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Seventy years ago, China was a poor country. But seventy years later, the country has made progress in many areas. It has become a rising power in the world. Now we'll take a look at some of China's biggest changes.


China is paying great attention to the development of AI. According to the research, China's main advantage lies in intelligent robots. And the main problem for AI development in China is not short of money but short of technology and talent. China plans to become a worldwide AI innovation(创新)center by 2030.

People-to-people exchanges

Today, Chinese people are having mote exchanges with people around the world. With the support of the government, many Chinese are going abroad to study and do research. China has also so up $36 Confucius Institutes(孔子学院)in more than 150 countries. Millions of students are learning Chinese language and culture there.

Olympic dreams

Many Chinese players have surprised the world, including Yao Ming and Liu Xiang. The country hay field more sports activities. The 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics and the coming Winter Olympics are parts of the great achievements. From February 4th to 20th, in 2022, China will host the Beijing Winter Olympics.

High-speed rail

China has built the world's largest high-speed rail network (网), which is still spreading. Last year, ductwork reached 29, 000 kilometers. The trains have carried millions of travelers and have greatly reduced travel time around the country. For example, high-speed rail has reduced the travel time from Beijing to Shanghai from 10 hours to five hours. China is also sharing this technology with many other countries.

【小题1】What is China like at present?
A.It is rich and tiny.B.It is a "sleeping dragon".
C.It is developing rapidly.D.It is powerful in all areas.
【小题2】What is the main problem for AI development in China now?
A.Being short of money and technology.B.Being short of technology and talent.
C.Being short of talent and creative ideas.D.Being short of creative ideas and money.
【小题3】What can students learn in Confucius Institutes?
A.Chinese culture and language.B.Chinese painting and cooking.
C.Chinese medicine and culture.D.Chinese cooking and language.
【小题4】How long will the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics last?
A.For 15 days.B.For 16 days.C.For 17 days.D.For 18 days.
【小题5】What does the underlined word "reduce" mean in this passage?
知识点:国家与民族社会发展说明文细节理解推理判断词句猜测 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
One afternoon, four black youths walked into a restaurant that served “whites” only. They sat down and ordered bread and milk. The white waiter just said “We don’t serve blacks”. The young men did not move. They were tired to death of segregation(种族分离) and of being kicked around. The manager was called. When he saw the angry look in their eyes, he said that he was sorry, but it was not possible to serve them.
The next day, more young black people came, and even more came the day after to the restaurant. Then a gang of white youths came in and attacked them. Most of the blacks were beaten up and were black and blue all over. After that the police rushed in, the several people were put in prison---all of them were black, although they had not done anything wrong---just because they were black.
The news spread quickly through the black living areas in the city. A large crowd held a meeting round the restaurant the following day, forcing(迫使) the restaurant to shut. Young men, black and white, made speeches protesting against segregation and pointing out that black people only wanted to live a life in the same way that whites did. They gave out leaflets and soon the movement spread to other cities. Business became so bad at that particular restaurant that the owners were forced to give and served blacks.
Nowadays, all the blacks are served in all restaurants open to the public in America.
【小题1】The manager said that he was sorry because ___________.
A.he found the four blacks were very angry
B.he knew there was no food left
C.he was kind
D.it was wrong for him not to serve blacks
【小题2】The four blacks didn’t leave the restaurant because ___________.
A.it was warmer there than outside
B.they hated the manager
C.they were hungry
D.they were against segregation
【小题3】The police rushed in___________.
A.to catch a gang of white youths
B.to catch the manager
C.to catch the black people
D.to advise people there to stop quarrelling
【小题4】The purpose of helding a meeting round the restaurant to___________.
A.fight for their freedom and rights
B.make speeches
C.force the restaurant to open
D.force the restaurant to close down
【小题5】The reason why “all the black are served in all restaurants now” is that___________.
A.making restaurants shut is important
B.people in other cities supported them
C.a meeting is necessary
D.black people are strong

① There are 56 ethnic (民族的) groups in China. Different ethnic groups have their own special cultures. Let’s enjoy some of them.

② The Bai people use a very old way, tie-dye(扎染), to dye clothes. Tie-dye has a history of nearly 1,500 years. During the Tang and Song dynasties, people chose tie-dyed clothes as gifts.

③The Mongolian people live in the Mongolian yurts(蒙古包). These yurts are large round tents and their tops look like umbrellas. They are the traditional homes of the Mongolian people. The yurts are usually white because they’re made of sheep’s wool. And white is a symbol of happiness.

④ The Zhuang people like singing even more than talking. On the third day of the third Chinese lunar month, they hold a big singing festival. It is thrilling and wonderful. Men and women singers sing in pairs. The winners are the “king” and “queen” of singing.

⑤The Miao people have a special festival, the Manghao Festival. It’s in the first Chinese lunar month every year. The Miao people regard Manghao as a hero who helped to protect their homes. At the festival, young men dress up like Manghao and touch others to send good wishes.

【小题1】Who use tie-dye to dye clothes?
A.The Bai people.B.The Mongolian people.C.The Miao people.D.The Zhuang people.
【小题2】What’s the Mongolian yurt?
A.A traditional home.B.A big festival.C.A special song.D.A good wish.
【小题3】How do people celebrate the Manghao Festival?
A.By choosing tie-dyed clothes as gifts.B.By building tents.
C.By singing songs.D.By dressing up and touching others.
【小题4】Which of the following best shows the structure (结构) of the passage?

The FIFA world cup 2022 is in Qatar (卡塔尔). This time, we enjoyed hotpots instead of iced cola while watching the exciting games. 【小题1】 The FIFA world cup 2022 was in winter because of the weather in Qatar. Qatar is too hot in summer. It is a country in the Middle East. A large part of the country is desert (沙漠). In summer, the temperature there could reach up to 50 degrees. When winter comes, the temperature goes down to around 20-30 degrees. 【小题2】The country also installed (安装) some air-conditioning in the soccer fields for making the players and fans feel better.

       Do you know that Qatar is a small country? 【小题3】 Even though it is small, it’s one of the richest countries in the world, because it has lot of oil and natural gas. People in Qatar go camping in the deserts during the weekends. Many people go through the desert by car or by bike. Camels are called the “ships of the desert”. They can run as fast as 70 kilometers each hour. 【小题4】 Winners can win millions of dollars.
       Actually, Qatar is near the sea. In the past, fishermen there make a living by pearl diving (采珠). 【小题5】
A.It is a popular sport today.
B.Qatar holds the camel race every year.
C.The World Cup is usually in summer.
D.That’s much better for outdoor sports.
E.The whole country is smaller than Beijing city.
