Nose Day? Over £600 million! The idea of Red Nose Day has traveled to other countries, too. In New Zealand, for example, people have made big red noses which they put on the front of cars and even buildings.

⑧ So you can try to laugh a lot and develop the habit of a sense of humor to bring people and yourselves more happiness.

【小题1】What does the Comic Relief charity use to raise money?
【小题2】How often do many English people do “silly” things to make themselves and others laugh?
A.Every two years in spring.B.Every two years in autumn.
C.Every three years in spring.D.Every three years in autumn.
【小题3】If we put the passage into three parts, which of the following is the best?
(①=Paragraph1 ②=Paragraph2 ③=Paragraph3 ④=Paragraph4 ⑤=Paragraph5 ⑥=Paragraph 6   ⑦=Paragraph 7   ⑧=Paragraph 8)
A.①②; ③④⑤⑥; ⑦⑧B.①②; ③④⑤⑥⑦; ⑧
C.①; ②③④⑤⑥⑦; ⑧D.①; ②③④⑤⑥; ⑦⑧
【小题4】What’s the best title of the passage?
A.The Power of HumorB.A Red Nose
C.Making MoneyD.The Best Medicine

New high school students in the US have more to worry about than their tests. Often, high schools are up to 10 times larger than middle schools! 【小题1】

In the past, American kids knew that high school would bring bullying( 霸 凌 ) from older students. Young students felt lonely and down.

【小题2】Schools are creating “teams” to make students feel welcome. Teams are made up of a few students from each grade. Teachers choose team leaders to act as role models(榜样). Within a team, older, students protect and advise the younger students, who will do the same for others later. The teams stay together for all four years of school. Some teams even create their own flags! At orientation (新生训练), students get to know the members of their team. 【小题3】 During orientation, experts guide students through “trust games”. In one popular game, a student is blindfolded(蒙起眼睛的) and led by a partner through some obstacles (障碍物). In this game, students have to find out about the interests and hobbies of their teammates.

Students can go to their team members with questions, problems and even friendship. 【小题4】

A.This way, high school doesn’t seem so scary.
B.Students become small fish in a very big pond.
C.These activities help students get close to each other.
D.Orientation may go on for as long as one week.
E.Nowadays, things are improving.
