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After spending a year in Brazil on a student exchange program, her mother recalled, Marie Colvin returned home to find that her classmates had narrowed down their college choices. “Everyone else was already admitted to college,” her mother, Rosemarie Colvin, said from the family home. “So she took our car and drove up to Yale and said , ‘You have to let me in .’ “

“Impressed--she was a National Merit ( 英才) finalist who had picked up Portuguese in Brazil—Yale did, admitting her to the class of 1978, where she started writing for the Yale Daily News and decided to be a journalist,” her mother said.

On Wednesday, Marie Colvin, 56, an experienced journalist for The Sunday Times of London, was killed as Syrian forces shelled( 炮击) the city of Homs. She was working in a temporary media center that was destroyed in the attack.

“She was supposed to leave Syria on Wednesday”, Mrs. Colvin said. “Her editor told me he called her yesterday and said it was getting too dangerous and they wanted to take her out. She said she was doing a story and she wanted to finish it.”

Mrs. Colvin said it was pointless to try to prevent her daughter from going to conflict zones. “If you knew my daughter,” she said, “it would have been such a waste of words. She was determined, she was enthusiastic about what she did, it was her life. There was no saying ‘Don’t do this.’ This is who she was , absolutely who she was and what she believed in :cover the story, not just have pictures of it, but bring it to life in the deepest way you could.” “So it was not a surprise when she took an interest in journalism,” her mother said.

【小题1】From the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1, we can infer that .
A.Yale was her last choice
B.Marie Colvin was confident of herself
C.Yale must keep its promise to Marie Colvin
D.Marie Colvin was good at persuading
【小题2】Which of the following is the correct order to describe Marie Colvin’s life ?
a. She was doing a story in Syria and got killed. b. She was admitted to Yale University.
c. She studied in Brazil as an excellent student.
d. She was hired by The Sunday Times of London. e. She began to take an interest in journalism.
【小题3】From the last paragraph, we can know that Mrs. Colvin .
A.dislikes the choice of her daughter.
B.cares little about her daughter.
C.knows her daughter very well.
D.doesn’t fully appreciate her daughter.
【小题4】What can be the best title of the text ?
A.Covering Stories in a Dangerous Conflict Area.
B.Applying for Top Universities, a Successful Case
C.Choosing Lifelong Careers Based on Your Own Interest.
D.Recalling Her Daughter, a Journalist Killed in Syria.
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The first Ml choir rehearsal(彩排)of the school year took place in the school hall. All the students joined together to sing. I watched as my elder sister and her grade came in and took their places next to us on the stage. Meanwhile, I could hear laughing.             Some students were pointing at a girl standing next to my sister. I’d never seen this girl before. A girl whispered in my ear, “ Did you know she’s wearing diapers(纸尿裤)?”
After school that evening, I asked my sister about the girl I’d seen. She told me her name was Theresa and that she was a very nice girL .“ Why were those kids being mean to her? I asked, “Because they’re stupid,” she said.
One day, I was walking home from school when I heard voices behind me. “There’s the little idiot’s (傻子)sister. Does your sister wet her pants too?” I walked a little faster and then I felt a atone hit me in the back. When I got home, I ran down to             my sister’s room.
I pushed my way into her room, screaming at her. “Why do you have to be that girl’s friend? I don’t see anyone else being nice to her, ” Janelle yelled back, Because she is a wonderful person and she is dying!” I will remember those words as long             as I live. Theresa wet her pants because she had an illness, which was killing her. My sister was the only one nice enough to be her friend and stick up for her. A few months later, Hieresa passed away.
I felt proud that Janelle was my sister. Throughout the years I watched her, and she always made friends with everyone. It didn’t matter if they ware fat, thin, brilliant or not. She never left anyone feeling isolated or alone. It was she who changed             me and taught me to never look at anyone in the same way again.
【小题1】Why did other students make fun of Theresa?
A.Because she was dying very soon.
B.Because she was not good at singing,
C.Because she behaved in an unusual way.
D.Because she was usually dressed poorly.
【小题2】What was the turning point of the story?
A.Janelle became a friend of Theresa.
B.Theresa suffered from a serious illness.
C.The author lost her temper to her classmates.
D.The author was told the truth about Theresa.
【小题3】What is the message conveyed in the story?
A.We shouldn’t look at anyone shallowly.
B.Making friends teaches us more things.
C.Disadvantaged people need our sympathy.
D.Understanding is important among friends.
【小题4】What might be the best title for the passage?
A.A Great Hero to Me
B.A Girl in Need of Help
C.An Unforgettable Rehearsal
D.An Embarrassing Experience

My father used to say to me “Have you checked the oil in the car”, which is his version of “Hello, hope you are well”. Sometimes our phone calls would begin with an inquiry about the oil, with not a lot in between.

Fathers have a lot of love to give, but it’s often supplied through the medium of practical advice. The affectionate “You made my life better from the moment you were born” may be rarely heard, but there is the more common “I’ll hold the ladder while you get the leaves off the roof”.

Why can’t our fathers just say “I love you” or “It’s great to see you”? The point is: That’s exactly what we are saying. You just have to translate from the language that is Fatherlish. Listen closely enough and “I love you” can be heard in the lengthier “I could come around Saturday and replace the silicon seal around the base of your toilet because I reckon that thing is getting really smelly”.

When I was 17, I went on my first road trip. My father stood on the corner in the predawn of a cold morning to bid us farewell. “Highways are dangerous,” he said, “so don’t try overtaking anything faster than a horse and buggy. And take a break every two hours. And every time you stop for gas, you really should check the oil.” At the time we thought his speech was funny and would chant “horse-and-buggy” every time I floored the accelerator.

Dad’s long gone now. But after all these years, I realize that had I owned a copy of the Fatherlish-to-English dictionary, I’d have understood that the speech my friend and I so casually mocked (嘲笑)was simply Dad’s attempt at affection.

【小题1】According to the passage, how do fathers usually show their affection?
A.By inquiring their kid’s car.B.By doing rather than saying.
C.By offering helpful adviceD.By accompanying their kids.
【小题2】Why does the author mention his first road trip?
A.To exemplify the unique parental concern.B.To provide some background knowledge.
C.To explain the reasons for his behavior.D.To present his father’s funny speech.
【小题3】What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.His father has gone somewhere faraway.
B.He regretted making fun of his father’s speech.
C.He owned a copy of the Fatherlish-to-English dictionary.
D.His father’s speech got across to him when he was 17.
【小题4】Which words can best describe the author’s father?
A.Caring and considerate.B.Devoted and generous
C.Talkative and humorous.D.Knowledgeable and diligent.

Living and dealing with kids can be a tough job these days, but living and dealing with parents can be even tougher.

If I have learned anything in my 16 years, it is that communication is very important, both when you disagree and when you get along. With any relationship, you need to let other person know how you are feeling. If you are not able to communicate, you drift apart()疏远). When you are mad at your parents, or anyone else, not talking to them doesn’t solve anything.

Communication begins with the concerns of another. It means that you can’t just come home from school, go up to your room and ignore everyone. Even if you just say “Hi”, and see how their day was for five minutes, it is better than nothing.

If you looked up the word “communication” in a dictionary, it would say “the exchange of ideas, the conveyance(表达)of information, correspondence (通信), means of communication: a letter or a message”. To maintain (保持) a good relationship, you must keep communication strong. Let people know how you feel, even if it’s just by writing a note.

When dealing with parents, you always have to make them feel good about how they are doing as a parent. If you are trying to make them see something as you see it, tell them that you’ll listen to what they have to say, but ask them politely to listen to you. Yelling or walking away only makes the situation worse.

This is an example: one night, Sophie went to a street party with her friends. She knew she had to be home by midnight after the fireworks, but she didn’t feel she could just ask to go home. That would be rude. After all, they had been nice enough to take her along with them. Needless to say, she was late getting home. Her parents were mad at first, but when Sophie explained why she was late, they weren’t as mad and let the incident go. Communication is the key factor here. If Sophie’s parents had not been willing to listen, Sophie would have been in a lot of trouble.

Communication isn’t a one-way deal: it goes both ways. Just remember: if you get into a situation like Sophie’s, telling the other person how you feel and listening is the key factor to communication.

【小题1】In the writer’s view, dealing with parents is __________ than with children.
A.more difficultB.easier
C.more uninterestingD.more interesting
【小题2】The main idea of the second paragraph is __________.
A.the importance of friendshipB.to make your feeling known to others
C.the importance of communicationD.the disagreement between generations
【小题3】The example in this passage proves that ___________.
A.Sophie’s parents are willing to listen to her
B.Sophie is very polite to her parents
C.Sophie did well in explaining her being late
D.communication is the solution(解决办法) to misunderstanding
【小题4】All the following statements are correct except “_______”.
A.If you don’t agree with others, you’d better let them know
B.It is better to say “Hi” to others than say nothing
C.If you are not able to communicate, walk away
D.Communication is a two-way deal
