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Harry and Peter lived in the same village. They were both hard-working and had a happy life with other villagers.

But that year, a serious drought (旱灾) happened in their village. Their fields were all dry and their crops were dying. They couldn't get enough water for their crops until a visitor from a village nearby came. The visitor told them that there was a spring on the mountain near their village and it had a large amount of water to water their fields. So Harry went to find it with two big buckets (桶) at once and later he began to carry water for his field every morning. He earned water from morning to night, but that wasn't enough for his field. Peter also went to find the spring with Harry, but he didn't carry water the next day. He also left the village in the early morning and then came back at night. Three days had passed, many villagers didn't see Peter in the daytime. They began to ask him where he went. Peter smiled and just told them to wait for his good news. Then the next day, at noon, Peter and a line of pieces of bamboo appeared in front of his field. When he joined the last piece of bamboo from the mountain with another one's end, water ran along them into his field. With Peter's help, all the other villagers' fields got water by joining pieces of bamboo with his and were saved. And Harry needn't carry water with two heavy buckets, either.

There's no doubt that being hard-working is a good quality. But hard work with good ideas is much better.

【小题1】There was a serious drought in the village where Harry and Peter lived.
【小题2】Only the crops in Harry's fields were facing the danger of death.
【小题3】A visitor told the villagers that there was a spring with a large amount of water on the mountain nearby.
【小题4】Peter earned water for his field with two big buckets from morning to night.
【小题5】The writer tries to tell us hat we should not only work hard but also use our wisdom.
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At the age of 19, I graduated from high school and moved to a place where it snowed often. I felt free, independent and completely in control of my life there until I knew I had bacterial meningitis (细菌性脑膜炎).

When my parents wheeled me out of the hospital, I felt like I had been pieced back together like a doll with my “new legs”. They hurt so badly that all I could think was what I could do with these things. Tears streamed down my face. I was completely emotionally (情绪上) broken.

But I knew I had to let go of the old Amy and learn to welcome the new Amy. Four months later I was back up on a snowboard, although things didn’t go quite as expected: My legs went flying down the mountain, and I was on top of the mountain still. I was so discouraged. But I knew that if I could find the right pair of legs, I would be able to do this again. And this is when I learned that difficulties we met would bring two kinds of results: stop us on the road or .

I did a year of research, but still couldn’t find out what kind of legs to use, so I decided to make a pair myself. It was these legs and the best 21st birthday gift I could ever receive—a new kidney (肾) from my dad—that allowed me to follow my dreams again. I started snowboarding, then I went back to work.

In 2005, I founded an organization for youth and young adults with physical disabilities so they could join in sports. From there, I had the opportunity to go to South Africa, where I helped to put shoes on thousands of children’s feet so they could attend school. With my effort, I got three World Cup gold medals which made me the highest ranked female snowboarder in the world.

Twenty-six years ago, when I lost my legs, I had no idea what to expect. But my legs haven’t disabled me. They’ve forced me to depend on my imagination and to believe in the possibilities, because in my mind, we can do anything and we can be anything!

【小题1】How did the writer feel when she left the hospital?
【小题2】Which of the following can be put into “” in the passage?
A.push us to get creativeB.help us get gold medals
C.make us become healthyD.encourage us to make friends
【小题3】Which of the following is in the correct order according to the passage?
a. Amy tried to snowboard but failed.
b. Amy found she got a serious illness.
c. Amy helped some disabled children.
d. Amy created a pair of new legs herself.
【小题4】What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Being the Best Snowboarder.B.Growing Stronger after Hard Times.
C.Keeping Healthy for Better Life.D.Following and Achieving Great Dreams.

It was a cloudy afternoon. I was walking in a park near my neighborhood. The wind was blowing hard and I knew it was about to rain. Even so, I didn’t want to go home. I had a fight with my mo m and ran out of the house just 10 minutes ago. I sat down near a lake. There were many children playing with their parents nearby. I felt a little lonely.

“Shall we play together?” A little girl came towards me with a ball in her hands. I agreed and she handed me the ball with a sweet smile.

When it began to rain, most children by the lakeside went home with their parents. “Where are your parents?” I asked the girl. “My mom is selling candied fruits outside the park. She seldom has time to play with me,” the girl explained. “I usually play alone here. It’s OK if you need to go home now. I am old enough to stay here and wait for my mom.” “But it’s raining,” I said. “You’d better not be here alone when it’s dark.” “It’s OK. Mom won’t leave me alone. She is coming soon,” the girl replied. “She is my mom. Even if she seldom plays with me, I know she cares about me.”

The little girl’s words touched my heart. She taught me to love and believe in my mom. Should I listen to her and say sorry to my mom?

In the end, I took the little girl to her mom’s stand (货摊) and then ran home quickly. Seeing me entering the house, my mom was close to tears. “Where have you been? I looked for you everywhere! See how wet your coat is! Don’t come to my room if you get a cold tonight!” But I knew she wasn’t angry anymore. After taking a shower, I heard her calling outside my room, “Lisa, dinner time! Come out if you feel like eating some fish.” I came out and said sorry to my mom.

【小题1】The writer didn’t want to go home became ________.
A.she wanted to buy the candied fruit
B.she wanted to play with the little girl
C.she had an argument with her mom
D.she would like to take a walk in the park
【小题2】What is the correct order according to the text?
a. I had a fight with my mom and ran out of the house.
b. I talked with a little girl and her words touched me.
c. A little girl came towards me with a ball in her hands.
d. Mom called me out for dinner.
e. I took the little girl to her mother’s stand.
【小题3】What did the writer learn from the little girl?
A.Cooking for her mom.B.Playing with her mom.
C.Arguing with her mom.D.Loving and believing in her mom.
【小题4】Which can best describe the writer’s feelings?
【小题5】What is the text?
A.A story.B.A poem.C.An interview.D.An introduction.
