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Rescue workers and thousands of volunteers are not the only ones who have won hearts and minds for their heroic efforts in the search for survivors after Tuesday's powerful earthquake in

Mexico. Fifteen dogs from the navy's canine(军犬)unit have assisted this week in the rescue efforts at the sites of collapsed buildings across Mexico City, where more than 50 people have been pulled alive from the ruins.

Of the canine heroes none is more famous or loved than Frida, a six-year-old white Labrador who in her distinguished service has won praise for her ability to detect people who have been trapped by various natural disasters. Over her admirable career she has found 52 people including 12 survivors in Mexico and other Latin American countries.

This week, Frida and Evil and Echo—two Belgian Shepherds that have also been specially trained for rescue efforts一were sent to the site of the collapsed Enrique Rebsamen School in southern Mexico City.

Equipped with goggles that protect her eyes from dust and smoke, boots to prevent damage to her paws while she climbs over rough ruins, Frida took to her work looking every bit the part of the ruins.

If Frida detects the presence of a survivor, she is trained to bark to alert rescue workers but if she detects a corpse she stops suddenly before proceeding, her handler explained.

Eleven children were rescued from ruins at the school but this time human rescue workers rather than the dogs were the ones who located them.

However, that hasn't stopped Frida from becoming a social media star and reaching a new level of fame this week. Videos and other social media posts that highlight the work of Frida and her impressive record of detecting people trapped by natural disasters spread quickly online.

While she has yet to detect anyone trapped in the ruins this week, she and other rescue dogs are continuing to work tirelessly, searching through spaces that humans cannot reach. With the possibility that there are still people trapped alive, time will tell whether she adds to her rescue record.

【小题1】Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Severe earthquakes in MexicoB.Undertaking rescue work.
C.People waiting for rescueD.Special rescuers in Mexico.
【小题2】What makes Frida a social media star?
A.Her rescue records and tireless work.
B.Her cooperation with the rescue team.
C.Her cool appearance with some special devices.
D.Her ability to search spaces beyond humans' reach.
【小题3】What does the underlined word "corpse" in paragraph 5 probably mean?
A.An article of clothing.B.An unconscious animal.
C.A dead person.D.A special signal.
【小题4】It can be inferred from the last paragraph that_______ .
A.Frida will achieve nothing
B.Frida will probably work miracles
C.more dogs will be sent to the area
D.the rest of the rescue will be done by dogs
知识点:自然灾害与防范动物说明文逻辑推理标题判断词义猜测 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Large earthquakes could be identified months or even years in advance by finding unique signals, according to a new research from a team of German researchers.

The research suggests more exact earthquake warning systems require more local and regional sites that can find underground signals. Along with this, finding second faults(断层)after the main rupturing (断裂) fault would further increase the exactness of these readings.

To find this out, the team led by Dr Patricia Martinez-Garzon studied the Kahramanamras earthquake that shook Turkey in early 2023. They found that there was an increase in the earthshaking event rates and larger energy release starting around eight months before the earthquakes.

These signals were found within 65 km of the epicenter (震中). Although the main rupture occurred on a fault line and in an area that was known to be the cause of earthquakes, signals before the event took place both on the main and secondary faults, which hadn’t received much attention from scientists in the past.

Now, short-term prediction (预测) of earthquake size, time and location is just possible. The scientists behind this study believe that long-term finding is seminal to help build our understanding of earthquakes and future events.

But not everyone, including Bill McGuire, professor at UCL, agrees with how useful this could be. “While this is interesting from a scientific viewpoint, it is unlikely that knowing a big earthquake might be on the way within months or years really gets us any further forward in preparing for them,” he says. “The only useful prediction of future earthquakes is arguably the one that exactly fixes the location of a coming quake and its timing to within a few weeks, so as to move people to a safe place.”

【小题1】Why did Patricia’s team carry out the study?
A.To find more exact signals before earthquakes.B.To help the Turks in the earthquake-stricken area.
C.To build the modern earthquake warning system.D.To attract the attention of scientists worldwide.
【小题2】What does the underlined “seminal” in Paragraph 5 mean?
【小题3】What does Bill think of the prediction?
A.It will be put into practice soon.B.It could tell a quake a year in advance.
C.It can buy us time to move safely.D.It doesn’t make any sense in reality.
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Scientists Work Hard to Figure Out DisastersB.Hidden Signals Could Show Future Earthquakes
C.German Researchers Stand Out in Natural ScienceD.A Deadly Earthquake Shook Turkey This Year

Makai Simmons had his first day back at school on Monday in Pembroke Pines, Florida, after missing a week of school while he and his mom, Tekara Capron, were stuck in the Bahamas, a country to the southeast of Florida, because of Hurricane Dorian.

“As soon as he walked in, everyone just jumped up,” Capron said. “It was really moving.”

Capron and Makai had planned on traveling over the weekend to visit family in the Bahamas. When they left, they thought they were dodging a bullet because Dorian was on track to hit Florida.

By the time they were in the Bahamas, Dorian had become a Category 5 storm and was on track to ruin the island. Capron stayed put in the Bahamas with her son because leaving was too difficult and, even more so, because she wanted to stay with her family members through the hurricane.

Hurricane Dorian hit the Bahamas, with 183 mph winds causing great destruction (破坏) and killing at least 50 people.

Capron and Makai rode out the storm at her grandparents’ house in Freeport. Capron’s grandparent’s house remained unharmed by the storm, but it was flooded and they lost nearly everything, including most of their clothes and Makai’s toys. “He dealt with it well,” Capron added. “He said, ‘It’s OK, Mommy.’” When Capron told Makai that some people, including children, were trapped (使困住) after the hurricane, Makai offered to help. “He said, ‘Mommy, I have to go save the children,’” Capron said.

Capron and Makai were able to board a ship back to the U.S. on Friday evening. Capron said the joyful welcome Makai got at school was “something he needed, and I needed it too.”

She shared the video on the website, where it already has more than 11, 000 views. Capron said her grandmother, still in the Bahamas, called her crying after watching the video of her great-grandson. “Right now, we’re seeing so many disasters, so to see the love that kids are showing is beautiful,” she said. “The rest of the world needed to see that too.”

【小题1】What does the underlined part “dodging a bullet” in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?
A.Taking a risk.B.Avoiding a disaster.
C.Making a difference.D.Having an adventure.
【小题2】What is one of the reasons that made Capron remain in the Bahamas?
A.Her son’s insistence.B.Her plan to visit her friends.
C.Her wish to stay with her family.D.Her family members’ requirement.
【小题3】Which of the following can best describe Makai?
A.Brave and kind-hearted.B.Easy-going and talkative.
C.Strong-willed and patient.D.Creative and open-minded.
【小题4】What is the video about?
A.Makai being welcomed by his classmates.
B.Makai giving his toys to other children.
C.Capron and her son going back toFlorida.
D.Capron and her son getting through the storm.

The world’s first named heat wave hit Seville, Spain, pushing temperatures past 110 degrees Fahrenheit and earning the most severe tier (级别) in the city’s new heat wave ranking system. Heat wave “Zoe” has brought burning temperatures to the southern part of the country for the last few days, particularly the area where Seville is located.

Zoe is the first named heat wave to hit Seville since it officially used a new system last month to name and rank heat waves, similar to hurricanes (Climatewire, June 22). Only the most severe heat waves get names, named this year in reverse (颠倒的) alphabetical order. After Zoe come Yago, Xenia, Wenceslao and Vega. The worst of the heat is expected to begin tapering off (减弱) today, but it has already posed a significant risk to human health.

Seville’s new ranking system takes a three-tiered approach to categorizing heat waves, with Category 1 as the lowest ranking and Category 3 as the most severe. The system has specific criteria for each category, involving not only daytime temperatures, but also nighttime lows, humidity and the heat’s expected effects on human health.

Spain has been struggling with extreme temperatures for much of the summer already. High heat broke local records around the country last month, and the first two weeks of June were the hottest on record in the country. Across the continent, this year was Europe’s second hottest June on record. Extreme heat returned again earlier this month. Cities across Spain broke monthly temperature records and wildfires broke out on the landscape.

Climate change is causing heat waves to become more frequent, more severe and longer-lasting all over the world, increasing the risks to human health. Seville’s new naming and ranking system is intended to raise public awareness about the dangers of extreme heat.

【小题1】What can we know about Zoe?
A.It’s the most severe heat wave in the world.B.Its power is similar to the hurricane on June 22.
C.It has had a negative influence on human health.D.It’s the first heat wave hitting Seville, Spain.
【小题2】What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.The effect of heat waves on human health.B.The way and standard of sorting heat waves.
C.The approaches to dealing with heat waves.D.The present situation of extreme heat in Spain.
【小题3】Why are heat waves named and ranked in Seville?
A.To distinguish their different types.B.To raise our awareness of good health.
C.To remind us to get ready for them.D.To help the public know about their dangers.
【小题4】What can be the best title for the text?
A.Zoe—the World’s First Named Heat Wave
B.The Most Severe Tier Heat Wave Hitting Seville
C.Climate Change—the Major Contributor to Heat Waves
D.Reasons for More and More Frequent Extreme Heat Waves
