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While you may be doing everything right, ignoring just one or two steps in the process may keep you from getting a job, especially in this fierce market. Here is a checklist that covers some of the major links in the job-search chain.

THE RESUME—Make sure it is up-to-date and tailored to the types of jobs you are seeking for. Have someone else look at your resume. If you cannot afford a career coach,give your resume to friends or family members to scrutinize. Have copies of your resume printed so that you are ready to hand them out at interviews.

COVERING LEITERS—Maybe you've set up a few basic styles in advance, but that's not enough. Each covering letter should be designed to suit the job for which you are applying.

THE WARDROBE (衣橱)—Check your wardrobe to ensure that you have the appropriate professional dress, including shoes,ready for interview.

NETWORKING—Don't isolate yourself from others. Network through e-mail messages, phone calls, appointments and meetings keep you in touch with the outside world and prevent you from becoming depressed.

APPLICATION—A glance at huge online job sites isn't usually the best way to find a job. You are more likely to succeed through the people you know via networking.

INTERVIEWS—If you've got plenty of interviews but no return calls or job offers, take a look at your interviewing skills. This is one area where investing in a career coach may pay off. But if you can't afford one, try to find a job group or service that conducts free mock (模拟) interviews.

SUPPORT SYSTEMS—Finally, recognize that looking for job is rather difficult. Even at the best of times, a job hunt is often about rejection, and that can be hard to endure. Staying in touch with family, friends, professional networks and fellow job seekers can help you to maintain a positive attitude and a sense of perspective.

【小题1】The author's purpose of writing this text is to ________.
A.suggest graduates should find suitable jobs
B.give people some tips on searching for jobs
C.tell people how to improve their interview skills
D.teach people how to get ready for an interview
【小题2】The underlined word ''scrutinize'' in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by ''________''.
【小题3】Which of the following methods is NOT true according to the text?
A.You should have your resume read by your friends after finishing it.
B.You should create different covering letters for the different jobs you apply for.
C.Searching online is the most effective way to look for a job.
D.You should wear appropriate professional clothes and shoes for the interview.
【小题4】What should you do if you don't receive any calls after lots of interviews?
A.Carefully review your interviewing skills.
B.Ask a fellow job seeker to help you.
C.Rewrite your resume as soon as possible.
D.Go to the managers' offices to find out why.
【小题5】It is implied in the text that ________.
A.people often pay no attention to writing their resume
B.the interview is the most difficult step for interviewees
C.a career coach often offers free mock interviews to interviewees
D.your social network may help you a lot in your job hunt
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Now that American education has entered the era of the MOOC—the Massive Open Online Course-the opportunity for cheating appears greater than ever. The all-knowing Google search engine is never more than a few keystrokes away. So how can a teacher manage such a large number of examinees so far away, let alone searching out cheaters taking tests across the Internet?
Using technology, of course. While special services via webcam(摄像头)and cheating detecting software have been developed now, Mettl, an online company, has developed advanced techniques for netting cheaters, which the company claims are even more reliable and easier to use. Whatever small attempt to cheat, he or she will be found out.
Mettl has adopted a handful of technologies on its test—taking platform, creating a mini monitoring state in an exam. Here’s how it works:A test-taker signs on to Mettl and selects his/her exam from the site’s library of pre—loaded tests. Facial and keystroke recognition technology confirm the person that has signed in is the very person, and the system records both the test—taker(through the webcam)and the test—taker’s screen throughout the test.
Mettl’s technology uses the test—taker’s webcam to detect how many people are using the computer. Soon, it will track eye movement well enough to sense whether the test-taker is looking away from the screen, perhaps to Consult a smart phone or a friend in secret. Mettl also monitors the test-taker’s screen and can detect when the test-taker has changed a computer or moved from the test. The system will soon be able to record sound, thus detecting whether the test-taker is talking or being talked to.
If any irregularities are detected, the system flags the incident and reports it back to the test’s administrator. This can bring any number of things, depending on the test-giver’s wishes:a complete shutdown of the exam, a warning message that appears on the test-taker’s screen, even human instructions from the control center.
Mettl is hoping its technology will help it break into the country’s big MOOC markets.
【小题1】What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Advantages of Massive Open Online Courses
B.Using technology to fight against cheating online
C.A new Test system serving the online students
D.How Americans help increase educational opportunity
【小题2】From the first paragraph we can infer that
A.MOOC has replaced the traditional form of education
B.Teachers should be more strict in dealing with cheating
C.Google is a software designed for cheating
D.Preventing online cheating is a tougher job
【小题3】How can Mettl help to get rid of cheating online?
A.By equipping teachers with cameras.
B.By asking test-takers to sign in.
C.By providing different tests at the same time.
D.By recording the test-takers’ behaviors.
【小题4】Which part of a newspaper does the article come from?

Did you forget someone's name after you just met? Did you just talk about yourself the first time you met someone new? Ouch! You never have a second chance to make the first impression. So what can you do when the first impression is a negative one? 【小题1】   

Apologize immediately. As soon as you realize that you may have offended (冒犯) someone, say something about it. The more time passes, the worse the situation can become. 【小题2】 So take control of the situation by making your last impression a positive one.

Avoid over—apologizing. Saying you're sorry is important. 【小题3】 Your goal is to admit your mistake responsibly and sensitively. If you repeatedly bring up the past, you're defeating your purpose. It puts the other person in the uncomfortable position of having to continually forgive you.

Make no assumption (假设). It's easy to assume that others think the worst of you, but usually what we imagine is far worse than reality. 【小题4】 Say something like, “I'm uncomfortable with how I behaved yesterday because I realized I might have offended you. Did you feel the same way?” The other person may think it was no big deal.

【小题5】 A sincere apology requires three steps. First, don't blame what happened on other people. Second, admit how your actions affected the other person. Third, explain what you will do differently in the future to avoid making the same mistake. Such an apology might sound like, “I want to apologize for what I said yesterday. After speaking with you, I can hear how much my comments offended you. I want you to know that I'll be more sensitive in the future.”

A.Be sincere.
B.Be sensitive.
C.Here are the ways to repair the first impression.
D.So don't start out with “You must think I'm a total fool.”
E.Every impression you make makes no difference to others.
F.But overdoing it can create another uncomfortable situation.
G.The first impression is important, and so is the last impression.
