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We may be living in the digital age, but reading books is still a big part of growing up. When they’re in primary school, children read books that really challenge them. But once they reach secondary school, the level of difficulty doesn’t change much. Secondary school students tend to read books which are also read by upper primary students. They are not challenging themselves enough.

To discover these trends, I analyzed data collected by Accelerated Reader (AR) software, which asks pupils to check their understanding of the books they’ve chosen to read. The difficulty — which I call “readability”.

I also created two lists of books: one for the books that most secondary pupils had chosen to read, and another for the books they had voted as their favorites. According to the readability, these students’ favorite books tend to be much more advanced than the other books they chose, but they could still understand them. The rest of the books most often chosen by them are quite simple.

You might think that students who read harder books might make more mistakes and understand them less well. But students’ quality of comprehension does not depend on the difficulty of the book, no matter what year of secondary school they’re in. Having an interest is the most obvious factor here — if you like the book, you try hard to really understand it.

As children become teenagers, they listen less to advice from adults and more to advice from kids of their age. So, rather than trying to lecture young people on the benefits of Jane Austen, we should make the nature of the problem clear to them. Students should challenge each other to read more difficult books. Adults could help by setting up noticeboards or organizing social media networks for young people to share their recommendations. And teachers can lend a hand by setting aside time for reading in school. Young people will realize the problems that come when they don’t challenge themselves to read difficult books.

【小题1】What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A.Children spend little time on after-class reading
B.Secondary school students seldom read tough books
C.Children’s reading interest tends to decrease as they grow up
D.Primary students have difficulty choosing good reading materials
【小题2】The author made use of AR software to ________.
A.understand children’s different reading styles
B.show the average time children spend on reading
C.find out the causes of children’s reading difficulties
D.make clear the difficulty levels of books read by children
【小题3】What can we infer about secondary school students from the readability scores?
A.They find some advanced books interesting
B.They often make mistakes during advanced reading
C.They prefer to read books recommended by their parents
D.They can hardly improve their scores on reading comprehension
【小题4】According to Paragraph 4, what is vital for improving reading comprehension?
A.Basic knowledge
B.Reading skills
【小题5】What does the author want to express in the last paragraph?
A.Designing relatively difficult textbooks is necessary
B.Improving students’ reading is a shared responsibility
C.Advanced technology should be used in reading reaching
D.Students should be encouraged to read more literary works
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When you' re on vacation, the temptations to overdo the eating and drinking are everywhere.【小题1】But a sensible diet doesn't have to and shouldn't fall by the wayside when on vacation. Below are tips on eating healthfully, yet pleasurably,on the next getaway.

Travel with food. 【小题2】Options include whole fruit such as apples, nuts already portioned in quarter-cup serving sizes. If you're traveling by car, you're suggested to take a small cooler along filled with foods like hard-boiled eggs, nut-butter, or turkey sandwiches.

Fast food can be healthy. Fast-food restaurants abound at airports and at highway rest stops. 【小题3】If you enjoy hamburgers, order a single patty, and top it with extra lettuce and tomatoes. Can't resist French fries? Order the smallest size, and eat half.

【小题4】Trying the local cuisine is a pleasurable part of any vacation. You can and should let yourself enjoy one cheat food each day, but be selective and pick something that is unique to that destination.

Watch those sips. Drinks don't fill you up, and many are packed with sugar and calories. Therefore, it's best to skip sweetened iced teas and lemonades throughout the day. When it comes to alcohol, many cocktails, including margaritas, can easily top 500 calories.【小题5】

A.When in Rome,spend your money on the food strategically.
B.They're not off-limits so long as you order the right foods.
C.You can drink a light beer or try a lower-sugar mixed wine instead.
D.Overeating will leave you feeling tired and likely with a few extra pounds.
E.Stick to a reasonable portion of whatever you choose, and enjoy every bite.
F.When you have food handy that you like eating, you're far less likely to grab something unhealthy.
G.After all, the specialties of your destination and the buffet breakfast at your hotel and treats are always available.

How to Survive an Earthquake

If you are indoors

Don’t run, but protect yourself. Don’t try to run out of the building during an earthquake.The most important thing is to protect yourself as much as you can.

【小题1】. DROP down onto your hands and knees. COVER your head and neck with your hands, arms or hard objects. If possible, find a strong shelter nearby which will cover your whole body. HOLD ON to your shelter until the shaking stops.

Find the triangle of life. 【小题2】 so that if a wall falls down, it will create a space for you to survive.


Move away from anything that can fall. Move to open areas. Buildings, trees, streetlights and power lines can all fall down during an earthquake.

Find a shelter where you can stay.If you are near objects that can fall, 【小题4】.

Wait a moment before moving to any other place.Objects may also fall after an earthquake and there are always strong aftershocks.Observe carefully before you move away.

If you’re in a car

Stop. Stop your car as quickly as you can, 【小题5】.

Stay seated. Stay calm in your car. The car’s metal body can protect you from falling objects.

Drive away carefully when the earthquake stops. Avoid bridges that have been damaged or may be damaged by aftershocks.

A.If you are outdoors
B.If you are in the forest
C.Drop, cover and hold on
D.but you need more patience
E.find a shelter to protect yourself from them
F.Sit on the floor next to a sturdy piece of furniture
G.but avoid stopping near a building or under a tree

What Are the Best Rules You’ve Had with Your Roommates?

Living with other people can be difficult, especially when each person comes from a different background and has their own ideas about how they want to live. However, maintaining a warm and friendly relationship with roommates is essential for both personal growth and academic success.


●Make a financial agreement. It is a good idea to get a financial agreement in writing to avoid any issues down the road. 【小题2】 Make sure you’re okay with paying half of the bills if your roommates constantly leave the taps on.

【小题3】 Music, TV, or any other noises should be kept at a low decibel level. Along with study habits, you should discuss how to manage phone conversations and visitors in the room.

●Clean and maintain the house responsibly. We don’t need a dish washing or toilet cleaning schedule clipped on the fridge as long as we behave responsibly.

●Decide what you will share. Make a clear delineation between your stuff and your roommate’s stuff. Decide what contents in the fridge are okay to share and which are off limits.【小题4】

Rules exist for a reason. The reason is to help people from different walks of life to harmoniously cohabit and call a house a home. Living with roommates is an experience of a life time. 【小题5】 Each person will leave a part of them with you behind—a laugh, a cry, a lesson, an experience.

A.If a problem comes up, it’s better to talk about it right away than to try to ignore it and let it get worse.
B.Here are some of the golden rules that help maintain agreeable living conditions.
C.You will have your best and your worst memories with roommates.
D.Rules are negotiable and compromise is a way of life.
E.Decide how you will divide up the rent and utility payments, and determine whether or not you will split the cable and Internet bill.
F.Remember to ask before “borrowing” anything and always take good care of any borrowed items.
G.Respect roommates’ privacy and personal space.
