任务型阅读-多任务混合 较难0.4 引用1 组卷56

Why are some animals popular while others are so unpopular? In the natural world, every animal has its place and purpose. However, people do not always realize it. For example, it’s a common misunderstanding that snakes are dangerous and will attack (攻击) humans for no reason. In fact, almost all snakes prefer to run away or hide A they’re attacked first.

Snakes aren’t the only animals that are misunderstood. People think that cockroaches (蟑螂) are dirty and like to hide in dark places. In fact, cockroaches usually clean themselves as much as cats do. They prefer to live in clean places. They have to hide wherever they can make sure to live. Luckily, they are very hard to die out. They were here on the planet B humans appeared, and they’ll probably be here after we’re gone!

Wasps (黄蜂) also have a bad fame. Many people hate wasps because they believe that wasps sting (叮) humans at a moment’s notice. Actually, most wasps don’t sting at all. Those that do sting are generally protecting their young, or reacting to humans who shout or wave their hands at the wasps.

Should we care about these misunderstood animals? Yes, we should! Every animal species plays an important role in the ecosystem (生态系统). Some help control other pest populations. Some are useful for medical research. Even misunderstood animals are necessary, because in many ways they’re good to humans.

【小题1】Fill in each blank with one word. (根据对文章的理解,A、B处各填一词) A____; B______
【小题2】What do people think of cockroaches? (请根据短文内容回答问题)


【小题3】What are the benefits of animals? Give two examples.(列举动物的两个好处)



【小题4】Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. (请将文中划线句子翻译成汉语) _________________________________________________________
【小题5】What is the text mainly about? (No more than 10 words)(请根据短文内容回答问题,10词内) ________________________________________________________
知识点:常见动物说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
Read the following article and answer the questions.

Marine Turtles

[1] Marine turtles travel the world’s oceans today, as they have done for around 100 million years, but they have never faced so many threats to their survival as they do now. Despite being determined ocean travellers, turtles need to come ashore to nest and lay their eggs. Although many of the sandy beaches they prefer are protected from poachers, climate change is warming up the sand, and there is evidence that this is changing the sex of some unborn turtles.

[2] At sea, turtles have always faced natural predators, such as large sharks, but they now face an increasing number of threats from man. The reptiles are hunted for their skin, meat and distinctive shells. Additionally, they can become entangled in fishing gear or struck by ships, as they swim close to the surface of the water. Marine turtles must surface to breathe — if not they will drown.

[3] Young turtles migrating between feeding areas can cover thousands of miles. Environmental charities claim that turtles contribute to marine ecosystems wherever they go, by keeping sea grass beds and coral reefs healthy. Without their feeding, marine vegetation can become overgrown and sickly, leading to the suffering of other species.

[4] Sadly, all seven species of marine turtle are in danger of extinction. Hawksbill and leatherback turtles are among the most famous varieties. Hawksbill turtles are much sought after for their beautiful brown and yellow shells that are used to manufacture tortoiseshell items. Leatherback turtles are killed in some places for their meat and precious eggs.

[5] As marine turtles risk their lives to come onto land to lay their eggs, the odds seems tacked against them. The length of time required to reach maturity and the many natural dangers they face mean that as few as one in 1000 eggs will survive to adulthood. However, environmentalists are working hard to help these hard-headed survivors by protecting beaches. They have also designed turtle-friendly fishing nets successfully and tracking their immense journeys by satellite has helped ships to avoid them.

【小题1】Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1) According to Paragraph 1, which two problems do marine turtles face when they nest and lay their eggs on sandy beaches?
2) What natural products are marine turtles hunted for by humans? Give two examples.
3) According to Paragraph 3, how do marine turtles help to protect marine ecosystem?
【小题2】Decide whether the following statements are True (T), False (F) or the information is Not Given (NG).
4) ________ Marine turtles stay in one place for most of their lives.
5) ________ Sharks sometimes eat turtles.
6) ________ Hawksbill turtles are more common than leatherbacks.
【小题3】Find ONE word from the article having the most similar meaning to each of the following words.
7) unique (Paragraph 2) ________
8) produce (Paragraph 4) ________
【小题4】Some words are underlined in the article. Write down what they refer to.
9) they (line 1) ________
10) this (line 4) ________
11) their (line 14) ________
12) they (line 18) ________
【小题5】According to Paragraph 10, complete the table below about dangers to marine turtles and solutions to the problems. Fill in each blank with ONE word only.
Man-made DangersMan-made Solutions
________ taken from sandy beachesProtect beaches
Marine turtles caught in fishing netsDesign ________ fishing nets
Being struck by shipsSatellite ________
Animals grow up in different ways. They have lots of lessons to learn.
Some animals are born weak but their mothers protect them. A newborn kangaroo is the s       of a bee. She stays in her mother’s safe pouch(小袋).(2)She doesn’t open her eyes for at least five months.
A newborn monkey cannot walk. His mother carries him.   Other baby animals can walk soon after they’re born. They learn to run with their mother when danger is near. A baby zebra can run an hour after she is born.
Some baby animals are born in a place that is safe. Other baby animals are born in the open air. Baby wolves are born in large holes. A baby elephant is born on open, grassy land. Other elephants in the group make a circle (圈) to protect her.
Some animals drink their mothers’ milk. They are called mammals (哺乳动物). A mother bear’s milk is fatty and rich. Baby bears need lots of fat from the milk to keep warm in winter. They have milk for six months. Baby zebras drink milk for six months or more! As baby animals grow they need solid (固体的) food. Baby lions eat w their mother can catch.
【小题1】在空白处填入适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺:____________   ____________
How many kinds of animals are mentioned(提及到) in the short passage?
【小题4】在文中画出与下列句子意思相近的句子: Other elephants in the group stay around the baby to protect her .
阅读下面短文,客观题请从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Emperor penguins are the largest penguins on the earth. The largest emperor penguin is over a meter tall and up to 40 kilograms heavy.

For many months each year, emperors live near the sea in large groups called colonies. However, in May, the weather gets colder and ice covers large part of the sea. Each colony moves many kilometers from the water. There, each mother penguin lays just one egg. Then all the hungry mothers must walk back to the sea to find food. The father penguins put their eggs on top of their feet, under a special piece of skin called the brood pouch.

Working together

For two months, the father penguins keep the eggs safe and warm. They do this through some of the coldest weather on Earth. By July, it is winter in Antarctica. Most animals leave for warmer places, but the father penguins stay. In this time, without food, a father penguin can lose almost half of his body weight, so he is thinner.

New Life

By August, the babies begin to hatch. The mother penguin returns just in time to see her baby come out of its egg. The chick is then moved to her brood pouch. This can be difficult. If the chick falls, it may freeze quickly because of the really cold weather, so the penguin parents must be very careful. Once the chick goes into its mother’s brood pouch, the father penguin can go back to the sea to find food.

Growing up

Over the next few months, penguin parents take turns going to the sea for food. They each make the trip over a few times, bringing back food for the chick. The chick grows quickly and is always hungry.

Into the Water

By December, winter is ending. The chick is five months old and can live by itself. Soon it goes into the water for the first time. It will swim and eat. By next April, it goes back here. After a few more years, it, too, will start its own family.

【小题1】The underlined word “hatch” in Paragraph 4 means ________.
A.pushing out from its bodyB.putting the egg on top of its feet
C.coming out of an eggD.moving to the brood pouch
【小题2】What may happen if the chick falls onto the ice?
A.Mother penguin will feed it.
B.The chick will die because of the cold.
C.Father penguin will play with it.
D.The chick will sleep on the snow.
【小题3】The best title for this passage would be ________.
A.How Emperor Penguins Find Food
B.Emperor Penguins and Cold Weather
C.Different Kinds of Penguins
D.How Emperor Penguins Look After Babies
【小题4】How does Father penguin help during the growing of the baby penguin?(40-50 words)
