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ESSEX-Sorrowful families in Vietnam are struggling to bring home the bodies of loved ones who died in a refrigerated truck while trying to illegally enter the United Kingdom on Oct 23. Many of the relatives of the 39 people who died in the freezing, airless vehicle are too poor to bring the bodies back to Vietnam.

Ten of the 39 victims were from the Can Loc district of Ha Tinh province, where Bui Huy Cuong is deputy chairman of the people's committee. He told the Guardian Newspaper that officials have visited bereaved(新近丧失亲人的) families to encourage them to receive ashes, instead of bodies, because it would be cheaper. But he said families want bodies so they can be honored in traditional funerals and are hoping the authorities will pay. "At the moment, we are not sure if the British or the Vietnamese government will take responsibility for bringing victims back to Vietnam, " he said. "Families know nothing about it. It should be clear soon which government (if any) will take responsibility …how much can British and Vietnamese governments pay, and how much will Vietnamese families need to contribute."

The brother of 26-year-old Pham Thi Tra My told the paper his family does not want ashes. Pham Manh Cuong said, “My family wishes to bring my older sister's body back home because we all agreed we want to see her for the last time. If they do not pay for the transportation fee. we have to pay the fee. We have to accept my sister's ashes in Vietnam, because we are in a very difficult position. '' Pham Thi Tra My was the victim who came to prominence when her final text home was made public in which she said, "I'm sorry, Mum. My journey abroad has not succeeded. Mum, I love you so much I'm dying because I can't breathe. ”

Nguyen Dinh Gia, the father of another victim, Nguyen Dinh Luong, from Nghe An province, said his family also wants a body. He said villagers have been visited by local authorities but do not understand their options. “They did not tell me how much the transport fee is, but told us 让's costly …so it's easier to bring back ashes instead of the body," he said. “I said we are asking for help from two governments ... We've had to wait for many days now and are falling into depression.”

The Vietnamese government has not commented on the repatriations(调回本国).Police in the UK and in Vietnam have made several arrests in connection with the incident that claimed the lives of 31 male and 8 female victims, of whom 10 were teenagers.

【小题1】What does Bui Huy Cuong mainly want to express in Para. 2?
A.How officials care about the bereaved families.
B.Some authorities encourage families to receive ashes.
C.How money will be raised to bring the victims back to Vietnam.
D.Families want bodies so they can be honored in traditional funerals.
【小题2】What is the possible meaning of the underlined word “prominence” in Para. 3?
A.Being likely to cause harm.
B.The state of being noticeable.
C.The quality of being pleasant or attractive.
D.Behavior acquired through frequent repetition.
【小题3】We know about Nguyen Dinh Luong from the news report?
A.brother is Pham Manh Cuong.
B.He is from Nghe An province, Vietnam.
C.His family will fly to England to sec his body.
D.His body will soon be brought back to Vietnam.
【小题4】What Can be the best title for the news report?
A.39 People die in the freezing, airless vehicle
B.39 People try to illegally enter the United Kingdom.
C.Relatives struggling to take 39 UK truck death victims back to Vietnam.
D.Arrests in connection with the incident that claim the lives of Vietnamese.
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London(AFP)— Friday the 13th proved suitably unlucky for one 13-year-old boy who was struck by lightning before being taken to hospital — at 13:13 on the dreaded date.

“They boy, who has not been named, was treated for a slight burn after being hit along with two others at an air show in Suffolk, eastern England.” a spokeswoman said.

Staff (人员) at eh St. Johns Ambulance service said there had been heavy rain all day before they saw a big flash of lightning and loud clap of thunder over the sea off the Suffolk coast.

“We got a call that someone had been struck by lightning so we immediately sent our first aid emergency stall to the scene, followed by an ambulance.” said Rex Clarke, head of the team of St. John Ambulance volunteers at the event.

“Lightning strikes can cause cardiac arrest (心搏骤停), but when our volunteers arrived the boy was conscious and breathing.”

Clarke added that two other people were treated for injuries from lightning burns in the space of twenty minutes, and that all three people were holding umbrellas at the time which “ acts as a conductor (导体) for electricity”.

Jason Gillingham, a County Ambulance officer on scene at the show, said, “This was a slight burn t the boy’s shoulder, but he was taken to hospital and is recovering well.”

【小题1】According to the passage, 13 may be _____ in the UK.
A.a fortunate number that everyone likes
B.a number which can bring people bad luck
C.a common number which doesn’t have special meanings
D.a number which is only bad for kids
【小题2】The underlined word “dreaded” in the first paragraph probably means_____.
【小题3】What happened to the 13-year-old boy after the lightning struck him?
A.His heart stopped beating.B.He lost his umbrella.
C.He got hurt on the shoulder.D.He lost his hearing.
【小题4】We can know from the passage that the boy will _____ soon.
A.become disableB.lose his shoulderC.pass awayD.get better
【小题5】What can be the suitable title to the passage?
A.An Interesting EventB.A Brave Boy
C.Boy Struck By Lightning On Black FridayD.Danger Of Lighting to People Outdoors

Should people be allowed to use cell phones while driving? People have different opinions about it.

No, because in this world some people drive very crazily. So most people who use cell phones to talk in the car usually pay more attention to what they are talking about than to driving. One of the reasons that I feel this way is that my friend had a car accident while using a cell phone. He lost his life and his friends did, too.

——Alejandra Pachecho from Venezuela

That depends. The advantages of using a cell phone while driving are that you can call the police if there is a car accident, and call for help when somebody’s car breaks down. The disadvantage is that people get distracted (思想不集中) when they are driving at the same time they are talking on a cell phone. It can cause car accidents.

——Rodrigo Cruz from Colombia

Yes, if they use it correctly. Sometimes drivers are very dangerous when they are talking on a cell phone. They may not drive well if they use one hand to hold the phone and the other hand to drive. In this case, drivers should use a hand-free accessory to talk while driving. That is a safe way to use them while driving.

——Pantium Wong from Hong Kong

No. Cell phones are extremely popular among teenagers. One problem is that they talk on them while they’re driving. Sometimes some of them aren’t careful and drive too fast. Talking on a cell phone while driving at high speed is very dangerous. They shouldn’t drive and talk on the phone at the same time because they can’t control the car and may cause accidents.

——Ngoc-Ahn Thi Ho from Vietnam

【小题1】The people above all think the disadvantage of using cell phones while driving is.
A.to lose lifeB.to cause accidents
C.to get distractedD.to lose way
【小题2】What’s the advantage of using a cell phone while driving according to Rodrigo Cruz?
A.Avoiding loneliness.B.Not missing important things
C.Keeping in touch with family.D.Getting help when in trouble
【小题3】Who suggests a safe way to use cell phones while driving?
A.Pantium Wong.B.Alejandra Pachecho.
C.Ngoc-Ahn Thi Ho.D.Rodrigo Cruz.
【小题4】According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the reason to cause car accidents?
A.Driving at a young age.B.Driving too fast.
C.Being careless.D.Talking on cell phones

It’s not common that a grandmother aged 89 is crowned Queen of Icebergs in North America, but when it does happen it’s dangerous.

On a recent trip to Iceland, Judith Streng became that grandma after her son attempted to take a photograph of her sitting on an ice structure that looked like a throne at Diamond Beach in Jokulsarlon. Shortly after Streng sat down to pose, the piece of ice broke off and floated into the water.

“I thought it was safe. One girl had been on it and then two girls at the same time, and it was very secure with them. When I got on it, it started to shake and a wave was coming in. A very large wave came in and made the throne kind of shake, and I could tell that I was slipping off,” Streng told ABC News.

Streng’s story went hot after her 24-year-old granddaughter Catherine tweeted a text message exchange she had with her father about the incident. “My grandmother almost got lost at sea in Iceland today!”

Catherine, who teaches English in Seoul, South Korea, explained via Twitter that her father described the scene vividly. He has a PhD in English, and described the event in the following words, “She climbed to the throne after a wave had pulled back and left it briefly exposed on the beach. Then a wave washed in and removed the ice throne, rocking it from side to side. When the wave left, it lifted the throne and carried her out into the sea with the tide.”

Luckily for the Streng family, Randy, a licensed boat captain from Florida with knowledge of water rescue strategies, witnessed the whole thing, and was able to save the day.

【小题1】Where was the grandma when her son was taking a picture for?
A.On a crown.B.In an iceboat.C.On a beach.D.On an ice structure.
【小题2】How did Catherine spread this accident?
A.By drawing a vivid picture.B.By exchanging Twitter accounts.
C.By talking with her father in Seoul.D.By posting the text message exchange with her father.
【小题3】Who saved the grandmother?
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Taking Pictures Must be Very DangerousB.A Grandma Floated out to the Sea on an Iceberg
C.The Optimistic Family Who Love IcebergsD.The Licensed Boat Captain Went Hot Slowly
