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One day, a young soldier walked up to a much decorated senior officer in the army and asked him: “Sir, what is the secret of your success in the army? I want to be an officer too.”

The officer looked at the young soldier steadily (一动不动地) for about three minutes and gave him a threatening (带有威胁的) order. He gave the young soldier a cup full of water and told him to walk round the training field five times. He clearly told him that his life depended on it, and if a drop of water fell from the cup, another soldier would shoot him on the head. Four soldiers were strategically (战略上的) positioned to shoot him down once a drop of water fell from the cup.

Seeing how serious the whole thing turned out, he took the cup full of water and went out to complete his task. The young soldier carefully walked round the training field five times without letting a drop fall from the cup. On completion of the task, he returned the full cup to the senior officer.

When the officer saw what he did to protect his life by not allowing a drop of water out of the cup, he asked him the following questions:

“Did you see those beautiful girls dancing at the nearby market?"

The young soldier replied, “No.”

“Did you see those soldiers playing football in the field?”

The young soldier replied, “No.”

“What about those people fighting across the other side of the field?”

The young soldier replied, “No.”

Then, the officer looked at him and said, “If you focus on your task, you will succeed and protect your life too.”

At last, the young soldier left happily.

【小题1】What did the soldier ask the officer to do?
A.Give him a cup full of water.B.Tell him how to be successful.
C.Walk round the training field.D.Appoint him as an officer.
【小题2】What were other people doing when the soldier walked around the training field?
A.Four soldiers were shooting at him.
B.Some soldiers were fighting in the field.
C.Some soldiers were playing football in the field.
D.Some girls were dancing in the playground.
【小题3】Why did the officer give the threatening order to the solider?
A.To kill him on purpose.B.To warn him not to drop any water.
C.To train the other soldiers.D.To teach him to concentrate on things.
【小题4】What would the soldier probably do after leaving happily?
A.He would learn the secret of success.
B.He would practice walking steadily and fast.
C.He would buy some gifts to thank the officer.
D.He would stay focused on what he was doing.
知识点:记叙文生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Last year, my Singapore-based sister insisted my mother and I join her for the Christmas. My mum, a fearless woman, would get strangely nervous on flights. Perhaps the only thing that convinced her to overcome her fears was the chance to piece together our declining bond.

Growing up, moments with Mum were painfully short-lived because I spent most time at the boarding school, reuniting only during the holidays. Every year, she would eagerly await my return, which would always lead to constant loving scenes. Those cherished moments were gradually vanishing as I moved away for university. Soon, our relationship became tense. She seemed unable to comprehend me and her stubborn and old-fashioned advice forced me to shut myself. But the more I pulled away, the more I felt a longing for the bond that had grown so dim. Perhaps Singapore would give us a chance to breathe it back to life.

I assumed the immersive exhibits at Art Science Museum would refresh my mother, who was an art student. However, I was surprised when she just turned her nose up at the Bruges Whale, a sculpture using plastic waste to raise awareness about ocean pollution. “It’s art, Mum! Be more appreciative.” I defended.

Disheartened by the distance between us, I led her to the kid’s zone. We signed up for a joint sketching activity, hoping that would help us connect. As our creative juices flowed, our faded relationship began to take on the hues and shades of something sincere and beautiful.

“Look!” she excitedly pointed towards a digital screen that displayed our creations. “That one’s ours.” Mum went up and reached out, touching the fish as it moved its tail back and forth in the virtual tank.

Looking around, I saw children sharing moments with their parents, and my own childhood flashed back. That rare instance where she let slip an inner innocence and delight at a new experience revealed the little girl in her, who was like me, had lost a vital connection to responsibilities of motherhood.

“Our time together was like that of friends. You were my mother, and I’m a child following you around.” My mum said to me with a smile.

【小题1】What made Mum accept the visit to Singapore?
A.The resolve to overcome the nervousness on flight.
B.The desire to restore relationship with her children.
C.The sincere invitation of my Singapore-based sister.
D.The expectation for Art Science Museum as an artist.
【小题2】What is the attitude of Mum towards the Bruges Whale?
A.She felt it a huge waste to make it from plastic.
B.She showed a great interest in this work of art.
C.She didn’t think it good enough to be exhibited.
D.She considered it beneficial to ocean protection.
【小题3】What can we learn from the sketching activity?
A.It revealed Mum’s inner ignorance like a girl.
B.It explored causes for faded bond between families.
C.It let Mum totally lose responsibilities of motherhood.
D.It provided an opportunity to share moments with families.
【小题4】What do Mum’s words imply in the last paragraph?
A.A good medicine tastes bitter.B.Life has indeed come full circle.
C.Actions speak louder than words.D.Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.

It was an early September day, cool and bright and just right for running, and I was in the first few miles of a 10.5-mile race over a course through tiring hills. Still I felt rested and springy; despite the hills, it was going to be a fine run.

Just ahead of me was Peggy Mimno, a teacher from Mount Kisco, New York. She too was running easily, moving along efficiently at my speed. The pace felt comfortable, so I decided to stay where I was: why bother concentrating on pace when she was such a nice pacesetter for me? I would overtake her later on when she tired.

So I was running closely behind her. Then the race was getting tougher. We had four miles left and already it was beginning to be real work. I was breathing hard.

Peggy overtook a young male runner. Apparently she knew him, for they exchanged a few cheerful words as she passed him. Their exchange worried me. You don’t chat during a race unless you are feeling good, and Peggy plainly was, but whatever springiness I had once possessed had left me long since.

Still, I was close enough to overtake her if she tired, so I didn’t give up hope completely. We were approaching a long, punishing hill now and it would be the test. We were a mile from the finish line, so whatever happened on the hill would almost certainly determine who crossed it first.

As I moved up the hill, working hard, my attention wandered for a few minutes. When I looked up, Peggy was moving away—first five yards, then ten, then more. Finally it was clear that there was no hope of catching her. She beat me decisively.

There is an important lesson in that race. Much of what you read about running makes a sharp distinction between the sexes. Women are assumed to be weaker, slower and not nearly as skilled athletically. Yet as Peggy Mimno so clearly demonstrated, the similarities between male and female runners are more important than the differences.

【小题1】What did the writer think of the conditions of the race?
A.Long and tough.B.Fun and convenient.
C.Pleasant but challenging.D.Comfortable but disappointing.
【小题2】How did the writer feel about the race when he first saw Peggy?
【小题3】What worried the writer according to Paragraph 4?
A.Peggy came across her friend.B.Peggy was extremely tired.
C.Peggy ran past the writer suddenly.D.Peggy chatted with another runner.
【小题4】What can be inferred about the writer before the race?
A.He had prejudice against women.
B.He didn’t know Peggy Mimno.
C.He didn’t dare to face difficulties.
D.He considered women skilled athletically.

The Swedish Academy announced on Thursday, 7 October that the Nobel Prize in Literature 2021 is awarded to Abdulrazak Gurnah. The 73-year-old author of 10 novels including well-renowned works such as Paradiseand, Desertion, received 10 million Swedish crowns.

After getting the award, Gurnah not only said he was grateful to the academy but added, “It’s just great-it’s just a big prize, and such a huge list of wonderful writers-I am still taking it in. . . I really had to wait until I heard it announced before I could believe it. ”

Born in 1948, Gurnah mainly grew up on the island of Zanzibar in the Indian Ocean. Gurnah was forced to leave his family and his country in December 1963 just because he belonged to the victimized(受害的)ethnic group, Then he arrived in England as a refugee(难民)at the end of the 1960s, Until his recent retirement, he has been the Professor of English Literature at the University of Kent in Canterbury and he mainly focused on writers including Wole Soyinka and Salman Rushdie. In total he has published 10 novels along with short stories. The Royal Academy has noted that the theme of the refugee’s suffering runs throughout Gurnah’s work.

While Swahili was his first language, English became his tool for literature. His first novel was Memory of Departure in 1987 and it is about the failed uprising in the African continent. His second work Pilgrims Way was published in 1988 in which the newest Nobel winner explored the various reality of life in exile. His third novel was Dottie in 1990 which is a portrait of a Black woman with immigrant background. His other works include Paradise in 1994. Admiring Silence in 1996, Gravel Heart in 2017. His latest novel is Afterlives which was published in 2020 and it takes up where Paradise ends. “I just want to write as trustfully as I can, without trying to say something noble, ”he said. One big difference between human laughs and animal laughs is that humans laugh much more loudly. Most sounds animals make during play are very quiet so they can only be heard by the animal they are playing with. But for humans, loud laughter is a sign that we’re part of a group. It’s really fascinating that so many animals use sounds during play. And those sounds are for reasons similar to why humans make sounds.

【小题1】How did Gurnah feel when he received the Nobel Prize in Literature 2021?
【小题2】What is Gurah’s work mainly about?
A.The refugee’s miserable life.
B.The uprising life in England.
C.The rough road to writing.
D.The friendship with other writers.
【小题3】Which novel is connected with Paradise most?
A.Admiring Silence.B.Dottie.C.Afterlives.D.Gravel Heart.
【小题4】What’s the passage mainly about?
A.Gurah’s writing career and his famous novels.
B.Gurah’s tough life experience as a refugee.
C.Gurah’s contribution to the literature world.
D.Gurah’s winning the Nobel Prize in Literature.
