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The world is a beautiful place in our eyes. But does it look the same through the eyes of animals?


They can’t see as many colors as we can. They can see blues, browns and yellows. They have fewer color-detecting cells(色彩感知细胞)than humans do.

Jumping Spiders

They have eight pairs of eyes. They can see more colors than humans. They can see ultraviolet light(紫外线). So they see things clearer than we do.


They can move one eye in different directions while keeping the other eye stop moving. It is to see their enemies better. They can’t see many colors. It’s not necessary because they mostly come out at night. They are good at seeing bright light.


They have eyes on either side of their head. So they see wider(视野更宽阔)than humans. They have a blind spot(盲点)in front of their nose. They can’t see as many colors as humans do. They can see greens and blues; but most of the time they see grays.

【小题1】Dogs can’t see the color“________”according to the passage.
【小题2】From the passage we can know ________ can see more colors than humans.
A.ratsB.dogs and horsesC.rats and horsesD.jumping spiders
【小题3】Which of the following about a rat is true?
A.It can move one eye while keeping the other eye still(静止).
B.It’s not necessary for it to see all directions.
C.It can’t see a white dog at night.
D.It can’t see bright light well.
【小题4】What will happen if there is a bee flying in front of a horse’s nose?
A.The horse can find it and drive it away.B.The horse can’t see it and will let it there.
C.The horse will smell it but do nothing.D.The horse won’t open its eyes to see it.
【小题5】The best title of the passage might be________.
A.Different kinds of animalsB.Seeing things in the same way
C.World through animals’ eyesD.To see a beautiful world
知识点:常见动物科普知识说明文细节理解主旨大意推理判断 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

All over the world, people find giraffes amazing. The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world. Its legs and tail are taller than most people. Its tongue is very long, 18 inches. The front part of its tongue is an unusual color, black. Unlike most other large animals, giraffes do not threaten (威胁) people. Yet to many scientists the most amazing thing about this gentle giant is its heart.

To understand how amazing the giraffe’s heart is, put your head lower than your heart. Keep it there for a few minutes. Then lift your head up very quickly. Do you feel dizzy? This is the effect of a change in blood pressure. The heart has to quickly pump blood to your brain to stop you from feeling dizzy or from fainting.

When a giraffe lifts its head up from the ground, it has to lift its 250-kilo neck more than 15 feet in the air. How can it do this without fainting? The giraffe’s heart is really large. It is almost two feet long and weighs about 10 kilos. It can pump 60 liters of blood in a minute. The large artery (动脉) that carries blood from the heart up the long neck of the giraffe is also unusual because it has a muscle in it. This muscle helps keep the giraffe’s blood pressure.

In 1988, a writer, Michael Allin, learned that a giraffe arrived in Marseille, a city in the south of France, in 1826. It was a gift to the king of France Charles X. He decided to go to Ethiopia, in East Africa, where the giraffe was born. He traveled to Egypt on the Nile River. This was the same way the giraffe came to Egypt where he discovered the reason for the gift. Muhammad Ali, an important Egyptian leader, did not want the French to enter a war. He sent the giraffe to King Charles X.

However, it was difficult to transport a giraffe in 1826. It traveled from Egypt to France on a ship. The giraffe was so tall that it couldn’t fit in the lower deck of the ship. This was quite a problem until someone decided to cut a hole in the top deck of the ship. The giraffe’s legs were below, and its long neck came up through the hole.

No one knew how to get such a large animal from Marseille to Paris, so the giraffe had to walk the 880 kilometers. All along the way, people came to watch the gentle giant. Six weeks after it left Marseille, the giraffe finally arrived in Paris, where 100,000 people came to see this amazing creature. Today, we still look at the giraffe in amazement. There is no other animal like it on earth.

【小题1】What is unusual about the artery in a giraffe’s neck?
A.It has a muscle in it.B.It has an unusual colour.
C.It weighs 10 kilos.D.It carries blood to the legs.
【小题2】The writer explains how amazing the giraffe’s heart is in Paragraph 3 mainly by ________.
A.telling storiesB.showing steps
C.giving numbersD.expressing opinions
【小题3】Muhammad Ali gave the giraffe to ________.
A.the French peopleB.the Egyptian leader
C.the French writerD.the king of France
【小题4】What did they do to transport the giraffe by ship?
A.They cut a hole in the deck.B.They added a taller deck to the ship.
C.They built another new ship.D.They cut the taller deck off the ship.
【小题5】What is the best title for the passage?
A.The gentle giant from AfricaB.The special heart of the giant
C.The amazing journey to FranceD.The popular writer from France

A sea turtle climbed out of the ocean. It was just before midnight. It arrived to lay eggs.

Sea turtles have been doing this for 200 million years. Sea turtles lived at the time as the dinosaurs.

The sea turtle had to survive plastic rubbish, fish nets and oil spills to get here. There is another danger. The Earth has been getting warmer. This makes the sand hot. Warm sand makes the turtle eggs hatch (孵化) as females (雌性).

This is a problem. Female sea turtles are very important because they lay eggs. But male turtles are also needed to help make babies. Without enough males, sea turtles could die out.

Every year, sea turtles swim to Cape Verde. It is a country in West Africa. About 30000 sea turtles nest (筑巢) there. This is one-sixth of all of Earth’s nesting sea turtles.

Scientists from Great Britain studied the turtles there. They found 21 out of 25 young turtles were females.

“Males here will die out in 20 to 30 years.” said Adolfo Marco Llorente. He is studying the turtles on Boa Vista. It is one of Cape Verde’s island. Without males, the turtles cannot have more babies.

Businesses on Cape Verde are worried. Tourists come to see the sea turtles. The tourists buy local things like pottery. They would lose money if turtles died out.

Scientists have looked at sea turtles in other warm areas. There are more female turtles there, too.

84% of sea turtles hatchlings in Cape Verde are now female

This is worrying, so scientists have found ways to keep the turtle nests cool. Keeping the eggs cool means more male turtles can be hatched. One way is to move the eggs under the trees or bushes. Scientists have also put the eggs into smaller groups. Many eggs close together can heat up.

Llorente’s team collects the eggs in a bag. Then they bring them to a place on the beach behind a fence. The fence keeps animals away that want to eat the eggs. It also lets the scientists watch the temperature of the eggs.

【小题1】Which sentence from the passage is the topic sentence?
A.Every year, sea turtles swim to Cape Verde.
B.Without enough males, sea turtles could die out.
C.The fence keeps animals away that want to eat the eggs.
D.The past five years have been the hottest years on Earth.
【小题2】How does temperature hurt turtles?
A.Higher temperatures make turtle eggs hatch as females.
B.Turtle eggs will not hatch if the temperature is too cold.
C.Turtle eggs are hatched as males when it cools down.
D.A female turtle lays more eggs if it is warmer.
【小题3】Why do businesses on Cape Verde need turtles to hatch each year?
A.Because the companies earn money from selling turtles.
B.Because people there enjoy swimming with turtles.
C.Because turtles bring tourists and money to the area.
D.Because it helps to keep the temperatures cool.
【小题4】Which place has the highest percentage (百分比) of female turtles?
A.San Diego.B.Boca Raton.C.Cape Verde.D.Great Barrier Reef.
【小题5】Which is the way to help more baby boy turtles be hatched?
A.Put the turtle eggs in groups.
B.Move the eggs to cooler places.
C.Collect and keep the eggs in bags.
D.Watch and help the turtles lay eggs.
