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Five years ago, my father and I had a serious disagreement. But we haven't _______ it since then. We avoid seeing each other _______ we had to at Christmas or other family gatherings. But even then, we hardly spoke to each other.

So last Tuesday, when I got home, I _______ myself I was going to tell my father I loved him. It's strange, but just making that _______ seemed to lift a heavy storm off my chest.

I was so _______ that I could hardly sleep during the night. The next morning I went to _______ early. At 9:00 in the morning, I called my dad to ask _______ I could come over after work. He _______.

At 5:30 in the afternoon I was at my parents' house ringing the _______, praying that dad would ________ the door. I was afraid if mum answered that I would ________ and tell her ________. Luckily, Dad did answer the door.

I didn't ________ any time—I took one step in the door and said, "Dad, I just came over to tell you that I love you."

Believe it or not, it seemed like a magic. Before my eyes, my father's face softened, the wrinkles (皱纹) seemed to ________ and he began to cry. He hugged me and said excitedly, "I LOVE YOU too, my dear son, but I've ________ been able to say it." Seeing this unforgettable sight, Mom walked by with tears in her eyes.

So my message to all of you is this: Don't wait to do the things you know need to be done. What if I had waited to tell my dad?

A.set upB.give upC.take upD.put up
知识点:叙事忆旧家庭关系 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

I know my brother better than anyone else in the world. Since the moment of his birth, I’ve been part of his life. I had spent seven happy years in the world with the _______ of those around me. But when Rohan was born, life changed. Suddenly I had to _______ my toys and there were no more bedtime stories or my own choice of food.

Finally, I felt my anger at my brother. The poor baby had no idea what made me so _______. Maybe he found me strange — I was the only person in this house who did not like him. Whatever the reason was, he loved following me around. However, I seldom talked to him and _______asked him to leave me alone.

Then all that changed. I hardly remember anything of that day six years ago, _______ 1 remember that I was feeling very angry. Somehow (不知为什么) my feet led me _______ my brother’s bed. My hand, completely free from my mind, reached through the bars (护栏). At once, he reached his small hand and softly touched _______. And that was all I needed. Through all the unhappiness of the day, the moment changed everything. How could I hate someone who made me feel so important? For the _______ time, I saw my brother, not through the eyes of a child who was no longer favoured (受到宠爱的), but through the eyes of a sister.

To this day, I can’t _______ life without my brother. It is unbelievable how much I have ________ about life from a seven-year-old boy. Above all, Rohan has taught me that one should not care only for himself.

A.cared aboutB.learned aboutC.talked aboutD.heard about

Being a parent is without doubt among the most challenging jobs in the world. But no matter how _________ it is, some people voluntarily (主动地) take this role—_________ if they don’t have to. We know them as “foster (收养) parents”.

Katie Holstein is one such example. In 2017, though unmarried, she decided to become a mother. Eight months later, she got a license and was allowed to become a first-time mom to two babies. It was not an easy _________ for Katie. However, she made it. The babies were looked after very well.

Over the next three years, this _________ mom fostered 16 children.They were all under five years old because she wasn’t willing to take teenagers. However, her attitude changed when she met a teenage girl named Akyra.

Akyra’s foster family needed a break. Katie was asked to let Akyra _________ with her for a week. To Katie’s surprise, she and Akyra got on well. They had the same _________ such as watching movies and reading novels. As time went on, the pair grew _________. Katie made up her mind to foster her for real. Akyra was 14 at that time and planned to live with Katie until she aged out of the system at 18 years old.

Noe Katie’s story is _________ known. She hopes it will encourage other people to _________ their homes to foster kids. “Being a real family doesn’t always mean being connected by blood. Sometimes, it just means being connected by the __________. I promise you there are children in your community tight now who need a safe place to land. “They need willing families, not perfect ones.” explained Katie


Jamie and Jackie were two brothers who had lived peacefully on neighboring farms for over forty years. But one day they had a little misunderstanding and got into a(n) ______ with each other. Both of them grew so mad that they ______ to communicate with each other any longer.

One morning, a group of workers with toolboxes knocked on the elder brother Jamie’s door. “Sir, we’re looking for some work. I’m wondering if you’ve got ______ for us to do?” The head of the group asked. Jamie thought for a while and said, “Yes. Have you seen the ______ across from the canal (灌溉渠) in the farm? My brother Jackie lives around there. He ______ that canal last week. And I want you to build a taller one ______ I won’t gut any chances to see him anymore.”

The head smiled and answered, “We’ll try our hardest to satisfy your ______.” At sunset, they finished their job. Looking out of his house. Jamie found no wall at all. Instead, a beautiful bridge stood ______   the river. At that moment, Jamie saw his brother walking towards him and said, “After all that I had said and done, you ______ built this bridge! I’m really sorry, Jamie.” His brother hugged Jamie.

Sometimes, we light over small things and they become big over time. Instead of worsening the conflicts (冲突), ______ them is a better choice.

A.even thoughB.so thatC.as if
