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Interviews are becoming an increasingly common part of the application process for US universities. Since many Chinese applicants are unable to meet admissions officers in person, some rely on phone or video interviews to connect with recruiters. Software like Skype and FaceTime helps students to bridge the distance. 【小题1】


Before the interview, review your experiences fully and be prepared to explain them in vivid detail. In particular, think about what you’ve done outside of academia. Remind yourself why you would be a strong candidate. To improve your storytelling skills, New Oriental Education recommends you remember the “STARS”. It refers to “situation, tasks, actions, result and self”. 【小题3】 What situations did you find yourself in? What tasks were you faced with? How did you react, and what was the outcome?

● Master the art of interviewing electronically.

【小题4】 The right clothes can help put you in the mindset of a professional conversation. Also, remember to smile while you are speaking. Experts from Villanova University say it can help improve the tone of your voice. Still, remember to look into your webcam-not at your monitor during the Skype video interviews, as this will stimulate direct eye contact.

● Be thankful and send a thank-you e-mail.

Make sure to write a thank-you e-mail after you finish the interview and address it specifically to the admissions representative. 【小题5】 If there is something about the interview that was helpful to you, let your interviewer know. If you share an interest with your interviewer over a book or a band, make sure you mention it in the e-mail. Send it within 24 hours after the interview while it’s still fresh in your mind and your interviewer’s.

A.Be a good storyteller.
B.Think carefully before the interview.
C.Dress professionally, even for phone interviews.
D.Here are some tips while doing long - distance interviews.
E.Most importantly, the e-mail should be kept short and right to the point.
F.These words can help you highlight the most important parts of your resume.
G.Express your interest in the school and thank your interviewer for meeting with you.
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We spend about a third of our lives sleeping, so it’s vital that we make the most of it! Getting quality sleep is essential for both our physical and mental health. 【小题1】.

Establish a regular sleep schedule

Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day helps to regulate our bodies natural sleep rhythm. 【小题2】. If you have trouble falling asleep at night, try not to nap during the day. Napping can make it harder to fall asleep at night.


Our bodies are naturally programmed to sleep when it’s dark outside. So, try to keep your bedroom as dark as possible when you’re trying to sleep. If you need to, use blackout curtains or an eye mask to block out any unwanted light.

Get up and move around

If you find yourself lying in bed awake, it’s best to get up and move around for a bit. 【小题4】. Avoid watching television or working on the computer, as the bright screens can stimulate your brain and make it harder to fall asleep

Get regular exercise

Exercise is a great way to improve your sleep. Not only does it help you fall asleep faster, but it also helps you sleep more soundly through the night. Make sure that you avoid exercising too close to bedtime as this can actually have the opposite effect.

【小题5】. By following these tips, you can help improve the quality of your sleep and get the rest you need to live a healthy life!

A.Keep your bedroom dark
B.Try your best to go back to bed
C.There are plenty of other options to try
D.Try reading a book or taking a relaxing bath
E.In a word, getting a good sleep is significant
F.Here are some tips to improve the quality of your sleep
G.So stick to a regular sleep schedule as much as possible

How to Choose the Right University Degree for You

Choosing the right university degree is perhaps one of the biggest decisions that you QI make in your life. If you are in the process of applying to university and aren't sure which degree to opt for, here are some things you can do to help you make the right choice.


Many teens who are in the process of applying to university end up being pressured by parents or other family members to apply to study subjects that they are good at but don't really enjoy. 【小题2】Remember, it's always easier to improve your knowledge and skills around a certain subject if you are truly passionate about it.

Get some work experience

There's nothing like actually experiencing something to help you determine what you might want to do. 【小题3】But you may be able to spend a day in the office or workplace shadowing people who work in those careers and asking them questions.

Think about your future goals

When you think about your future goals, don't just think about the work that you want to be doing — consider the other goals that you have for your life as well. 【小题4】If so, a career as an English teacher or a translator might be the perfect option for you. Perhaps you want a job where you can help others every day;medicine, nursing or counselling could be an ideal choice. 【小题5】Then degrees in film, art, and architecture are great choices.

A.Consider what you like.
B.Do you want to travel a lot?
C.You don't have to be employed.
D.Think about what you’re good at.
E.Maybe you want to have many fans.
F.Try not to let others push this on you.
G.Maybe you’re a very creative person.

Hunger and malnutrition still exist in the world. Luckily, there are exciting, creative solutions to solving the extra food coming from restaurants, grocery stores, and farmers. 【小题1】

On June 7, 2022, Spain adopted a draft bill on leftovers. Food businesses will have to submit their plans to reduce food waste. 【小题2】 Restaurants will soon be required to provide containers for customers to take home their leftovers. Although this may seem like normal practice, in Spain, this is not the custom. With this upcoming law, diners can request their leftovers to be wrapped in recycled packaging for no extra cost. 【小题3】 Supermarkets will also be asked to donate their unsold food to food banks and neighborhood organizations.

【小题4】 It can help reduce greenhouse gasses, ensure there is more food for the hungry, and save money in an economic depression. It may also heal nature as there’ll be less demand to destroy forest to grow crops and raise livestock. This, in turn, could reduce the usage of water and decrease pollution in the agricultural sector.

Along with France and Italy, Spain is paving the way for other countries to address this global issue. Spain hopes to enforce these new laws by 2023 and is also developing an awareness program to educate the consumer. Much food waste also comes from within the household. 【小题5】 Hence, teaching children about food waste is a big step towards making the world a better, less hungry place.

A.As the proverb goes, “Charity begins at home.”
B.If restaurants fail to do this, they could be fined.
C.Joint efforts are needed to deal with this global issue.
D.As a famous saying goes, “One good turn deserves another.”
E.Reducing food waste is of great significance in a hungry world.
F.Instead of being thrown out, unused food will soon be repurposed.
G.This new bill will impress upon the public a new attitude towards food waste.
