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It's 4:54 a. m. on a November morning in 2016 in Yosemite National Park, the United States. The moon shone over the south-west face of El Capitan. Alex Honnold was alone. He held on tightly to the rock with nothing but the tips of his fingers and two thin edges of shoe rubber. He was trying to do something that had been considered impossible-a "free solo" (徒手攀岩) up the world's most dangerous cliff.

Some people think free soloing is a meaningless sport. The sport, they say, has claimed the lives of many professional climbers. Others think mastering a mountain with only excellent physical and mental skill is the essence of climbing. Such was the attitude of Paul Preuss. Preuss was the father of free soloing. By the age of 27, he had made about 150 ropeless climbs He was admired (钦佩) throughout Europe. Then, on October 3,1913, he fell to his death while free soloing a cliff in the Alps (阿尔卑斯山).

But Preuss's ideas lived on. They have influenced generations of climbers. In the 1960s, the "free climbing" movement was born. The movement supports using ropes and other gears (设备) but only as safety devices. The next serious free soloist appeared in 1973. Henry Barber climbed a 460-meter-tall rock in Yosemite without a rope. In 1987, Peter Croft, a Canadian, free soloed two of Yosemite's most dangerous routes in one day.

Croft's achievement stood until 2007. That year, 22-year-old Honnold showed up in Yosemite. He surprised the world by repeating Croft's masterpiece. The next year, he free soloed two famously difficult routes in America. The routes were so dangerous that no one had imagined they could be climbed without a rope.

Now, as fans celebrate his achievements, Honnold is preparing for his next big goal. Thousands of moves are still to come. Honnold is on his way to completing the greatest rock climb in history.

【小题1】How many ropeless climbs had Paul Preuss made by the age of 27? _______.
【小题2】On October 3,1931, Preuss _______.
【小题3】The "free climbing" movement was born _______.
【小题4】Alex Honnold repeated Peter Croft's masterpiece _______.
【小题5】Now, Honoold is on his way to _______.
知识点:中国历史历史人物其他著名人物地理概况记叙文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Did you watch the movie Changjin Lake? It’s about how new China joined the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (抗美援朝). It is _________ the movie itself that makes people moved but the heroes of the war who fought for our country and the people.

Let’s take a close look at the real- life history behind the movie. Changjin Lake is located in North Korea. The Battle (战役) of Lake Changjin was in a very cold winter with temperatures of around -40℃. In the 1950s, our Chinese soldiers had to face life- and- death problems when they got on the train to enter the DPRK. A US enemy plane bombed (轰炸) the trains, and the soldiers had to quickly moved into the mountains and forests to hide. I still deeply remember a picture in the movie. In order not to expose the target (暴露目标), they stayed in the ice and snow without any moving. Although the follow- up troops (后续部队) killed the enemy and won the battle, unluckily 125 soldiers were frozen (冻) to death. Many can’t help crying after watching this movie, because our Chinese soldiers lost their lives to protect the country and the people.

It is the loveliest persons who guarded China’s rivers and mountains. However, many of them never have the chance to live and enjoy their life on this land again. The movie Changjin Lake wants to tell us today’s young people, though we live in an age without war, we should never forget the true heroes in the history and we need to pass on their great spirit!

【小题1】Please fill in the blanks with a proper phrase to complete the sentence. (在空白处填入恰当的连词使句意完整)
【小题2】What’s the movie Changjin Lake about? (根据短文内容回答问题)
【小题3】What was the weather like when the Battle of Lake Changjin happened? (根据短文内容回答问题)
【小题4】Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. (将画线句子翻译成汉语)
【小题5】What can you learn from the movie? (至少写出两条)

Do you know the Silk Road has been a bridge between East and West for more than 2,000 years? The Silk Road is not a single route! It is a series of trade and culture transmission (传送) routes. It began during the Han Dynasty. The trade route starts from the city of Xi’an in Shaanxi Province and ends in Eastern Europe, near today’s Turkey (土耳其) and Mediterranean Sea (地中海).

The Silk Road was about 6,500 kilometers long. It went across one-fourth of the planet. The Silk Road got its name because Chinese silk used to be carried along this road. Besides silk, jade (翡翠), ceramics (陶瓷) and iron went to Rome. From the West came glass, gems (宝石) and food like carrots and sesame.

The Silk Road was very important to both China and the rest of the world. Trade, knowledge about science, arts and literature, as well as crafts and technologies were shared across the Silk Road. In this way, languages and cultures developed and influenced each other.

Today, places along the Silk Road are great places of interest, such as Terracotta Warriors (兵马俑) in Xi’an and Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, Gansu. Now, beginning in August, a new train line, the New Orient Express (新东方快车), runs from Beijing across the Silk Road.

Title: 【小题1】

IntroductionA bridge between East and West for 【小题2】 years
DetailsIt began during the Han Dynasty. The Silk Road 【小题3】 and ends in Eastern Europe. The Silk Road was 6,500 kilometers, crossing 25% of the planet.
Things carriedFrom east to west: silk, jade, ceramics and iron.
From west to east: glass, gems and food like carrots and sesame.
Importance【小题4】 developed and influenced each other.
Road todayPlaces of interest are along the road. A new train line runs from 【小题5】.

Some students sometimes see history as a difficult subject in school. If you have the same feeling and happen to like cats, the online cartoon named If History Were a Group of Cats is perfect for you. It is based on(以……为基础)Fei Zhi’s comic books of the same name. Every simple story it tells can be found in the textbook.

As the name suggests, a group of cats is the main characters. 12 lovely cats play the roles of classic characters, with cute and straight-forward(直白的)language. In the story of Creation of Heaven and Earth by Pangu (盘古开天地), Huang Di is an animal lover, while Yan Di is interested in farming. Chi You is a cat who enjoys fighting with other cats. Every cat has a different personality(个性). They make lovely mews (猫叫声)when they fight with each other. Even serious historical events become interesting because of those cute cats.

This cartoon shows us a new way of learning history and helps more people find the charm(魅力)of history. It tells us that learning history can also be fun.

【小题1】What kind of show is If History Were a Group of Cats?
【小题2】Where can we find it?
【小题3】Who is the main characters?
【小题4】How many characters are mentioned(提及)in the story of Creation of Heaven and Earth by Pangu?
【小题5】According to the passage, is learning history fun or boring after watching If History Were a Group of Cats?
