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An Argument(争论) about the Sun(太阳)

Confucius(孔子) is travelling to the east. He sees two children arguing(争论).

“I think, ” says one child, ”the sun is near to us at daybreak and far away at noon. “The other thinks that the sun is far away at dawn(黎明) and near at noon. ” When the sun appears(出现), “says the child, " it is as big as a wheel(轮子), but at noon it is only like a plate or a bowl. Isn’t it true that objects(物体) far away seem smaller while those nearby seem bigger ?”

“When the sun appears, ” says the other child, “it is cool, but at noon it is as hot as putting your hand in hot water. Isn’t it true that things nearer to us is hotter and things farther away is cooler ?”

Confucius hears these, but he doesn’t know which of them is right. To admit(承认) what you know and what you do not know, that is knowledge(知识).

【小题1】Where is Confucius travelling to? (       )
【小题2】How many children are arguing? (       )
【小题3】When the sun appears at dawn(黎明), it looks like a ______. (       )
【小题4】Things ______ to us is hotter and things farther away is cooler. (       )
【小题5】Confucius ______ which of them is right. (       )
A.don’t knowB.knowC.doesn’t know
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