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Scientists think they have the answer to a puzzle that confused even Charles Darwin: How flowers evolved and spread to become the most important plants on earth.

Flowering plants, or angiosperms (被子植物), make up about 90% of all living plant species,but how they did this has been a mystery. New research suggests it is due to genome (基因组) size.

Hundreds of millions of years ago,the earth was dominated by ferns (蕨类)and conifers(针叶树) - they were the main plants on the earth. Then, about 150 million years ago, the first flowering plants appeared on earth. They quickly spread to all parts of the world.

Why angiosperms were successful and diverse on earth has been debated for centuries.Charles Darwin himself called it a "mystery", fearing this apparent sudden change might challenge his theory of evolution.

Kevin Simonin from San Francisco State University in California US and other researchers analyzed data held by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, on the genome size of hundreds of plants, including flowering plants, gymnosperms (a group of plants including conifers) and ferns. They then compared genome size with anatomical (结构上的) features. This provides "strong evidence" that the success and rapid spread of flowering plants around the world is due to "genome downsizing".

By reducing the size of the genome, which is contained within the nucleus (核) of the cell, plants can build smaller cells. The researchers say genome-downsizing happened only in the angiosperms, and this was "a necessary condition for rapid growth rates among land plants".

【小题1】What do we know about angiosperms? ______
A.They are superior in number among all living plant species.
B.They controlled the earth for hundreds of millions of years.
C.They challenge Charles Darwin's theory.
D.They are extinct plants in the world.
【小题2】It can be implied that ______ .
A.Simonin works in the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
B.Simonin is probably an American biologist
C.Darwin was confident of his theory of evolution
D.Darwin succeeded in figuring out the flower evolution
【小题3】What contributed to the success and diversity of angiosperms? ______
A.The weaker ferns and conifer.
B.The larger nucleus.
C.The stronger cell.
D.The smaller genome.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title of this passage? ______
A.Why were gymnosperms successful on earth?
B.What puzzle confused even Charles Darwin?
C.Why angiosperms dominated the earth?
D.When angiosperms outnumbered conifers and Ferns?
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When we go out traveling,we need either a map or GPS to point us in the right direction.But bumblebees(大黄蜂)have neither of these things,yet they still know the best route.Why is that?

It turns out that these hard-working little bees try many possible passages before picking out the best one and remembering it the next time they journey out.They learn from“trial and error”,according to a study by scientists from the University of London.

We use it all the time in our daily lives—trial and error is a helpful problem-solving method.It is the basic concept of“learning from your mistakes”.Most of the time,we fail on our first try,so we analyze the failure,make adjustments and try again.After repeating this a few times,we finally get things right.

This might sound a bit tiring,but it’s certainly effective and it works for bumblebees.

In the study,scientists set up five artificial flowers in a field.Each one of them was fitted with motion-triggered(运动触发的)cameras and had landing platforms with drops of sugar in the middle to attract the bees.

At first,scientists noticed the bees’ flying routes were long and complex.But after they gained enough experience,they gradually got to their destination quicker.Every time a bee tried a new route that was shorter than the route it had tried before,it was likely to use it again.Otherwise the new route would simply be given up and another one was tested.

“The speed at which they learn through trial and error is quite extraordinary for bumblebees,as this complex behavior was thought to be one that only larger-brained animals have,”Professor Lars Chittka,leader of the study,told Sciencedaily.com.

In fact,the smart bumblebees don’t try every possible route.Normally,they would only try about 20 out of the 120 possible routes to visit the flowers.

More interestingly,scientists found that if they removed a flower,bees would continue looking at that location,even if it has been empty for a long time.“It seems bees don’t easily forget a fruitful flower,”Chittka said.

【小题1】The bumblebees are good at finding the best route because ________.
A.they have relatively smaller brains
B.their body parts function like GPS
C.they try out different routes and remember the best ones
D.they take the trouble of testing every possible route
【小题2】The author explains the bumblebees’ behavior of trial and error by ________.
A.using numbersB.making a metaphor(比喻)
C.making comparisonsD.talking about human behavior
【小题3】The study led by professor Lars Chittka suggests that ________.
A.bumblebees try to keep their flying routes long and complex
B.every new route the bumblebees take is shorter than the one they take before
C.bumblebees are familiar with every flying route they have taken before
D.scientists find it unbelievable that bumblebees learn from their mistakes so quickly
【小题4】What is the main point of the article?
A.Bumblebees are as smart as large-brained animals.
B.Trial and error is an effective way to solve our daily problems.
C.A new discovery about how bumblebees find the best routes through trial and error.
D.How bumblebees remember the best routes,small as their brains are.
Imagine being a crew member, hundreds of years ago, sailing in southern waters. Your captain is searching for food while exploring unfamiliar waters. Your job is to watch the sea off the ship’s side for ice. The wind is cold on your face. Alongside the ship, a fish darts past. Another slows to a stop and raises its head above the water to look at you. How could a fish do that?
Did the sailors see fish with feathers or swimming birds? Today, we know that the sailors saw birds that developed the ability to swim. Their wings became flippers, and they could “fly” through the water with amazing speed.
There are many types of penguins. Only two kinds raise their young on the continent of Antarctic. Adelie penguins grow up to 29 inches tall and have a white ring around each eye. Emperor penguins have yellow orange color near their necks. Standing about 35 inches tall, they are the tallest penguins living today.
Emperor penguins have nests on top of their feet. Father Emperor penguins keep the egg on top of their feet for more than two months, until the egg is ready to hatch. The mother penguin goes out for food during that time. Imagine holding an egg on your feet for two months until someone returns with food!
Male and female penguins are both good parents. Once the chicks hatch, both parents travel long distances to find food for them in the sea. It may be days before the parents return and the chicks eat again. When they return with food, the fun really begins. Chicks chase their parents, begging for food. Penguin chicks eat huge amounts at one time.
Eventually, the adult penguins stop feeding the chicks. This is nature’s way of forcing children to grow up. When the penguin chicks are hungry enough, they find their way to the sea. Without any swimming lessons, they make their way into the icy waters and swim as only penguins do.
【小题1】What does the author mainly want to tell us in Paragraph 1?
A.It is dangerous to sail in unfamiliar waters.
B.The ice covers southern waters as far as we can see.
C.Penguins seemed unusual when the sailors first saw them.
D.It is difficult to find food if sailing in southern waters.
【小题2】We now know that penguins seen by the sailors hundreds of years ago were            .
A.fish with the ability to fly
B.birds that had learned to swim
C.birds that could fly into the sea
D.fish with black and white feathers
【小题3】Why does the author say “the fun really begins” when the parents return with food?
A.The chicks play games with each other while eating.
B.The chicks run after the parents while trying to get food.
C.The chicks have to find their way to the sea to get more food.
D.The chicks have to search for the food the parents have hidden.
【小题4】Emperor penguin chicks will be forced to grow up when they              .
A.must learn how to feed others
B.have to find a new place to live
C.have to find food by themselves
D.need to adjust to the changeable weather

Dolphins are universally regarded as some of the cleverest creatures in the world. In captivity (圈养), they can be trained to complete complex tasks such as jumping through hoops and somersaulting through the air.

But their intelligence doesn’t stop there. In a recent study of cetaceans (鲸目动物)—a group of animals that includes dolphins and whales—researchers created a list of intelligent behaviors observed in 90 different cetacean species, reported the Guardian. For example, the smartest cetaceans hunt in groups, share knowledge through mimicry (模仿) and even care for each other’s children. Some even consider their behavior to be human-like.

“There is the saying that ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ seems to be true for both whales and humans,” Michael Muthukrishna of the London School of Economics, co-author of the study, told the Guardian.

However, cetaceans don’t just use their brain power for survival. The study suggests that dolphins might even gossip. That’s because some species greet each other with specific whistles, just as humans greet each other by name, the Guardian reported. Sometimes, a group of dolphins whistles the “name” of a dolphin that isn’t there. Could they be speaking about their “friend” behind its back?

For the researchers, dolphin small talk is a big deal. As they found that the most social cetaceans also have the largest brains, they argue that cetacean intelligence developed to meet the demands of complex social groups.

Known as the “cultural brain hypothesis (假设),” it had only been used to explain the intelligence of humans and other primates (灵长目动物). The new study aimed to find a common pathway for the evolution of intelligence among biologically different species.

“It is interesting to think that whale and human brains are different in their structure but have brought us to the same patterns in behavior,” Luke Rendell, a biologist at the University of St Andrews, told the Guardian.

Indeed, we still have a lot to learn about our intelligent ocean-dwelling neighbors. “We don’t have to look at other planets to look for aliens,” Muthukrishna told the Guardian, “because we know that underwater there are these amazing species with so many parallels to us in their complex behaviors.”

【小题1】What does the underlined word “gossip” probably mean in Paragraph 4?
【小题2】What was the aim of the recent study?
A.Learn more about intelligent creatures of the sea.
B.Explain the intelligence of humans and cetaceans.
C.Create a list of intelligent behaviors of different cetacean species.
D.See whether the intelligence of different species evolved in the same way.
【小题3】What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Some cetaceans have the same intelligence as human beings.
B.It is unnecessary to look for aliens and do research into them.
C.Both dolphins and whales greet each other with specific whistles.
D.Both dolphins and whales have a lot in common with humans in behaviors.
【小题4】What is the best title for this passage?
A.Aliens living underwater.
B.Intelligent creatures of the sea.
C.A study of intelligent dolphins.
D.Reasons for the intelligence of sea creatures.
