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In August 2017, Southeast Texas was underwater. Hurricane Harvey dumped five feet of rain in some areas, and nearly six feet of storm surge(风暴潮) made sure that the water had nowhere to go but into the houses, businesses, and lives of thousands of residents. More than 100 people died and $125 billion in damage was recorded before the waters went down weeks later.

About 30 miles due west of Houston, Katy, Texas, a former farm town of 18,000 residents, took a hard hit. Nearly 700 of its homes and 80 businesses were damaged or destroyed. But locals didn't wait for the rain to stop before opening their doors, refrigerators, and wallets to first responders, neighbors, strangers, and even pets.

Beaver Aplin, owner of the popular Buc-ee's chain of convenience stores, was preparing for the grand opening of his newest location just outside Katy. The 50,000-square-foot store was fully stocked with everything from food, water, and toiletries to batteries and Band-Aids. When the storm hit, Aplin opened the store early without thinking twice. He put the word out to first responders, telling them to take what they needed, free of charge.

Meanwhile, locals ran, drove, and paddled to rescue their neighbors stuck in the water. When the water was too deep, rescue came by boat. Pat Lester drove his air-boat into town from his home on the outskirts(郊外). He had seven life jackets, so he scooped up seven people at a time, starting with pregnant women, the elderly, and anyone who was ill.

These are just a small part of the stories of heroism that came out of Katy and all over Texas during one of the worst natural disasters the country has ever seen.

Even first responders coming from outside Katy could instantly feel the town's selfless spirit. ''We helped people in lots of other areas too, but Katy was amazing. Neighbors were going from house to house checking on people and helping everyone they could, '' David Scherff told Katy Magazine.

【小题1】What was the result of Hurricane Harvey?
A.It killed almost 700 people.B.It cost $125 billion in damage.
C.It totally destroyed Katy.D.It forced all businesses to close.
【小题2】What can best describe the people in Katy after reading the story?
A.Brave and selflessB.Driven and focused
C.Optimistic and open-mindedD.Calm and intelligent
【小题3】Why did Katy Magazine quote David Scheff’s words in the last paragraph?
A.To show respect to the first responders in Katy.
B.To point out the importance of natural disaster relief.
C.To praise Katy people for their heroic behavior in the floods.
D.To emphasize the need to help each other through hard times.
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Earthquake prediction has long been a challenge for scientists around the globe since the geological phenomenon can occur at any time and any location with little or no warning. The chance of a powerful earthquake can only be determined through long-term forecasts in a general area or region on Earth.

Throughout history, no individual or group has yet successfully predicted a major earthquake: including its date and time, location and magnitude. These are the three elements essential to make an earthquake, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS). While small earthquakes occur all the time, high-intensity earthquakes are rare but is something to watch out.

Now, a new study led by researchers from Pennsylvania State University found a potential solution to the dilemma of earthquake forecast: ancient underthrust rocks. Rocks buried deep in ancient subduction (俯冲) zones — where tectonic( 地壳的) plates bump with each other — could help scientists make better predictions of how these zones behave during the years between major earthquakes.

According to the USGS, we are still uncertain how we can make such a feat and are not expecting to perfectly predict major earthquakes any time in the foreseeable future.

Although some people in the past said they could predict earthquakes, the U.S. Government agency asserts these are all failed predictions. Their predictions are neither grounded on scientific fact nor passed through the scientific method.

Since authorities in the field of geology and other related areas acknowledged that earthquake prediction is still far from being completed, scientists continue to further understand this mystery. Unlike weather forecasts of hurricanes and other storms, earthquakes have no concrete parameters (参数) that would indicate that they would occur in the coming hours, days, weeks or months.

Regardless, the Penn State researchers have made progress in the dilemma by understanding the underthrust rocks in ancient subduction zones. Determining this area could help scientists better predict the behavior of these zones during periods between major earthquakes. Evidence of their findings was based on clues from rock formations in Alaska and Japan.

【小题1】What is the hard nut as to earthquake prediction?
A.Earthquakes often occur in unexpected areas.B.No scientists can tell how earthquakes happen.
C.The geological structure is too complicated.D.It is hard to predict earthquakes accurately.
【小题2】What does the underlined part in Paragraph 4?
A.Take actions.B.Achieve success.
C.Adopt measures.D.Face challenges.
【小题3】Why can hurricanes be accurately forecasted?
A.Because they can be tracked through the specific data.
B.Because they usually happen in some particular places.
C.Because they can be confirmed by the practical experience.
D.Because they often take place during hot summer time.
【小题4】What is the best title for the passage?
A.Ancient underthrust rocks help in earthquake prediction
B.Earthquake prediction remains a problem to work out
C.Underthrust rocks indicate coming violent earthquakes
D.Scientists can successfully predict destructive earthquakes

Rivers are very important. Humans rely on them for food and water. But rivers can destroy things, too. They can flood, or rise over their banks, making the water run into the nearby land. Floods can also kill humans and wildlife. However, floods are not always bad. Some ecosystems need them every once in a while.

Flooding can not only drown animals but also destroy habitats. For example, a flood in India in 2012 killed many one-horned rhinos. Flood waters can pick up dirt from riverbanks, which makes the water dirty. Too much dirt will clog rivers and streams, preventing the river from flowing. Sometimes flood waters can carry pollution to the sea and harm marine life. In addition, flood waters can carry disease, including hepatitis A (甲型肝炎) and cholera (霍乱).

However, not everything about floods is bad. Sometimes they bring new life to ecosystems. Flood waters carry nutrients to the nearby land. Over time, the water dries up and leaves behind particles (微粒) of dirt and mud. The particles are called sediment (沉淀物) which can be good due to its ability to improve the dirt and help plants grow. Floods are important to some animals as well. For instance, some animals see floods as a sign that it is time to mate or migrate. Floods leave sediment on river beds where baby fish can grow and carry nutrients for small animals in the water to eat. Moreover, in dry seasons, water might dry up, but floods help refill the wetlands, keeping the ecosystem going.

Floods are a part of nature. They can destroy living things and the environment. But some ecosystems need floods to survive.

【小题1】What’s the possible meaning of the underlined word “clog” in Paragraph 2?
【小题2】How do floods help ecosystems?
A.Nutrients carried by floods can make soil richer.
B.Floods make all the animals migrate more easily.
C.Tiny fish going with floods feed some animals.
D.Floods can improve the dirt and help plants grow.
【小题3】What’s the main idea of Paragraph 3?
A.The way in which floods feed animals.B.The benefits of floods to ecosystems.
C.An effective means of improving soil.D.The reason for people’s appreciating floods.
【小题4】What’s the best title of this article?
A.The Bad Effects of FloodingB.The Secret of Flooding
C.Floods-A Disaster to HumansD.Floods — A Part of Nature

My name is Ben. I am 13, and I live in Chantilly, VA. Just yesterday, June 24, I was at home watching my sister, who is mentally handicapped (弱智的). My father was at work while my mother and younger sister were at my mother’s office.

I had noticed the clouds growing darker and the ones to the east were turning green. At first I thought nothing of it, but then on TV, the weather reporter was announcing a big thunderstorm warning, one that usually brings hail (冰雹) and heavy rain.

After seeing that, I called my mother and told her about it. She told me I should not be worried because it was just a thunderstorm so we hung up. Then I looked outside and noticed it was almost pitch black at 4:30. I took a flashlight (手电筒) because I was sure the power was going to go out any second.   Then no sooner had I gotten back from getting the flashlight than the weather reporter announced a Tornado Warning! I had never been in an actual tornado before, but I had seen some funnel clouds before in Montana.

Suddenly I realised I had no time to lose and I had to try to get my sister down the stairs to the basement in a matter of minutes. I surprisingly got her down there with no trouble at all and I raced back up the stairs to get the cordless phone. When I got back downstairs my dad called and told me to get downstairs immediately. I told him I was already down there! He said OK and we talked for a few seconds and then we hung up. Then_through the basement windows, the only thing_I_could_see_was_lightning.

I do not recall hearing of any deaths, or too many injuries so I guess everyone got a good head start to run to their basements. Either that or we are all lucky.

【小题1】Ben took a flashlight because ________.
A.he wanted to look for somethingB.it was not bright enough in the room
C.he wanted to take care of his sisterD.he was prepared for the power off
【小题2】How did Ben save himself and his sister?
A.By staying upstairs at home.B.By running out of the house.
C.By hiding in the basement.D.By using the cordless phone.
【小题3】How did Ben’s father feel when he called Ben?
【小题4】What can we infer from the underlined sentence?
A.It was completely dark outside.B.They were scared.
C.The flashlight was broken.D.It was at midnight.
