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Next week, strangers with a truck will take away everything we own, except the clothes on our backs, the car we will drive, and as much stuff as we can pack into it. It's called moving. Some people do it often. For others, like me, it's a rare experience. In all my adult years, I've moved only three times.

My first husband and I moved into our first house with a bed, our clothes and a few gifts. That was a lifetime ago. Over the years, I filled that house with three children, a few dogs and enough stuff to reach the ceiling.

When the kids grew up, I lost my husband to cancer, and I began to learn about letting go. First, I let go of the idea of being in control. Life isn’t about being in charge of what happens; it's about being in charge of what we do with it. Next, I let go of putting off the things I care most about, like keeping in touch with the people that mean the most to me. I let go of the people whose lives are about anger or hatred, and tried instead to surround myself with those who shine with kindness. Finally, I let go of being alone---I remarried. I eventually moved to a new city with my new husband, and after that move, I promised I'd stop collecting meaningless things. But 12 years later, here I am, still learning about letting go.

Yesterday, while cleaning out a dresser, I found a box filled with old keepsakes. Nothing in that box may mean much to anyone, except me. They are treasures for me because of the memories they preserve. We finally decided to keep them, hold them close and never let them go. We’ll all move someday from this world to the next, but we won't need a truck to do it. We'll take nothing with us and leave behind a memory of the life we lived, the mistakes we made, and all the love and kindness we tried to show. That memory might not be a treasure, but if we're lucky, someone will keep it and hold it close and never let it go.

【小题1】According to paragraph 3, which of the following might the author advise?
A.Never let all the memories go as they are.
B.Put off the things that mean the most to you.
C.Wherever you go, you should be kind to others.
D.Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you deal with it.
【小题2】The underlined word ''keepsakes'' in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to_________.
A.something memorableB.something expensive
C.something unpleasantD.something beautiful
【小题3】What is the author's main purpose in writing the article?
A.To stress the importance of letting the past go.
B.To give advice on how to make choices before moving.
C.To share how she learned to make important choices in life.
D.To explain how our memories can pass on to later generations.
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In the fall of 1988, I visited many Buddhist temples, but after a while they all began to fade from my memories. However, there was one temple that left a great impression in my heart.

It is called the Temple of the Golden Buddha. After walking around it and taking some photos, I walked over to a glass case, next to which was a typewritten page describing the history of this magnificent piece of art.

Back in 1957 a group of monks from a monastery(修道院) had to relocate a clay Buddha from their temple to a new location. The monastery was to be relocated to make room for the development of a highway. When the crane(吊车)began to lift it, the weight of was so large that it began to crack. What’s more, rain began to fall, The head monk decided to lower the statue back to the ground and cover it with a large oilcloth to protect it from the rain.

Later that evening the head monk went to check on the Buddha. He shined his flash- light under the oilcloth to see if the Buddha was staying dry. As the light reached the crack, he noticed a little beam shining back and thought it strange. As he took a closer look at this beam of light, he wondered if there might be something underneath the clay. He went to fetch a chisel and hammer from the monastery and began to chip away at the clay. As he knocked off pieces of clay, the little beam grew brighter and bigger. Many hours of labor went by before the monk stood face to face with the extraordinary solid-gold Buddha.

Historians believe that several hundred years before the head monk’s discovery, the army was about to invade the country. The monks, realizing that their country would soon be attacked, covered their precious golden Buddha with an outer covering of clay in order to keep their treasure from being robbed by the enemy.

Unfortunately, it appears that the enemy killed all the monks, and the well-kept secret of the golden Buddha remained uncovered until the day in 1957.

As I flew home I began to think to myself, “We are all like the clay Buddha covered with a shell of hardness created out of fear, and yet underneath each of us is a ‘golden Buddha’, agolden Christ, or a ‘golden spirit,’ which is our real self. Somewhere along the way, between the ages of two and nine, we begin to cover up our’ golden spirit,’ our natural self. Much like the monk with the hammer and the chisel, our task now is to discover our true spirit once again.”

【小题1】What made the monks cover the Buddha with a large oilcloth?
A.Hiding it from being stolen.
B.Protecting it from the rain.
C.Protecting it from being damaged.
D.Avoiding being seen.
【小题2】Why was the author greatly impressed by the golden Buddha?
A.Because he likes it very much.
B.Because it differs from others.
C.Because of its history.
D.Because of the protection of the monk.
【小题3】What might be the best title of the passage?
A.Visiting Buddhist Temples
B.The Golden Buddha
C.Protecting Their Country
D.Relocating the Buddha
【小题4】What advice is given to us according to the passage?
A.Covering up ourselves.
B.Finding the truth.
C.Discovering our true spirit.
D.Building up our belief.

I think people everywhere dream about having lots of money. I know I do. I would like to earn large amounts of money. You can win a large amount of money in the United States through lotteries. People pay money for tickets with numbers. If your combination of numbers is chosen, you will win a huge amount of money — often in the millions.

A few years ago, my friend Al won the lottery. It changed his life. He was not “born with a silver spoon in his mouth”. Instead, my friend was always short of money. And the money he did earn was chicken feed.

Sometimes Al even had to accept handouts (施舍物) from his friends. But do not get me wrong. My friend was always very careful with the money he spent. In fact, he was often a cheapskate. He did not like to spend money. The worst times were when he had no single penny left.

One day, Al scraped together a few dollars for a lottery ticket. He thought he would never gain lots of money unexpectedly. But his combination of numbers was chosen and he won the lottery. Al was so excited. The first thing he did was buy a costly new car — one thing that he normally would not buy. Then he started spending money on unnecessary things. It was like he had “money to burn”.

When we got together for a meal at a restaurant, Al paid every time. He would always tell me the money made him feel like a millionaire. But, Al spent too much money. Soon he was “down and out” again. He had spent his “bottom dollar” — his very last amount. He did not even save any of the money.

I admit I do feel sorry for my friend. He had enough money to “live like a king”. Instead, he was back to “living on a shoestring” — a very low budget. Some might say he was wise about small things, but not about important things.

【小题1】What does the author desire to do like others?
A.To combine the numbers perfectly.
B.To make a huge fortune.
C.To be chosen for selling lotteries.
D.To get in touch with millionaires.
【小题2】Before Al won the lottery ________.
A.he spent too much money buying chicken
B.he didn’t value the money he had earned
C.he had trouble feeding his family
D.he hated to give a hand to his friends
【小题3】What does the fourth paragraph imply?
A.Al always had good luck in life.
B.Al valued his money above his life.
C.Al had loved the expensive car probably.
D.Al pretended to have more money.
【小题4】When a person is “down and out”, ________.
A.he is as poor as a church mouse
B.he lives a life like other people
C.he has set aside all his money
D.he is looking forward to big success

Writing can be a solitary life. I often sit at home for days, weeks and sometimes months working on book projects, articles and other assignments. Seriously, some days I want to chase the FedEx driver yelling, “Wait! I need to talk to you!”

And sometimes I don’t see the result of my work. On occasion, I’ll get a message online or even a letter that has been mailed to my publisher. Or I’ll run into someone who says, “I love what you write.” A dad once sent me a message to tell me he had heard me speak on the radio, and it had convinced him that he hadn’t been spending enough time with his children. And then he went on to tell me how that had changed his relationship with his family.

Those are the things that keep writers going and the moments that touch our hearts. But with my newest book, it has been different. Because of the television show, I’ve experienced something I’ve never met before.

I’ve gotten to see the faces of the people who are being affected by my works. My co-author, Brian Bird, and I asked purchasers of our books to post their pictures with the books when they received their copies or found them in stores. Dozens of pictures began popping up, with beautiful sweet faces. I was moved to tears. Visual proof showed that my work was touching lives.

Sweet friends, most of you probably aren’t writers. But you are given a specific task to accomplish. You’ve worked hard - sometimes for years - and maybe it seems like nothing is happening. Or you feel like what you’re doing isn’t of value. You’re wrong. You might not get to see the faces of those you’re reaching, but there is no doubt in my mind that whenever we’re faithful to do what we have to do, we are impacting the lives of others. So keep doing what you’re doing. I can promise you it’s worth it.

【小题1】What does the author think of writing according to Paragraph 1?
【小题2】What makes the author continue writing?
A.His faithful publisher.B.People’s purchase of his books.
C.His readers’ reaction to his works.D.His good relationship with his family.
【小题3】What can we infer about the author from the text?
A.He thinks all of our jobs are worthy to do.B.He seldom interacts with his readers.
C.He has shot many smiling purchasers.D.Brian Bird gave him much confidence in writing.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Write what you wantB.Find the truth of life
C.Learn about reader’s needsD.Believe your work matters.
