阅读理解-六选四 适中0.65 引用4 组卷187
Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Ways to Be More Efficient

Not all tasks of the day are inspiring, fun or exciting. But you still have to wash those dishes and take care of those routine tasks at work or in school. So what can you do not to get lost in procrastination(拖延)?

I’ll share how I do it, how I get some motivation and find more pleasure in what may seem to be a boring task.

Instead of focusing your mind on how boring a task may feel, focus your thoughts on why you are doing this and how good it will feel when you are done with it. If needed, sit down for a few minutes, close your eyes and see in your mind. Then go to work with that motivation and those positive feelings in your body.

Do it attentively. 【小题1】 Focus 100% on just the work with all your senses—how it feels, looks and smells—as you are scrubbing it and nothing else. Don’t get lost in daydreams. If you are just there, I have found that even such a simple task becomes more enjoyable and something that can bring inner calm rather than distress.

Make a deal with yourself and set a timer for 10 minutes. It is often easier to do tasks like these in small bursts. So make a deal with yourself to just spend 10 minutes on your reading or cleaning the house.

【小题2】 When the timer rings you can continue doing it if you feel like it (this often happens to me because getting started is the hard part). Or you can stop and go to do something more interesting instead.

Create a pleasurable distraction. If possible, try to listen to the radio, your favorite songs, an audio book or watch a movie or TV episode while doing your boring task. 【小题3】 I often listen to music or watch an episode of the Simpsons while doing the dishes or other routine work at home.

【小题4】 Take a walk in the sun. Move on to a more fun or creative task at work or in school. Have a tasty treat. This habit can make it easier to get started and to keep going each day. Because you know that you can look forward to not just being done and the long-term payoff from that but also your immediate reward right after you are finished.

A.When you are done with your task then reward yourself.
B.Make sure you only rest for 10 minutes.
C.Or you can work harder and start an even bigger project.
D.Set a kitchen timer and say to yourself that you only have to do this work for 10 minutes.
E.When you sort papers, do the laundry or do the dishes, be fully there.
F.You don’t always have to do just one thing at a time in silence.
知识点:方法/策略日常生活 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

If you want to have a garden full of life and motion, you have to attract some wildlife.

It’s not as difficult as it may sound. Your garden will attract insects, bugs, birds and mammals.【小题1】 You will make yourself happy and at the same time you will provide a living space for these beautiful creatures. All you need to do is to follow this advice and you will have the garden of your dreams. If you think your garden has to be messy and untidy, you’re wrong. You need waves and long-living plants and strong curves of hedges(树篱) and paths. 【小题2】 It’s important to provide everything animals will need to live in your garden.

Provide food. 【小题3】 Planting native plants is what you have to do in order to attract wildlife. Plants like roses, honeysuckle and lavender attract different insects like bees and butterflies. Hummingbirds are fans of fuchsia and geraniums. Trees and shrubs that produce fruit, berries and seed are good sources of food for your little friends.

Provide some shelters for wildlife. You need to plant evergreen plants, too, because they are a suitable place for wildlife to take shelter.

Provide water. It’s important to provide water. Some animals can use even your pool to have a bath. Bees love shallow water. 【小题4】 It’s vital to change the water in your pond regularly to avoid breeding mosquitoes.

Provide a place for wildlife to raise young. A birdhouse or a pile of brush can be a nice place for wildlife to raise their young. It’s good to have climber-covered walls and fences to increase the possibilities not only for raising children, but also for feeding, nesting, roosting and hibernating.

【小题5】 Some species will overtake your garden and make it unfriendly. If there are wild cats that threaten the wildlife in your garden, it would be wise to take steps to keep those out.

A.It’s advisable to have the grass.
B.Keep invasive species away.
C.Silence won’t bother you anymore and you won’t be alone.
D.It’s reasonable to keep native species.
E.Kill invasive species as soon as it appears.
F.This can be as simple as placing a bird feeder.
G.You can have a fountain and a small artificial pond.
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 To be more grateful in life means that you are also allowing yourself to be happier, more contented and more satisfied with everything that has been going on around you. But with all the stress, all the disappointments and all the anxiety around you, I bet you ask yourself this question all the time:“How exactly can I be more grateful with my life?”【小题1】.1. Learn to live in the moment.life is a wonderful adventure full of enriching experiences and endless possibilities. Don’t just go through the motions of repetitive activities and boring tasks. No! Being a mindless zombie can make you more likely to take things for granted.【小题2】, make an effort to enjoy the experience.You’re supposed to attend a conference? Absorb it. Babysit your niece? Enjoy the moment. Eat a 15-minute lunch? Taste each bite.2.【小题3】Being aware of your goal to be more grateful can help you look for things to be really more grateful for. Gratitude is a conscious decision. You have to practice it consistently.3. Control your thoughts.Of course you have the power to control what you're. To be more grateful in life means that you are thinking of! Consider this exercise, for example:if you find yourself thinking more and more self-entitled, stop.【小题4】. You are given consciousness. Make use of it wisely.4. Always resist the temptation of comparing yourself with other people.As humans, we have the natural tendency to compare ourselves with others with the hope of attaining satisfaction. Actually, this kind of activity does not help you feel to be more grateful in life.【小题5】! You will always be meeting someone richer, which makes you feel inferior to others!Don' t do it, please.Every little thing counts. You have the ability to make yourself feel to be more grateful in your life.
A.Appreciate what you have right now
B.And if you find yourself repeating negative junk, stop
C.It does the opposite
D.Express gratitude all the time
E.Well, the following are some tips to help you with this particular concern
F.Instead of doing something just for the sake of doing it
G.Words that stress you and make you feel worthless should definitely be removed

Everyone wants to perform well at school. Add these tips to your life and you should be on the right track to being a top student!

【小题1】I cannot stress how important it is to pay attention to what your teacher is teaching you. Take part in class discussions if you have something worth adding. Pay attention during class.

Taking notes is important. You don’t need to write down every single word your teacher says but write down what he or she writes on the board, or any special fact you think you might need for a test. 【小题2】 This way it will help you learn more effectively by thinking about what you are writing.

Don’t skip school. You will be missing out on stuff. 【小题3】 However, you will have more work and you have missed lectures. Also, try not to be late for class. It’s most likely that you teacher won’t appreciate it and you will get yourself behind.

【小题4】 If you have an “I don’t care about school or this class” attitude, then teachers will be less willing to help you with problems. The same goes for lazy attitude. Have a respectful attitude to the teacher and other students. Try not to laugh when other students make mistakes.

Always ask questions. 【小题5】 If you don’t understand, ask someone. Read your textbook or notes, and then if that fails, ask a teacher, friend, classmate, parent, etc.

A.Be prepared.
B.Write in your own words.
C.Staying organized will be helpful.
D.Keep a good attitude towards things.
E.There is no shame in needing some help.
F.It is true that you could make up the work.
G.Pay attention to everything the teacher says.
