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Family Traditions

What are your family tradition? The following information comes from several readers:

JARED: 【小题1】We take turns picking a movie to watch together. It’s fun because I watch something my parents like, and they watch something I like. My mother likes old black and white movies, so I see a lot of them! We also make pizza and eat it in front of the TV.

WINNIE: 【小题2】My favorite meal is spaghetti and meatballs. My mom usually cooks, but my dad and sister help. On my sister’s birthday, we eat pizza. On my mom’s birthday, we have chicken, and on my dad’s birthday we have steak. Of course, we always have a birthday cake, too.

DANNI: 【小题3】My family is really busy. We have a large family, and it’s not easy for everyone to get together at the same time. On that day, we go to a nice restaurant and we talk and talk and talk.

SUZIE: 【小题4】After dinner, we go to the living room and play a board game, such as Scrabble or Monopoly. We have about seven different ones we play, but we only play one game a night. I plan to keep this tradition after I start my own family.

ROB: 【小题5】I get up early and make something special, such as a mushroom omelet   (蘑菇煎蛋卷)with fruit salad. Then I put it on a plate with a newspaper and a flower, and bring it to my mother for breakfast in bed. She always acts surprised, but I do it every year.

A.Every Friday night we have games night.
B.On our birthdays we get our favorite meal.
C.Once a month we have movie and pizza night.
D.Every year, on Mother’s Day, I make breakfast for my mother..
E.On the first Saturday of every month we go out to eat together
知识点:家庭信息家庭生活娱乐假日活动对食物的喜恶家庭关系 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
