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An APP called FitGenie

FitGenie uses man-made intelligence to track what you eat, count calories (卡路里) and help make meal plans.

Price and Platform: Free for the basic version (版本). Apple and Desktop.


● Simple and user-friendly design.

● Take a picture of your food to easily track meals.

● The app uses artificial intelligence to recognize what’s in a photo. Easily add the size of your food and extras like barbecue sauce to keep an exact record.

● Start with a nine-question assessment (评估) to create a program which is fit for your age, body type, diet preferences, goals, height and weight and activity level.

● Use the “magic meals” tool to create a meal plan and help you build muscle, lose weight and stay healthy.

● The app includes the “smart adjustments” tool to help improve meal plans each week based on set goals.

● Track weight regularly, as well as track total calories eaten, burned and left each day..


● The app is based on the principles of calories and doesn’t consider food quality.

● The assessment doesn’t include all body sizes and types, which may leave some users feeling ignored.

● The app requires an e-mail address or Facebook information, which may give users privacy concerns.

● Users must pay for the premium version (高级版本) (from $44.99) to reach dietary advice.

Bottom Line:

● FitGenie is best for those who are looking to reduce intake and discover new meal planning ideas with ease.

【小题1】What should users first do to get a personalized meal plan?
A.Finish an assessment.
B.Use the “magic meals” tool.
C.Use the “smart adjustments” tool.
D.Take photos of their favorite foods.
【小题2】What may users of this app worry?
A.It’s difficult to use the app.
B.Their records of meals will be lost.
C.They can’t get exact calorie counting.
D.Their personal information will be given away.
【小题3】If you want to get advice on eating from this app, what conditions do you need to meet?
A.A desktop and the basic version.
B.An iPhone and the premium version.
C.A desktop and having used the basic version.
D.An iPhone and having used the basic version.
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Scientific research gives new explanations to a very old relationship.

Dog Sense: How the New Science of Dog Behaviour Can Make You a Better Friend to Your Pet. By John Bradshaw. Basic Books; 324 pages; $25.99. Buy from Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk

Dogs seem to have been our beloved companions since there was written history. It is hard to be precise(精确地) about when the friendship began, but a reasonable guess is that it has been going strong for more than 20,000 years. For John Bradshaw, a biologist who founded the anthrozoology department(the place known as human-non-human-animal studies) at the University of Bristol, having some idea about how dogs got to be dogs is the first step towards gaining a better understanding of human-dog relationship. It is generally accepted that dogs were raised by human beings from wolves. However, Bradshaw’s research refuted the wrong ideas about the close relationship of dogs to wolves and the mistakes that this has led to, especially in the training of dogs over the past century or so.

Dogs are not like nicely brought-up wolves, says the author, nor are they much like people despite their excellent ability to enter our lives and our hearts. However, dogs have a distinguish talent: they experience and react to the world through their extraordinary sense of smell: their sensitivity to smells is between 10,000 and 100,000 times greater than ours. And their trainability allow dogs to perform almost unimaginable tasks, such as smelling the early stages of a cancer long before a normal medical diagnosis(诊断) would discover it.

The latest scientific research can help dogs and their owners have happier, healthier relationships by encouraging people to understand dogs better. But Mr. Bradshaw is also fearful. In particular, he fears the incestuous(近亲繁殖)narrowing of the gene pool that modern breeders have brought about. He also worries that the increasing urbanization of society and the pressures on couples to work long hours are putting dogs under huge stress.

“Dog Sense” is neither a report nor a description of the joys of dog-ownership. At times its use of research data can be slightly difficult to understand. But this is a wonderfully informative, instructive book that will do good to every dog whose owner reads it.

【小题1】What’s the meaning of the underlined word in Paragraph 3?
【小题2】Which of the following statements about dogs is not true according to the passage?
A.Dogs and wolves are close relatives.
B.Some dogs can smell early stage cancers.
C.The relationship between dogs and humans has a long history.
D.Dog may suffer from depression.
【小题3】The purpose of the passage may be         .
A.to introduce something about dogs
B.to present the result of a book
C.to change people’s attitude towards dogs
D.to advertise a book about dogs
【小题4】How does the author find Dog Sense?

Vacation Packages in Los Angeles

A Disney in Los Angeles

Enjoy a fantastic and magical adventure in the Los Angeles area with A Disney in Los Angeles, which includes a four-night stay and a 1-day Disneyland Park Hopper(通票)with transport which will help you set up a perfect experience to Disney.


4 nights' stay in one of over 85 hotels of your choice

1-day Disneyland Park Hopper with transport


People of all ages love Disneyland, and you will have the park's all kinds of rides and attractions. If you would prefer to look for excitement on exciting rides like Space Mountain, you are sure to find something new and exciting at Disneyland!

Experience of the Hollywood Stars

With Experience of the Hollywood Stars, you can get a two-night stay at a hotel and the chance to see some of the most popular stars of Los Angeles!


2 nights' stay in one of over 85 hotels of your choice


The package includes the Celebrity Homes and Rodeo Drive Shopping Tour, so you are sure to have fantastic time in having a look at the houses of your favorite stars as well as in shopping.

Places of Interest in Los Angeles

The fantastic city of Los Angeles has much to offer, and you can take full advantage of it with Places of Interest in Los Angeles, offering a three-night stay.


3 nights' stay in one of over 85 hotels of your choice

Half-day Hollywood and Beverly Hills Tour


Visit the most beautiful sights in the area and come back to your freshly-made bed for all three nights of your stay. You'll be able to enjoy every moment of your vacation whether in your room or out in the town.

【小题1】Which place should you go to when you would like to take exciting rides?
A.Disneyland.B.Stars' houses.
C.Hollywood.D.Beverly Hills.
【小题2】What can you do in the Experience of the Hollywood Stars vacation package?
A.Meet your favorite stars in their homes.B.Visit the most wonderful sights.
C.Enjoy all kinds of rides and shows.D.Have great fun in shopping.
【小题3】In which part of the newspaper can you read the text ?

Money Smart Youth Ambassadors


Youth from across Michigan can become financial leaders by applying to be a 4-H Money Smart Youth Ambassador. This program sponsored by Michigan State University Extension 4-H Youth Development started in 2020 and provides an opportunity for young people to spread financial knowledge with their peers by means of media.

Money Smart Youth Ambassadors gain leadership and public speaking experience by serving as guest speakers during presentations and podcasts (播客), developing games, creating social media campaigns, writing articles and providing valuable input into future financial education programs. Check out their amazing work below!

How to Join

This program is open to all Michigan youth aging 12-19.

Applications are accepted until August 1 annually for the upcoming year. Interviews take place in August or September.

Ambassador Expectations

•Serve as a Michigan 4-H Money Smart Youth Ambassador member from September to June.

•Create and promote money education and programs locally.

•Be present at all virtual meetings as scheduled with at least 75% attendance at monthly meetings.

•Contact the group advisors if unable to participate in conference calls, meetings, events or trainings as they are scheduled.

Resources Created by Money Smart Youth Ambassadors


Read about interesting money topics to help you become smart consumers and get a head start on growing your wealth. These articles were written by youth for youth.

•Minimalism and Money Saving by Alexis V.

•Multiplying your Money Early by Leah L.


Have fun learning what it takes to grow your money with these games created by our Money Smart Youth Ambassadors.

•Kahoot Game on Credit by Brooke R.

•Money Word Search by Harper Jane A.

For more information, contact a group advisor:

Kathy Jamieson, jamies13@ msu. edu

【小题1】What is a must to apply for the program?
A.Having Michigan identity.
B.Reaching the age of 19.
C.Owning 4-H membership.
D.Having financial background.
【小题2】What is a Money Smart Youth Ambassador’s duty?
A.Making generous donations.
B.Publishing financial articles.
C.Attending virtual meetings.
D.Promoting programs worldwide.
【小题3】Why are the games included in the text?
A.To add fun to courses.
B.To provide financial knowledge.
C.To introduce financial background.
D.To collect fund for the program.
