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Before you throw your trash into the nearest can, think for a moment. Not all your garbage can be dumped into one trashcan. It needs to be sorted out with different things going into different bins. Waste classification, a practice that has long been normal in developed countries like Japan, is the new challenge for many Chinese urban residents. However, though initially you might need to rack your brains to figure out which trash goes into which can, in the long run, the result is well worth the effort.

Landfills, sites where waste is buried and covered over with soil, are a major method of disposing of residential waste in China. However, considering the environmental disaster associated with burying waste, there is a pressing need to reduce the amount of waste that goes into a landfill. Classification, sorting waste into different categories such as harmful waste, recyclables and kitchen waste, is a key solution.

Currently, 46 cities across China, are carrying out a program that aims to put in place a classification-based garbage disposal system by the end of 2020. It is hoped that this will reduce the quantity of waste that ends up in landfills by a large degree. Shanghai came into the media focus in early July after it carried out compulsory garbage sorting rules that those who fail to dispose of garbage properly should be fined. Beijing is reviewing its regulations to follow in Shanghai's footsteps. The new rules may cause short-term inconvenience but they are meant to help residents follow the concept of garbage classification for the common good.

As the programs show, residents can gradually develop this habit with their growing awareness and the help of advanced technology. In future, this practice should be adopted across China, in urban cities and rural areas alike. With public involvement, China's garbage sorting program will contribute not only to the nation's sustainable (可持续的) development but also to making the planet a better place to live in.

【小题1】What is the most probable reason for classifying waste?
A.No site for burying waste.B.People's habit.
C.Economic cost.D.Environmental pollution.
【小题2】What is the purpose of the program?
A.To practise waste classification.
B.To protect environment.
C.To save oil for farming.
D.To reduce the quantity of waste.
【小题3】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.A program adopted across China.
B.Shanghai carried out new disposal rules.
C.Doing the best with waste.
D.Protecting environment is necessary.
【小题4】What is likely to happen in China according to the text?
A.China will become the leading country of the program.
B.The program will be spread nationwide.
C.Development in rural areas will make great progress.
D.People will help develop modern technology.
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Every spring Beijing is choked by huge sandstorms.The sky turns a strange and frightening yellow colour as clouds of sand sweep down from the deserts of Mongolia and north-western China.Strong winds blow up the dust and cover everything in sight—in 2006,a storm dumped 330,000 tonnes of dust on Beijing in one night.
The number of sandstorms has grown alarmingly over the years as the deserts have expanded.This is partly man-made and partly because of climate(气候).Many grasslands have been overgrazed(过度放牧)by sheep and goats,or ploughed up,leaving the soil dangerously exposed.Too much water has been taken out of rivers,and the situation is made worse by increasingly long-lasting droughts that have affected the northern half of China as the climate grows warmer and drier.The result is probably the worst loss of rich land to deserts in the world and a dust bowl of extremely large proportions.The nearest sand dunes to Beijing are now only 70 km away and drifting closer each year.At this rate,the desert will reach the city by 2040,and Beijing could become the world’s first modern city to disappear under sand.To hold back the deserts,a huge programme of forest planting called the Great Green Wall has been under way for over 30 years.The barrier(隔离带)is planned to be 4,500 km long when completed in several decades(十年),but the drought is having a very bad effect on the trees and the deserts carry on growing.
【小题1】All the following are the reasons for the expansion of the deserts EXCEPT .
A.the soil of the grasslands is exposed
B.too much water in rivers has been used
C.it doesn’t rain for a long time
D.the climate in northern China is colder and drier
【小题2】At what speed do the nearest sand dunes move towards Beijing according to the passage?
A.More than 15 km a year.
B.More than 2 km a month.
C.More than 2 km a year.
D.More than 15 km a month.
【小题3】What is the purpose of the huge programme“the Great Green Wall”?
A.To protect the Great Wall.
B.To plant as many trees as possible along the Great Wall.
C.To stop the deserts from moving towards Beijing.
D.To plant as many trees as possible in Beijing.
【小题4】In which section can this passage most likely be found in a newspaper?
A.Science and technology.
D.Health and life.

To appreciate Dubai, you could start by going skiing. The ski resort, located inside one of the city’s shopping malls, looks from the outside like a silver spaceship. You put on a thick coat, pull on your gloves and then marvel at what strong air-conditioning can do. At the exit, you can buy a souvenir T-shirt. A cartoon thermometer in Celsius announces: “I went from +50 to minus 8!”

Indoor skiing in the desert has become a symbol of Dubai’s status as a wealthy, modem metropolis. This small fishing village, Dubai’s fortunes changed forever with the discovery of oil in the 1960s. Since then. it has evolved to become the largest city. But the rapid growth has come at a price. To power its cars and air-conditioning, the city has produced large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO. ) from fossil fuels. Now it is making some big changes.

To reduce its dependence on cars and lower its emissions, Dubai has invested in solar energy, green buildings, and a comprehensive public transportation system. In addition, all new buildings must meet strict energy regulations.

The most striking development can be found where the city’s suburbs meet the desert. Unlike much of Dubai, the Sustainable City to the south feels more like a close-knit-village community. About five hundred low-rise houses are distributed along attractive, tree-lined streets. They all face north, away from direct sunlight, and are close together to provide natural shade. Each building has reflective windows and wall paint, which reduce the heat absorbed from the sun. Rooftop solar panels and energy-saving lights contribute to the community’s energy efficiency. As a result, residents of the Sustainable City now consume 50 percent less energy than people living in other parts of Dubai.

By 2050, the government intends to obtain 75 percent of the city’s energy from renewable sources-mainly solar. It also wants to have the smallest ecological footprint in the world. The plan is ambitious. But if successful, even guilt-free skiing in the desert could become an reality.

【小题1】Why does the writer start the passage by describing a ski resort?
A.To demonstrate the problems of living near a desert.
B.To describe an expensive and unsuccessful building project.
C.To give an example of how Dubai is a wealthy modern city.
D.To provide a warning of what Dubai might be like in the future.
【小题2】The word striking in paragraph four is closest in meaning to
【小题3】Which feature is NOT true about the green buildings?
A.Installation of energy-efficient lights.B.Avoidance of the sunlight from north.
C.Placement of solar panels on rooftops.D.Arrangement to allow natural cooling.
【小题4】What would be the best title for this passage?
A.How Oil Has Changed Dubai.B.Dubai’s Economic Future.
C.The Costs of Green Living.D.Building a Sustainable City.

There are many things that we can do in our own ways which will help save the environment. What are some of these ways to save the environment? Let’s take a look at a list of them.

There won’t be enough water before we need to fight for clean and fresh water. That is why saving water and preventing water pollution becomes very important. Keep simple things in mind like turning off the tap when you are brushing teeth. Don’t often take a shower. Don’t pour oil into the drains. Don’t throw rubbish into the river.

Save paper to save trees. Make sure that you use both sides of paper before throwing it away. If you can, try not to use paper as possible as you can and do not forget to recycle paper. Also, using cloth bags instead of paper bags can save much Paper. This is one of the best ways to save our environment.

Recycling is important. It makes sure that the environment is not more polluted. Recycling does not simply include recycling paper, but things like plastic, metal and office supplies like pens, ink and more. This makes sure that they are changed into material that is reusable and also puts less pressure on the environment.

What are the ways to save energy? Turn off the lights and computers before you leave. Use cold water instead of hot water to wash clothes, use the stairs instead of the lift and keep the air conditioner on moderate setting (设置) to save energy.

In a word, try our best to do something to save our environment, and we will do something helpful to save ourselves.

【小题1】How can we save trees according to the passage?
A.By saving water.B.By planting trees.
C.By saving energy.D.By using less paper.
【小题2】What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?
A.Saving paper.B.Saving water.C.Recycling.D.Planting trees.
【小题3】The reason why recycling is important mainly because_______.
A.it can save our environmentB.there are many old things
C.it helps us keep healthyD.it can save some money
【小题4】The underlined word “moderate” means_______.
A.high windB.high temperatureC.openD.proper
