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I think there are several reasons that suggest developing robots is a waste of money.

In San Diego recently $325,000 was spent on inventing a robotic squirrel to do some scientific experiments. The research proved that squirrels are able to scare away snakes by wagging (摇动) their tails. Do you need a robotic squirrel to work this out?

What about AIBO, a robotic pet, developed in Japan? In Japanese aibou means “buddy”. These pets have been developed at huge cost mainly to provide entertainment. They've been used in movies and music videos. Universities have used them for educational purposes. However, in 2006 the company stopped producing these robotic pets in order to save money. Was it worth a lot of money?

Then there’s NAO, a robot which has been developed by a French company. Its main purpose is to make life easier for humans. It speaks 19 languages and has its own personality. It can tell children a story, help in the classroom or the home, or act as a companion to those people who need someone to be with. A fully developed one costs $16,000. Is that value for money? Who can afford it anyway?

There may be good reasons why it is worth developing robots, but so far I haven’t thought of any.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “companion” in Paragraph 4 mean in Chinese?
【小题2】What is the true fact about the robots mentioned?
A.The robotic squirrel is needed by every scientist to do some research.
B.AIBO wasn’t made any more because it only provided entertainment.
C.A fully developed NAO may tell kids stories in different languages.
D.All the three types of robots used to be produced at a very low cost.
【小题3】What does the writer think of developing robots?
A.It can help bring people a lot of fun.B.It has advantages in many ways.
C.It may be useful but costs too much.D.It is worth a great deal of money.
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There are about 3, 000 dolphins living in ocean parks around the world. People love watching them. But do they miss their home? The dolphin in this picture might be able to help them return to the ocean.

A US company built a life — like robotic dolphin. It acts robotic dolphin and sounds like a real dolphin. It can swim for up to 10 hours on a single charge(充电). During tests, people can hardly tell the dolphin is a robot and not real.

The company is now bringing these robotic dolphins to the public. It hopes these dolphins will take the place of real dolphins in ocean parks. Besides dolphins, the company wants to create Great White Sharks and some other animals for ocean parks.

In fact, people who want to protect animals are talking more about the influence of keeping wild animals in parks. The animals have to perform(表演) for visitors many times a day, as well as go through training programs. People around the world are doing more to protect wild animals. Parks and circuses(马戏团) in 20 European countries cannot have wild animal shows anymore. Ocean parks in France can no longer have dolphin shows as of Sep 29. Animal rights groups say the move is “a historical victory”.

【小题1】What can we learn about the robotic dolphin?
A.It is still under discussion.B.It is just like a real dolphin.
C.It can swim over 10 hours on a single charge.D.It will take the place of real dolphins in the ocean.
【小题2】Why did the US company build the robotic dolphin?
A.To make more money.B.To do research into animals.
C.To keep the ocean park popular.D.To help protect wild animals.
【小题3】What is “a historical victory” according to animal right groups?
A.Fewer visitors in ocean parks.B.More training programs in circuses.
C.More wild animals in oceans.D.No dolphin shows in French ocean parks.
【小题4】Which of the following might be the best title?
A.Create New InventionsB.Visit Ocean ParksC.Help Dolphins Go Home .D.Watch Animal Shows

Getting tested for COVID-19 could soon be a lot more fun for children across the world, thanks to a new Australian-made testing device (设备), which is invented by Rhinoswab Junior.

It was found that almost three-quarters of parents worried that the old testing way might be painful or uncomfortable for their child, and 30% said these worries were very likely to stop them from taking their child to have a test.

“We know each person, whether a child or an adult, will take more COVID-19 tests when new variants (变种) appear,” Dr. Shidan Tosif said.

Because of the above two reasons, we needed to develop a child-friendly testing device. The new device comes in different kinds of colors and shapes such as moustaches (八字胡) and cat noses and so on. And it will sit at the bottom of the nose. It is much more comfortable than the old testing method, which takes a sample (样本) from deep at the back of the throat and nose.

The new device will be tested at Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) over the coming weeks with further study. It’s reported that about 250 children aged 4 to 18 will try the device from 30 to 50 days.

“The new device is likely to turn a bad experience into an interesting one for children,” Dr. Tosif said.

【小题1】According to the passage, why didn’t most parents take their kids to have tests?
A.Because they were too lazy to do that.B.Because the old testing way might be painful.
C.Because they expected the new testing way.D.Because they could have tests at home.
【小题2】The underlined word “it” in paragraph 4 refers to ________.
A.the moustacheB.the cat noseC.the old deviceD.the new device
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.There are three reasons why we need to develop a new testing device.
B.The new device may have different colors and smells.
C.The new device has been popular around the world.
D.Kids may become interested in testing because of the new device.

You can do much more with your smart phone besides texting(发拉信) and calling. Here are some fun and useful apps for you.

Lychee FM

Do you want to make your own radio shows? Lychee FM makes it possible for you. With this app, you can record and edit(记录和编辑) your shows, and then upload your program for all the listeners on Lychee FM.

Candy Crush Soda Saga

Do you like candies? Try Candy Crush Soda Saga.

The rules are simple. You have to move a piece of candy until there are three matching ones to make them disappear. But it’s not an easy game to play. Soda bottles will stand in your way.


Memorizing(记住) English words is always a big problem for students. Why not let the amazing app Baicizhan help you?

You can choose words you want to learn every day. Instead of just showing the meaning of a word, the app asks you to first choose the correct (正确的) picture based on its meaning. This helps you memorize the words clearly.

【小题1】If you want to learn more vocabulary, which app can you download?
A.Baicizhan.B.Candy Crush soda Saga.
C.Angry Birds.D.Lychee FM.
【小题2】What’s the meaning of the underlined word “upload”?
【小题3】What do we know from the story?
A.On Baicizhan, you see the meaning of a word first.
B.You need soda bottles to make candy disappear.
C.Candy Crush Soda Saga is an easy game to play.
D.You can use Lychee FM to record your own radio shows.
【小题4】Which is the best title for this passage?
A.Popular computer games
B.Some interesting apps
C.How to remember words
D.Record your happy times
