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The world is a beautiful place in our eyes. But does it look the same through the eyes of animals?

Dogs can't see as many colors as we can.They can see blues, browns and yellows. They have fewer color detecting cells(色彩感知细胞)than humans do.

Spiders have eight pairs of eyes They can see more colors than humans. They can see ultraviolet light(紫外线).So they see things clearer than we do,Rats can move one eye in different directions while the other eye stops moving. It is to see their enemies better. They can't see many colors. It' s not necessary because they mainly come out at night, They are good at seeing bright light.

Horses have eyes on either side of their head.So they see wider than humans. They have a blind spot(盲点)in front of their nose.They can't see as many colors as humans do. They can see greens and blues,but most of the time they see grays.

【小题1】What colors can dogs see?(不超过9个词)_____
【小题2】How many eyes does a spider have?(不超过8个词)_____
【小题3】When do rats mainly come out?(不超过8个词)_____
【小题4】Why do horses see wider than humans?(不超过12 个词)_____
【小题5】Which topic is better "World through animals' eyes" or "Different kinds of animals"?(不超过8个词)_____
知识点:常见动物科普知识说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Do you know what birds use to build their nests? You may say that birds usually build their nests with sticks, leaves or grass. But do you know that birds are also building their nests with rubbish these years? The rubbish includes cigarette butts (烟头) and plastic bags.

A group of European scientists looked into about 35,000 studies on bird nests.

They found that birds have used man-made things in nests almost everywhere on Earth except Antarctica.

Some rubbish seems to be helpful. This is why birds “like” putting it in their nests. For example, cigarette butts have special smell, so they can keep insects away and protect the baby birds. Plastic bags are useful in keeping the animals warm, and other hard things, such as paper cards, can make nests stronger.

However, in the end, human rubbish may only bring more harm to birds. The toxic (有毒的) chemicals in cigarettes hurt the baby birds. They may get sick or have shorter lives, according to a study. What’s worse, if the cigarette still burns when the bird brings it back to its home, it may set fire to the nest. Pieces of fishing net may also trap birds, and it’s impossible for them to get out by themselves. If the baby birds eat other kinds of rubbish by accident, they will also get hurt. Our bird friends in the air are feeling the bad impacts of humans polluting the environment.

【小题1】The writer leads into the topic by __________.
【小题2】Birds “like” putting some rubbish in their nests because they think __________.
【小题3】The third paragraph mainly talks about __________.
【小题4】The underlined word “it” refers to “__________”.
【小题5】The English word “__________” means “影响” in the passage.

Most bees are brown, hairy and 8 to 22 millimeters long. Bees live as part of a large family. Over 25 000 kinds have been found. Honey bees are more common than any other bees.

Honey bees always live in groups called hives (蜂群). Each hive has a queen drones (雄蜂) workers (工蜂). Like a human society, each bee in a hive knows its own job.

The queen is the largest bee. She doesn’t go out to work but lay eggs. Sometimes a queen can 3,000 eggs in a day.

Drones do not collect food from flowers. They are the queens husbands. When there’s not much food, queens often kick drones out of the hive.

Workers are the smallest and busiest bees. A colony (种群) can have 50,000 to 60,000 workers. They collect food for the queen and babies. They guard the hive and help keep it cool by fanning (飘动) their wings. A worker only lives for 28 to 35 days.

To collect a pound of honey, a bee may have to fly a long way. Sometimes it is equivalent to (相当于) twice around the world. Bees have to visit more than 10,000 flowers to make a pound of honey.

The title: Introduction of bees

General introduction

★ Bees live as part of 【小题1】.

★ Among over 25,000 kinds, honey bees are 【小题2】.

About the queen

★ She is the larges bee.

★ Her job is to 【小题3】.

About drones

★ They are the queen’s husbands.

★ When there’s not much food, drones are often 【小题4】the hive.

About workers

★ A worker spends all his life 【小题5】 for the queen and babies.

★ Bees have to visit over 10,000 flowers to make a pound of honey.
