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Are you sometimes a little tired and sleepy in the early afternoon? Many people feel this way after lunch. They may think that eating lunch is the cause of the sleepiness. Or,in summer,they may think it is the heat. However,the real reason lies inside their bodies. At that time—about eight hours after you wake up—your body temperature goes down. This is what makes you slow down and feel sleepy. Scientists have tested sleep habits in experiments where there was no night or day. The people in these experiments almost always followed a similar sleeping pattern. They slept for one long period and then for one short period about eight hours later.

In many parts of the world,people take naps (小睡) in the middle of the day. This is especially true in warmer climates,where the heat makes work difficult in the early afternoon. Researchers are now saying that naps are good for everyone in any climate. A daily nap gives one a more rested body and mind and therefore is good for health in general. In countries where naps are traditional,people often suffer less from problems such as heart disease. Many working people,unfortunately,have no time to take naps. Though doctors may advise taking naps,employers don't follow it! If you do have the chance,however,here are a few tips about making the most of your nap. Remember that the best time to take a nap is about eight hours after you get up. A short sleep too late in the day may only make you feel more tired and sleepy afterward. This can also happen if you sleep for too long. If you do not have enough time,try a short nap — even ten minutes of sleep can be helpful.

【小题1】Why do you sometimes feel sleepy in the early afternoon?
A.Because you eat too much for lunch.
B.Because it's hot in summer.
C.Because your body temperature goes down at that time.
D.Because you didn't have a good sleep last night.
【小题2】What can we learn about “naps” according to the last paragraph?
A.All the people in warmer climates take naps in the middle of the day.
B.Doctors need to take naps while employers don't.
C.If you take naps every day,you'll never suffer from heart disease.
D.Taking naps regularly is beneficial to people's health.
【小题3】What can we infer from the passage?
A.If you get up at 6:30 am,you'd better take a nap at about 2:30 pm.
B.Taking a nap whenever you want will do good to your health.
C.You will feel less sleepy if you sleep for a long time.
D.You'll feel sleepy at regular intervals.
【小题4】What would be the best title for the text?
A.Just for a RestB.All for a Nap
C.A Special Sleep PatternD.Taking Naps in Warmer Climates
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From Mozart to Metallica, tons of people enjoy listening to various types of music while they paint or write. Many believe that music helps boost creativity, but an international study conducted by British and Swedish researchers is challenging that belief. Their findings indicate that music actually stymies creativity.

To come to their conclusions, researchers had participants complete verbal insight problems designed to inspire creativity while sitting in a quiet room, and then again while music played in the background. They found that background music “significantly damaged” the participants’ ability to complete tasks associated with verbal creativity. The research team also tested background noises such as those commonly heard in a library, but found that such noises had no impact on subjects’ creativity. The tasks were simple word games. For example, participants were given three words, such as dress, dial, and flower. Then, they were asked to find a single word associated with all three that could be combined to form a common phrase or word. The single word, in this case, would be “sun” (sundress, sunflower, sundial). Participants completed the tasks in either a quiet room, or a room with 3 different types of music: music with unfamiliar lyrics (歌词), instrumental music, or music with familiar lyrics.

“We found strong evidence of damaged performance when playing background music in comparison to quiet background conditions,” says co-author Dr. Neil McLatchie of Lancaster University.

Dr. McLatchie and his colleagues theorize that music interferes (干涉) with the verbal working memory processes of the brain, blocking creativity. Also, as far as the library background noises having seemingly no effect, the study’s authors believe that was the case because library noises create a “steady state” environment that doesn’t disrupt concentration. It’s worth mentioning that even familiar music with well-known lyrics damaged participants’ creativity, regardless of whether or not it caused a positive reaction, or whether participants typically studied or created while listening to music.

【小题1】Why are Mozart and Metallica mentioned at the beginning?
A.To prove they are very creative.B.To introduce the topic of the text.
C.To show the importance of music.D.To offer some background information.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “stymies” in the first paragraph probably mean?
【小题3】If the participants were given the words fire, place and book during the game, a proper answer could be ______.
【小题4】What do we know about the study?
A.The tasks were very difficult for participants to finish.
B.All participants were exposed to two different types of music.
C.Music with famous lyrics didn’t harm participants’ creativity.
D.Library background noises hardly affected participants’ creativity.

For more than one hundred years, a great number of scientists have believed that tiredness in athletes originates in the muscles(肌肉). Precise explanations have varied, but all have been based on the “Limitations Theory”. In other words, muscles tire because they hit a physical limit—they either run out of fuel or oxygen or they drown in harmful by-products(副产品).

In the past few years, however, Timothy Noakes from the University of Cape Town, South Africa, has examined this standard theory. Tiredness, he argues, is caused not by signals springing from overtaxed muscles, but is an emotional response which begins in the brain. The fundamental nature of his new theory is that the brain paces the muscles to keep them well back from the edge of tiredness. When the brain decides it’s time to quit, it creates unbearable muscle tiredness. This “Central Governor” theory remains controversial, but it does explain many puzzling aspects of athletic performance.

A recent discovery that Noakes calls the “lactic acid paradox” made him start researching this area seriously. Lactic acid is a by-product of exercise, and the increase of it is often mentioned as a cause of tiredness. But when research subjects exercise in certain conditions created artificially, they become tired even though lactic acid levels remain low. Nor has the oxygen content of their blood fallen too low for them to keep going. Obviously, something else was making them tire before they hit either of these physiological limits.

Noakes conducted an experiment with seven cyclists. It has long been known that during exercise, the body never uses 100% of the available muscle fibres(纤维). The amount used varies, but in some tasks such as this cycling test the body calls on about 30%. His team found that as tiredness set in, the electrical activity in cyclist’s legs declined—even when they were making a great effort to cycle as fast as they could.

To Noakes, this was strong evidence that the old theory was wrong. “The cyclists may have felt completely exhausted,” he says, “but their bodies actually had considerable reserves that they could theoretically tap by using a greater amount of the resting fibres.” This, he believes, is the proof that the brain is regulating the pace of the workout to hold the cyclists well back from the point of extreme tiredness.

【小题1】Why do athletes feel tired according to “Limitations Theory”?
A.Because the muscles run out all energy.
B.Because the brain protects the muscles.
C.Because the scientists performed researches.
D.Because Noakes examined standard theory.
【小题2】What has Noakes has found out?
A.Muscle fibres control athletes’ movements.
B.Lactic acid levels remain high in cycling tests.
C.Mental processes control the symptoms of tiredness
D.Different exercises use different amount of muscle fibres
【小题3】What does “lactic acid paradox” have in common with Noakes?
A.The energy in human bodies can be balanced
B.Tiredness is a harmful by-product of exercise.
C.Lactic acid will not caused tiredness necessarily.
D.The oxygen content will rise after taking exercise.
【小题4】Which is the most suitable title of the text?
A.Muscles or Brains?——Which brings athletes tiredness?
B.Lactic acid or Oxygen content——Which is vital for athletes?
C.Working out or Being relaxed——Which will better our health?
D.Common belief or New discovery——Which should we believe?

The Associated Press gardening expert Jessica Damiano recently reported about the many pictures of strangely shaped tomatoes sent to her from fans of her gardening advice. She said people sometimes question if the tomatoes are okay to cook. “The good news,” Damiano said, “is that their unusual appearance does not affect their taste or nutritional value.”

If you have ever cut open a tomato, you know they are divided into internal parts, called locules (子房室), which contain seeds and a substance called gel (凝胶). Most tomatoes have about four or five locules; other kinds of the fruit, like cherry tomatoes, contain two or three. But when a plant experiences temperature extremes, cell division in the developing fruit can go off track. Temperatures over 32℃ during the day and 27℃ overnight can lead the tomato to form an extra locule. But there is not enough room inside a tomato for the extra part, so it grows on the outside of the fruit. Not every tomato on an affected plant will be strange, however.

“Under the right conditions, this could affect one or two tomatoes per plant, depending on where they are in the development process and what the conditions are,” said Timothy McDermott. He is an assistant professor and extension educator at Ohio State University. “The likelihood of one of your tomatoes developing a locule oddity is estimated to be about one in a thousand,” McDermott said.

The extra-locule change is not the only strange looking caused by extreme heat. Conditions including flower drop, halted fruit formation and ripening can also arise when plants are grown outside their usual temperature limit.

Attach a piece of 40 to 50 percent shade cloth to sticks put into the ground around the plant. Leave it in place from 12 to 4 p. m., when the sun is at its strongest. Then remove it to avoid problems caused by a lack of sunlight. And, when harvesting your crop, remember: the funny-looking tomatoes taste just as good!

【小题1】Why do fans send Jessica Damiano strange-looking tomatoes?
A.To confirm their security.B.To acquire their formation.
C.To inquire their cooking way.D.To make business deals with her..
【小题2】What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The functions of the locules.B.The causes of unusual shapes.
C.The classification of tomatoes.D.The process of tomatoes’ growth.
【小题3】In what aspect will tomatoes be heavily affected?
A.Their size.B.Their value.C.Their shape.D.Their taste.
【小题4】What does the author suggest people do in the last paragraph?
A.Remove the shade at noon.B.Put sticks around the plant.
C.Provide shelter if necessary.D.Throw away the strange ones.
