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From the most talked about politicians to the most popular TV shows, the social media platform—Twitter has unveiled what its users have been most fixated (最关注的) with over the past year.

Most tweeted-about TV shows 2019

HBO’s “Game of Thrones” claimed the title of the most tweeted-about TV show of the year, despite many criticizing the series for an anti-climatic finale.

It was followed by streaming giant Netflix‟s “Stranger Things” and long-standing animated sitcom

“The Simpsons”.

Most tweeted-about films 2019

2019 American superhero film “Avengers: Endgame” became the highest-grossing film of all time when it was released earlier this year, grossing nearly $2.8 billion worldwide and its success was reflected on Twitter, making it the platform‟s most-talked about movie of the year. It was followed by “Toy Story 4” and American psychological thriller “Joker”.

Most tweeted-about hashtags 2019

The top news-related hashtags worldwide included NotreDame after France‟s landmark cathedral caught fire, causing irreversible damage to the building which dates back to 856 and is considered to be one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture.

Other popular news hashtags included Brexit, Christ Church and Climate Strike, in line with the biggest stories that have been dominating the global news agenda.

Most tweeted-about politicians 2019

US politicians topped the list for the most tweeted-about politicians worldwide, with President Donald Trump weighing in first. Former US President Obama was next on the list, followed by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Also in the top 10 is US Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, popularly known as AOC, who made waves on the US political stage this year and is a strong supporter of the Green New Deal. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and French President Emmanuel Macron were also in the top 10.

Most tweeted-about emoji 2019

The social media platform kept track emoji usage as well, finding that the laughing face with tears of joy was the most used, followed by the crying face and heart eyes emoji.

【小题1】Which of the following can be WRONG from Most tweeted-about TV shows 2019 and Most tweeted-about films 2019?
A.No film has earned more money than “Avengers: Endgame” so far.
B.When you see “Joker”, there is possibility that you will feel thrilled.
C.“Toy Story 4” is second only to “Avengers: Endgame” in popularity.
D.“Game of Thrones” enjoys a great success without any criticism.
【小题2】It can be inferred that “hashtags” mainly refers to .
A.topics that people show little interest in
B.particular subjects that arouse people‟s attention worldwide
C.events that have controversial endings
D.subjects that are prohibited from being talked about
【小题3】According to Twitter, we can know that from the last two parts.
A.there is no Asian politician on the list of Most tweeted-about politicians 2019
B.crying face is used more frequently than the laughing face with tears
C.US politicians are relatively more influential than politicians from other countries in 2019
D.US Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is strongly against the Green New Deal
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In December 2017, I attended a conference. Five successful women delivered speeches on the topic   “Bouncing   Back   after   Setbacks.”   As   I   sat   there   listening   to   their   many   personal   and professional mistakes and setbacks, I felt fortunate that I hadn’t made that many mistakes in my own life.

Those women had lost thousands in investments, started companies but failed, sold companies that later ended up being worth millions, and lost partners in the name of business. Despite knowing that they had, in fact, bounced back and were again doing very well, I was starting to feel sorry for them.

Then, as if someone whispered in my ear, I heard the words: “Don’t be so proud of yourself. You haven’t made any mistakes because you haven’t lived at all. Look how boring your life is.” Whose voice was this, and how dare it speak to me like that?

I think, for the first time, I heard my own heart speak. It shook me to my core, and it took all I had to keep from crying. I started thinking of the mistakes I had made. The voice was right. There weren’t many at all. I had followed a straight path for 38 years. I went to school, earned bachelor’s and   master’s   degrees   with   honors,   and   stayed   at   every   job   I’d   had   far   longer   than   it   was professionally beneficial for me to do so. In fact, at 38, I had only had three jobs. “The devil(魔鬼) you know is better than the one you don’t ” was my motto.

A quick review of my life made me realize that it was the actions I hadn’t taken that I was suddenly regretting. I hadn’t studied abroad. I hadn’t risked love. In fact, I was perpetually single. I hadn’t started a business. I hadn’t traveled enough. I had said “no” far more than “yes”.

The voice that whispered to me continued to the New Year. It was like it laughed at me. The thought of turning forty frightened me. It’s one thing to be unhappy and unsettled in your twenties, and perhaps even in one’s thirties. But was I going to start a new decade with the same boredom? I needed something to pick me up, some activity I could look forward to.

【小题1】How did the author feel when first hearing stories from the 5 speakers?
【小题2】The author felt like crying during the conference because she realized                   .
A.she hadn’t lived her life to the fullest
B.she was deeply touched by the women
C.she had nothing to be proud of in her life
D.she had made a lot of mistakes in her life
【小题3】What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
A.The familiar devil is more frightening.B.Saying “no” is better than saying “yes”.
C.It’s better to stay within the comfort zone.D.You’d better change your job more frequently.
【小题4】From the passage, we can learn that the author                     .
A.felt afraid of ageing
B.traveled abroad a lot
C.was married in her thirties
D.decided to do something new

There are several ways from which to choose for you to keep your kids safe in your neighborhood. But the first step to keep your child safe in your neighborhood is to know your neighbors.

Knowing your neighbors can save you a lot of worry. It lets you know that the car that has just driven down the street belongs to “the yellow house on the corner”, or the truck that has just driven by the playground looks unfamiliar, but the guy in the passenger seat lives two doors down. It’s these simple things that keep you from going out of your mind whenever you see someone driving by where children are playing.

But you shouldn’t just know what they look like. The next step is to know them well. What do they do? How do they act?You might be OK with them driving by the playground since they live in the neighborhood, but are you OK with them being on the playground?Knowing your neighbors helps with several things. First you find out what kind of people they are. This helps you know if you should let your child go out in an area that they gather. Let’s face it: you don’t want your child to play around people or people’s children that curse (咒骂) or hit each other.   Sometimes you have to protect your child against your own neighbors.

Knowing them also makes them know you. Being neighbors is an interesting thing. You might not like them or have the same views as them, but we all usually protect those that we consider our own. If you know your neighbors, they know you. They will more probably look after the child of the nice lady down the street in the brick house, than the people in the house on the corner that no one ever sees.

【小题1】This text is mainly to tell how to ________.
A.keep your child safe in the neighborhood
B.set a good example to your neighbors
C.get along with your neighbors
D.teach your child to protect himself
【小题2】What does the underlined phrase “going out of your mind” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.Becoming very excited.B.Becoming very worried.
C.Becoming very sad.D.Becoming very relaxed.
【小题3】What can we know from paragraph 3?
A.It is important for you to be polite to your neighbors.
B.People in the same neighborhood are quite different.
C.People like enjoying themselves on the playground.
D.Knowing your neighbors helps to keep your kids safe.
【小题4】The neighbors would like to look after your kid if ________.
A.they are often encouragedB.you are getting on well with them
C.you are the one nobody knowsD.they think you are a beautiful lady

A new study in which researchers explore the human capacity for cooperation finds that people rely on each other for help.

The study shows that when people signal a need for assistance, their small requests don’t go unanswered. Across cultures, people follow these small requests far more often than they decline them. On the rare occasions when people do decline, they explain why. These human tendencies suggest that, deep down, people from all cultures have many similar cooperative behaviors.

The new findings help solve a puzzle generated by prior research which has emphasized variation in rules and standards governing cooperation. For example, in Kenya, wealthier Orma villagers are expected to pay for public goods such as road projects. Wealthy Gnau villagers of Papua New Guinea, on the other hand, would reject such an offer because it creates an awkward moral duty to return for their poorer neighbors.

“Cultural differences like this have created a puzzle for understanding cooperation and helping among humans,” said Rossi, a chief researcher. “Are our decisions about sharing and helping shaped by the culture we grew up with? Or are humans generous and giving by nature?”

To answer those questions, the researchers analyzed over 40 hours’ video recordings of everyday life involving 350 people in geographically and culturally diverse sites. The analysis focused on the order in which one person sent a signal for help and another person responded. The situations involved “low-cost” decisions about sharing items for everyday use. Such decisions are more frequent than “high-cost” decisions like contributing to a village road’s construction, the types of decisions considered to be significantly influenced by culture.

People followed small requests seven times more often than they declined. They helped without explanation, but when they declined, 74% of the time they gave a specific reason.

“A cross-cultural preference for following small requests is not predicted by prior research on resource-sharing and cooperation, which instead suggests that culture should cause helping behavior to vary in appreciable ways due to local values and adaptations to the natural, technological, and socio-economic environment,” said Rossi. “These factors could in principle make it easier for people to say ‘no’ to small requests, but this is not what we find.”

【小题1】What is included in “These human tendencies” underlined in paragraph 2?
A.To ask for assistance.B.To aid others on request.
C.To return the previous favor.D.To turn down an offer of help.
【小题2】Why does the author mention “Orma villagers” and “Gnau villagers” in paragraph 3?
A.To indieate humans are born generous.B.To evaluate varied interpersonal bonds.
C.To show cultural differences on helping.D.To reveal the origin of non-cooperation.
【小题3】Based on the study, if someone declines a request for help, he’ll probably say “______”.
A.It’s my pleasure.
B.I’d love to, but it depends.
C.I’m afraid not. Wait till others come.
D.Sorry, but I’m to attend an urgent meeting.
【小题4】What do we know about the prior research mentioned in the last paragraph?
A.It involved no environmental factors.
B.It stressed the value of following requests.
C.It failed to prove the universal willingness to help.
D.It produced an outcome consistent with the new study.
