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Hi, I’m Neil Harbisso. I come from a place where the sky is always grey, where flowers are always grey, and where television is still in black and white.

I actually come from a world where color doesn’t exist. I was born with achromatopsia. I was born completely color-blind. So I’ve never seen color, and don’t know what it looks like. But since the age of 21, I can hear color thanks to a magic electronic eye called “eyeborg”: a color sensor between my eyes connected to a chip(芯片) installed at the back of my head that transforms color frequencies into sound frequencies that I hear through my bone.

I’ve had the electronic eye permanently attached to my head and I’ve been listening to colors nonstop since 2004. So I find it completely normal now to hear colors all the time.

Since I started to hear color, my life has changed significantly. Art galleries have become concert halls. I can hear a Picasso. And supermarkets have become like night clubs. I love how they sound.

My sense of beauty has changed. Someone might look very beautiful but sound terrible, and someone might sound very harmonious but look awful. So I find it really exciting to create sound portraits(画像) of people. Instead of drawing the shape of someone’s face I write down the different notes I hear when I look at them, and then I send them an mp3 of their face. Each face sounds different. I can even give face concerts now, concerts where I play the audience’s faces. The good thing about doing this is that if the concert doesn’t sound good, it’s their fault.

I also found out that things I thought were colorless are not colorless at all. Cities are not grey. Lisbon is yellow turquoise(宝石绿); London is very golden red…and humans are not black and white. Human skins range from light shades of orange to very dark shades of orange. We are all orange.

If we extend our senses, we will consequently extend our knowledge.

【小题1】We can infer from the article that people with achromatopsia ____________.
A.suffer from blindness
B.have a good sense of colors
C.are not able to see colors
D.like to go to concert halls and supermarkets
【小题2】What does the author mean by saying “Art galleries have become concert halls”?
A.Art galleries have been changed into various sounds.
B.Works at the art galleries are created by great musicians.
C.Art galleries are filled with noisy people.
D.The author now likes art galleries as much as concert halls.
【小题3】Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
A.Neil developed a rare disease in his childhood.
B.The eyeborg produces sounds based on shades of colors.
C.Neil will use the eyeborg for the rest of his life.
D.In Neil’s mind, all people are orange.
【小题4】What is the best title for the passage?
A.Eyeborg – a real life saver.B.I listen to color.
C.Sense the world.D.Art galleries turned into concert halls.
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Shortly before Christmas last year, one of Brazilian pianists Joao Carlos Martins invited his friends to a bar near his home. He wanted to show them the best gift he had received: a new pair of gloves. They are not just any gloves, however. The special bionic devices(仿生设备)let the 79-year-old pianist play with both hands for the first time in more than 20 years.

By his retirement(退休) last March, Martins had received 24 medical operations to try to reduce pain caused by a disease and from a series of accidents. Before the gloves, which were especially developed for him, Martins could only play songs slowly with his thumbs and, sometimes, his pointer fingers.

However, one designer believed Martins’ retirement had come too early. The designer, Ubirata Bizarro Costa, created special bionic gloves for Martins’ hands. The gloves help move his fingers up after they press(按) on the piano keys. Costa said he created early models based on images of Martins’ hands, but he said those models were not good. He then decided to tell Martins about his work. Costa and Martins then spent several months testing several kinds of models. Finally, the perfect model came in December, and cost only $125.

These days, Martins never takes off his new gloves, even when he goes to sleep. Martins said, “I have received more than 100 devices in the last 50 years. None of those devices worked well or long enough, but these gloves do.”

The new gloves have given Martins a new goal. He hopes to play the piano at New York’s Carnegie Hall in October. He is already set to conduct a concert celebrating the 60th anniversary of his first appearance there.

【小题1】What do we know about Martins?
A.He hates playing the piano in bar.
B.He has been fired by a music company.
C.He has received the best present in his life.
D.He often discusses with his friends about music.
【小题2】What caused the pianist’s pain?
A.A failed operation.B.His friend’s death.
C.The new pair of gloves.D.A disease and some accidents.
【小题3】How did Costa and Martins create the perfect bionic gloves?
A.By testing different models.B.By pressing Martins’s fingers.
C.By examining Costa’s hands.D.By working with other companies
【小题4】What does Martins think of the special pair of gloves?
A.They are useless.B.They are frightening.
C.They are strange.D.They are satisfying.

Claire was set up to get her dream job working as a reporter at a popular news station. She went to visit her father before her interview. Her mother, who had always been her biggest supporter, had died a few years earlier.

As she visited her father, she told him about how nervous she was about the interview. Her father said, “You will do great because you are a lot like your mother, and your mother did great at everything.”

Claire pictured her mother, the most supportive person she had ever met, and had a realization. Was she really like her mother? She didn't think so. She was so focused on herself that she didn't even know about her family's struggles.

Suddenly, she felt ashamed. She left for the airport with a lot more to think about than her job. An hour before boarding, her sister called to wish her luck. She listened to her sister in a way she had never listened before. She asked her about her kids and her life. Her sister admitted that she wasn't doing very well. She was having a hard time.

Claire ended the conversation with her sister just before boarding started. She made a decision to be more like her mom and take care of what really matters in life. She spent the next few months living with her sister and helping her maintain her house and take care of the kids.

Claire found the courage to do what was right because of her mother. She realized that doing what was right brought on a type of happiness that looking out for herself could never bring. She never regretted her decision. Thanks to the decision, she and her sister grew closer than they had ever been. She learned a lot and felt much better when focusing on more than just herself. She easily got her dream job later that year.

【小题1】Why did Claire visit her father before her interview?
A.To show her concern for his health.B.To comfort him for the loss of love.
C.To find herself psychological support.D.To ask him about her sister's situation.
【小题2】What made Claire suddenly feel ashamed?
A.She didn't know how to interview others.B.She expected too much from her new job.
C.She failed to get her dream job as a reporter.D.She didn't care about her family members.
【小题3】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Claire decided to follow in her mother's footsteps.
B.Claire gave up the chance of working as a reporter.
C.Claire finally helped her father out of the hard times.
D.Claire spent the rest of her life living with her sister.
【小题4】What on earth made her get the job easily?
A.Her family support.B.Looking out for herself.
C.Her interview skills.D.Being a supportive person.

Born with severe hearing loss, Li has found her way to communicate with the world through painting. Drawing was not only her way of coping with a lonely childhood, but has also opened for her a door to creativity and a way of expression. Moreover, painting led Li to meet her husband Hu Shiqun, who lost his hearing due to medication.

After graduation, Li got a job as a typist. Decent job as it was, Li was not happy because the previous bad feelings came back. In March 2016, Li quit the job and joined her husband’s company to be a wall painter.

From then on, in many parks and scenic spots in Hunan Province, the couple have created large-scale murals (壁画) and interactive pavement painting. Under their brushes, the pavements are transformed into fantastical scenes. For Li, their creations can make art more accessible to the public and become a way for them to connect with the world. Now Li has apprentices (学徒) and coaches more and more newcomers on how to create large-scale murals. Besides, Li and her husband have set up a studio in Shanghai to seek more business opportunities.

Although they are just a small number among the country’s 27 million hearing-impaired population, Li hopes that their stories can inspire more people facing similar battles to build their own careers and achieve their goals, regardless of how tough it may be.

According to Li, “Painting brushes can help me create a colorful world in my imagination, telling my thoughts on paper, instead of through voices. My husband and I want to introduce painting to more people like us, helping them to fight social prejudice that we can not fully participate in social activities.”

【小题1】Why did Li feel unhappy as a typist?
A.Because the job was demanding.
B.Because she made no friends.
C.Because she had to leave her husband.
D.Because she felt lonely again.
【小题2】What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The couple’s great impact on wall painting.
B.The couple’s achievements as wall painters.
C.The couple’s ambition as wall painters.
D.The couple’s creations of wall painting.
【小题3】What is Li’s hope for hearing-impaired people?
A.They can create an equal world.
B.They can tolerate social prejudice.
C.They can use drawing to cope with loneliness.
D.They can persevere with their goals despite adversity.
【小题4】Which of the following can best describe Li?
A.Selfless and outgoing.B.Caring and determined.
C.Optimistic and humorous.D.Honest and innovative.
