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During the outbreak of COVID-19, Chinese students use online software to continue their studies. Apart from anxiety, the novel coronavirus outbreak has also brought opportunities for some industries and changes to our lifestyles. According to the market research company International Data Corp, praises and applauds(掌声) are given to high-tech applications like 5G. New mode for various online activities, like remote offices. Online education, and unmanned commerce(商业)and services, has also come to light. Months of staying at home have changed our lifestyles. Online activities have boomed(急速发展)during the epidemic, from telecommuting(远程办公)and online education to online shopping and remote medical services. For employees, especially white-collar workers, telecommuting tools such as video conferences and online office software make working from home more feasible. According to China Daily, Alibaba's al-in-one mobile workplace DingTalk has served more than 10 million enterprises(企业)and over 200 million people. Tencent Meeting can provide free use for over 300 participants per audio or video conference.

Meanwhile, like DingTalk, many apps have been used by students and their teachers for online classes. "Cloud platforms" have also been provided by the Ministry of Education as an approach to continuing education among students across the country.

Internet companies, such as NetEase, recently opened a full chain of contactless recruitment(招募)through online resume submission(提交)and online interviews. The candidates(候选人)can also sign contracts(合同), attend training workshops, and even begin work over the internet.

Many museums and galleries in China have also been closed to visitors, but they have launched various online exhibitions to provide a creative touring experience for the country's vast number of stay-at-home visitors.

To help prevent possible cross-infection(交叉感染)during the fight against the novel coronavirus, virtual(虚拟的)hospitals have been established. For instance, the Tianjin Medical University General Internet Hospital has rolled out(开展)a series of services, including online inquiry(问诊), online prescribing(开处方)and drug delivery.

According to Raymond Wang, partner at global consultancy firm Roland Berger, the outbreak has further proved the importance of the internet and digital economy. He said that the outbreak would improve social efficiency and the digital economy, remote working, and online education. "This is also a big opportunity for China's technology and business model innovation(创新)—the foundations of the digital economy, " he added.

【小题1】What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?
A.A survey from the market research company International Data Corp.
B.Praises and applauds are given to high-tech applications like 5G.
C.Remote offices, online education, and unmanned commerce(商业) and services are booming.
D.Some chances and changes in our life and business after the novel coronavirus outbreak.
【小题2】What does the underlined word "feasible" in Paragraph 2 mean?
【小题3】What does the article tell us about the work in different fields?
A.NetEase has received the highest number of resumes ever this year.
B.Many museums and galleries have held online exhibitions.
C.Virtual hospitals have worked more efficiently than physical hospitals.
D.Software companies have made a lot more money recently.
【小题4】What did Raymond Wang think of China's digital economy?
A.He is doubtful about its future in China.
B.He criticizes us for our heavy dependence on it.
C.Its value has been recognized during the fight against the virus.
D.There are many factors in the way of its development.
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If you are looking for a creative solution to a piece of work or a school assignment, don’t lock yourself up in a quiet room.

A new study shows that moderate background noise is a better motivation to creative thinking than the sound of silence, a well-known magazine reported.

A paper published in the Journal of Consumer Research says that the perfect working environment should buzz (嗡嗡作响)   with a little noise.

Researchers found that test subjects were at their most creative state when background noise was measured a 70 decibels, the level one might find in a busy coffee shop.

A nearly silent environment (50 decibels)   was too quiet. Turning up the volume to 85 decibels   (a jackhammer tearing up the pavement outside your building)   had an opposite effect—the noise became a distraction (分散注意力) .

The researchers asked 65 students at the University of British Columbia, Canada, to perform various creative tasks while noises recorded at a roadside restaurant were played in the background.

In one experiment, scientists asked participants to brainstorm ideas for a new type of mattress (气垫). Test subjects had the most successful discussions when the noise in the background was noticeable but not too loud.

While a quiet environment may make it easier to read a book, the authors of the study say that moderate background noise creates just enough of a distraction to force people to think more imaginatively without breaking their focus so completely that they can’t think at all.

Should we all head for Starbucks to get creative? Not necessarily.

Researchers found limited work time surrounded by the low-level noise of a coffeehouse is what really stimulates creativity.

Equally, working in a café environment isn’t good for everybody. The productivity boost (提高) was most obvious among those who were naturally creative to begin with.

【小题1】What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.The less noise, the better state of study.
B.Noise is no bad thing at any time.
C.Noise in the coffeehouse is enjoyable.
D.Moderate noise helps creativity.
【小题2】The recommended level of background noise is ________.
A.50 decibelsB.65 decibelsC.70 decibelsD.85 decibels
【小题3】The underline word “stimulate” can be replaced by ________.
【小题4】According to the last three paragraphs, ________.
A.the low-level noise of a coffeehouse may be too loud for people to work with
B.if a person is not a creative type, then background noise is of no help to them
C.a person’s own creativity ability is as important as the environment they are in
D.working in a coffeehouse is creative for most people

It is hard to know what babies want. They can’t talk, walk or even point at what they are thinking about.

However, new-born babies begin to develop language skills long before they begin speaking. And compared to adults,they develop these skills more quickly. People have a hard time learning new languages as they grow older, but babies have the ability to learn any language easily.

For a long time,scientists have tried to explain how such young children can learn difficult grammatical rules and sounds of a language. Now, researchers are getting a better idea of what is happening in the brains the young language learners.The new information might help kids with learning problems as well as adults who want to learn new languages. It might even help scientists who are trying to design computers that can communicate as humans do.

Most babies say “goo goo” and “ma ma” by 6 months of age, and most children speak in full sentences by age 3. For years, scientists have wondered how the brains of young children find out how to communicate by using languages .With help from new technologies,scientists are now discovering that babies begin life with the ability to learn any language. They get into touch with other people,listen to what they say and watch their movements very closely. That is why they quickly master the languages they hear the most often.

Studies show that ,up to about 6 months of age,babies can learn all the sounds that make up all the languages in the world. Starting at around 6 months, a baby’s brain focuses on the most common sounds it hears. Then,children begin to reply only to the sounds of the languages they hear the most.

In a similar way older people recognize the patterns that make up the rules of their native language. In English,for example,children who are about 18 months old start that words which end up with “-ing” or“-ed” are usually verbs and that verbs are action words.

【小题1】Scientists have been trying to find out why________________________.
A.adults have great trouble learning new languages
B.babies can master difficult grammatical rules of a language
C.babies make different sounds of a language slowly
D.newborns learn to communicate with adults without words
【小题2】The researchers find that babies learn a language mainly by__________________.
A.repeating the words of other people.
B.remembering full sentences they hear,
C.listening and closely watching others speak
D.finding out the meanings of different sounds.
【小题3】What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?
A.A 6-month-old baby can learn all the sounds of a language.
B.Verbs in a language attract the most attention of a baby.
C.Babies focuses more on the sentence patterns they often hear.
D.Babies organize the patterns earlier than the sounds in a language.

Every time you turn on the television or take a ride in a car, you could be adding to a problem called acid rain(酸雨). In this article, you’ll learn how acid is created, and how it affects us, and more importantly, what we all can do to prevent it.

How is acid rain created?

When people use fuels(燃料), such as coal and gasoline, poisonous gases are give off. When these gases mix with rain, acid rain forms. Many power stations burn fuels in order to creat the electricity(电) that we use in our homes and offices every day. Cars and trucks also send these gases into the air when they burn gasoline .When rain mixes with these gases, harmful things called acids form. This is acid rain.

How does acid rain affect us?

Acid rain damages(毁坏)everything that it touches. It poisons our rivers, ponds, lakes, and oceans along with all the life in them. It pollutes our soil and crops, harms trees, and can even kill fish and plants. Acid rain also eats away at buildings.

How can we prevent acid rain?

We need to cut down on the pollution that gets into our air. Turn off lights, television, and other electrical appliances if you are not using them, Walk or take a bike whenever possible. If you are travelling a long distance, take a bus or train to save fuel.

As research shows, acid rain harms our environment. But people everywhere can take small steps now to help protect our environment for future generations.

【小题1】When power stations burn fuel, _______.
A.acid rain formB.air pollution is caused
C.noise pollution is causedD.acid rain gets heavier
【小题2】According to the article, acid rain affects us _______.
【小题3】What advice does the article give us?
A.Go to school on foot or by bike if we can.
B.Go to bed earlier in order to use less electricity.
C.Travel by bus to prevent acid rain.
D.Turn off the television on rainy days.
【小题4】What is the best title of the article?
A.Preventing Acid RainB.Forming of Acid Rain
C.Acid rain, Heavy RainD.Acid Rain, Killer Rain
