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When Omar Yaghi was growing up in Jordan, his neighborhood received water for only about 5 hours once every 2 weeks. If Yaghi wasn’t up at dawn to turn on the taps to store water, his family, their cow, and their garden had to go without. At a meeting last week, Yaghi, now a chemist at the University of California, reported that he and his colleagues have created a solar-powered device that could provide water for millions in water-stressed regions. At its heart is a porous crystalline   (多孔晶体) material, known as a metal-organic framework (MOF), which acts like a sponge: It sucks water vapor out of air, and then releases it as liquid water.

Yaghi and his colleagues first developed a zirconium( 锆 )-based MOF in 2014 that could harvest and release water. But at $160 per kilogram, zirconium is too expensive for massive use. So, last year, his team came up with an alternative called MOF-303, based on aluminum, which costs just $3 per kilogram, but the harvest was only about 0.2 liters per kilogram of MOF per day.

In July 2019, Yaghi reported that his team has designed a new and far more productive water harvester. Supported by a solar panel to power a fan and heater, which speed the cycles, the new device produces up to 1.3 liters of water per kilogram of MOF per day from desert air. Yaghi expects further improvements to increase that number to 8 to 10 liters per day. And his company plans to release a microwave-size device able to provide up to 8 liters per day this fall. The company promises an enlarged version next year that will produce 22,500 liters per day, enough to supply a small village.

However, it needs to be shown that Yaghi’s MOFs can be produced cheaply on a large scale. Each potential commercial MOF needs to prove itself in stability, efficiency, and life span. But if MOFs can pass those tests, they could offer a solution to some of the world’s most pressing problems.

【小题1】Why is Omar Yaghi’s childhood mentioned at the beginning?
A.To show how serious water problem is.B.To lead in the topic.
C.To introduce the chemist.D.To arouse reader’s interest.
【小题2】What is the problem of MOF-303?
A.It costs too much.B.It can’t last long.
C.It is hard to operate.D.It is low in efficiency.
【小题3】According to Yaghi, how much water will a large water harvester produce per day?
A.1.3 liters.B.10 liters.
C.22,500 liters.D.8 liters.
【小题4】What can be concluded from the last paragraph?
A.Yaghi’s MOFs are in great demand now.
B.Yaghi’s MOFs may help solve water shortage.
C.Yaghi’s MOFs have already entered the market.
D.Mass production of Yaghi’s MOFs is impossible.
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Standing in line for the latest iPhone at the Apple store, queueing for tickets to Wimbledon or even just waiting at the post office might just have got a lot easier.   Japanese car- maker Nissan announces that it has just the thing to relieve the painful legs of tired queuers.
The new system of“self-driving”chairs is designed to detect when someone at the front of the queue is called, and automatically move everyone else one step forward in line. The new invention is shown off in a company video, which shows a busy restaurant with customers waiting outside.
In the video, diners are sitting in a row of chairs, but will not have to stand when the next hungry diner is called to a table. Instead, the chairs, equipped with autonomous technology that detects the seat ahead, move along a path toward the front of the line. When the person at the front of the queue is called, the empty chair at the front can sense it is empty and so moves out of pole position.Cameras on the remaining chairs then sense the movement and follow automatically.
The system, which is similar to the kind used in Nissan’s autonomous vehicle technology,will be tested at select restaurants in Japan this year, Nissan said. “It appeals to anyone who has queued for hours outside a crowded restaurant: it eliminates the boredom and physical pain of standing in line,”Nissan added.
Although Tokyo has some 160,000 restaurants, long queues are not uncommon. Chosen restaurants that meet the criteria will be able to show the chairs outside their restaurants next year. Nissan also released a short video showing the chairs being used in an art gallery, moving slowly in front of the various paintings to let viewers appreciate the art without the need to stand up.
【小题1】What can we know about the “self-driving”chairs from the text?
A.They are in hot demand like iPhones.
B.They are intended for queueing diners.
C.They are the invention of a car company.
D.They are completely different, from vehicle technology.
【小题2】What enables the chairs to detect the seat ahead?
A.Pole position.
B.Autonomous technology.
C.Cameras equipped on them.
D.Sensors equipped along the path.
【小题3】Which of the following can replace   the underlined word“eliminates”in Paragraph 4?
【小题4】What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?
A.Queueing is a rare scene outside Japanese restaurants.
B.“Self-driving” chairs are the most useful in art galleries.
C.Japanese people prefer eating in restaurants to at home.
D.“Self-driving”chairs haven’t been in official use in restaurants.

László Bíró, a Hungarian, was the father of one of the 20th century’s most successful inventions—ballpoint pen. He worked in medicine, oil industry, motor racing and painting. It was when he was a newspaper editor that he became disappointed by the nibs (metal points) of pens which leaked ink and tore paper. One day, he was in a Budapest printing shop and saw an ink that dried as soon as it touched paper. “It got me thinking how this process could be simplified right down to the level of an ordinary pen,” he recalled later.

The quick-drying ink used in printing was too thick to flow from a fountain pen, so Bíró’s brother, George, who is an expert in chemistry, came up with a new design. After several years of experiments, Biro replaced the pen’s metal writing nib with the new design bearing a tiny ball in its tip with the help of his brother. As the pen moved along the paper, the ball rolled, picking up ink from the ink container and putting it smoothly on the paper.

Bíró sold his patent (专利) to Baron Marcel Bich of France for 2 million dollars. In 1950 Bich produced his own cheap, disposable (一次性的) ballpoint pen. It was sold throughout the market and in 1965 the French government allowed it to be used in schools, with other countries following suit, such as Argentina. Before long, the ballpoint was becoming an increasingly popular piece of stationery (文具). Today, around 15 million ballpoint pens are sold worldwide every day. People will always remember Biro for his invention. Today in many English-speaking countries, people still use the word “biro” to refer to any kind of ballpoint pen Millions of people use it all over the world every day.

Bíró used to hear people say the ballpoint was ruining writing skills. He would smile and say, “Well, writing comes from the heart. If we can help the hand to perform the task, what is so wrong with that?”

【小题1】When did Biro decide to invent a new pen?
A.When he worked in the oil industry.B.When he saw the quick-drying ink.
C.When he began to use fountain pens.D.When he was buying a printing machine.
【小题2】What did George help Biro do?
A.Design the ballpoint pen.B.Invent a pen-friendly kind of paper.
C.Manage to make printing ink thicker.D.Produce the pen’s metal writing nib.
【小题3】Where were ballpoint pens first put on the market?
A.In Hungary.B.In England.C.In France.D.In Argentina.
【小题4】What can we learn from the text?
A.We should put our heart into writing.B.The tip of the ballpoint pen ruins paper.
C.Biro regretted inventing the ballpoint pen.D.The ballpoint pen was welcome at the market.

Fonts(字体)are used to make letters look a certain way on computers or in books and magazines. If you’re writing a report, you can give a different look to the words in your report by choosing a different font. For example, you can make them look like handwriting or the lettering in a comic(漫画)book. Some fonts even make the letters look like funny shapes or drawings.

Scientists have discovered that people often remember things better if it is a little bit harder for them to read. The scientists have learned that if you are reading words that are difficult to recognize, your brain has to work a little bit harder to make sense of the words that your eyes are seeing. This extra work helps your brain remember what you are reading better.

Now professors at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, have taken this idea and created a font just for remembering things. The font, called Sans Forgetica, is a little bit hard to read on purpose.

There are two main things that make it hard to read. Probably the most obvious one is that all of the letters have gaps or holes in them. When the letters have these gaps, the brain has to fill in the gaps to recognize them. This makes readers slow down and contemplate as they read.

The other surprising thing about Sans Forgetica is that it slants (倾斜) backwards. You may be used to seeing words that slant toward the right. But Sans Forgetica slants the other way, which looks very unusual.

When someone creates a new font, they often sell it. But RMIT is giving away their font for free, hoping that it will quickly help students and other people who need to remember things while they’re reading. Sans Forgetica, which RMIT is calling “the font to remember”, can be downloaded at the university website.

【小题1】What does paragraph 2 mainly discuss?
A.How students read fonts clearly.B.The types of designing new fonts.
C.The theory of making new fonts.D.Why students stop to see the fonts.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “ contemplate” in paragraph 4 mean?
【小题3】What does RMIT expect of Sans Forgetica?
A.It’ll help speed up reading.B.It’ll earn profits for them.
C.It’ll be widely applied soon.D.It’ll make fonts look better.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.A New Font Helps Readers RememberB.A New Font Has Been Recognized
C.Scientists Change the Existing FontsD.Learning Tools Depend on New Fonts
