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Most teens need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night. Getting the right amount of sleep is necessary for anyone who wants to do well in tests or sports. Unfortunately, many teens don’t get enough sleep.

Until recently, teens was often blamed for staying up late, oversleeping for school, and falling asleep in class. But recent studies show that their sleep patterns(模式) actually differ from those of adults or kids.

Scientists say that during the teen years, the body’s circadian rhythm, which is controlled by a biological(与生物学有关的) clock in the brain, is temporarily reset, telling a person to fall asleep later and wake up later. This change might arise from the fact that the brain hormone melatonin(褪黑激素) is produced later at night for teens than it is for kids and adults. This can make it harder for teens to fall asleep early.

These changes in the body’s circadian rhythm are in line with a busy time in life. For most teens, the pressure to do well in school is stronger than when they were kids, and it’s harder to get by without studying hard. And teens also have other time demands — everything from sports and other after-school activities to doing a part-time job to save money for college.

Early start times in some schools might also play a role in lost sleep. Teens who fall asleep after midnight may still have to get up early for school, meaning that they might have only 6 or 7 hours of sleep a night. A few hours of missed sleep a night may not seem like a big deal, but it can lead to sleep loss over time.

【小题1】The right amount of sleep is mentioned in Paragraph 1 to ________.
A.show the secret of good sleep
B.attract readers’ interest in sleep patterns
C.introduce the topic about sleep loss among teens
D.discuss the relationship between sleep and performance
【小题2】What can we learn about teens’ sleep from the text?
A.Early start times are the main reason for teens’ sleep loss.
B.Teens can get up late to make up for their lost sleep.
C.There are biological reasons for teens’ sleeping late.
D.A busy schedule has little to do with teens’ sleep patterns.
【小题3】What is the text mainly about?
A.The suggestions on how to get enough sleep.
B.The reasons why teens don’t get enough sleep.
C.The results caused by not getting enough sleep.
D.The importance of getting enough sleep for teens.
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Dogs see the world through different lenses (视角). 【小题1】. Do you want to know what your dog is thinking at all times? If so, keep reading to figure out what they have on their minds!

【小题2】. Pups (小狗) have a habit of chewing on things during the teething time. It does not mean the same thing when they are not puppies anymore. There is a chance that they just need to get more physical activity. One way to treat the problem would be to take your dog out for a walk.

How they bark. Dogs bark for a lot of reasons. Loud and frequent barks will mean there is an urgent issue (情况). Maybe they could feel danger lurking and want you to know about it. Short and soft ones, however, mean that they feel playful. 【小题3】.

Bringing you toys. Your dog might not want to play even if their toy is in their mouth. A theory says that this is their way to please their human. 【小题4】. They trust you so much that they want you to have their prized object. For this reason, you might hurt their feelings if you simply throw the toy away!

Pacing back and forth. Is your dog pacing? Well, it probably means that they are excited, nervous, or bored. 【小题5】. When they go around in circles, it likely means that they want to play. It is similar to the way dogs greet each other upon first meeting.

A.Furniture moving
B.Furniture chewing
C.It might be that they want to show you their trust
D.However, they also use their bodies to communicate
E.They do not always mean the same as we humans do
F.They are doing it for the same reasons that we humans do
G.Loud barks could mean they feel in pain, so make sure to pay attention to them

If you’ve ever taken a class in drawing, painting or pottery and in spite of your best effort, couldn’t make the final result look anything like the model shown, you may have thought, “I don’t have a creative bone in my body.”

According to some scientists, who for the past 20 years have put the elusive subject of creativity through the rigors of research, you are underestimating yourself. Da Vinci you may never be, but when it comes to creativity, we are all somewhat blessed. It’s learning to foster this unique tool of extraordinary productivity, and then applying it in everything you do, that counts to tell you from figures like Da Vinci.

“Even if we don’t have the good fortune to discover a new chemical element or write a great story, the love of the creative process for its own sake is available to says Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in Creativity: Flow and Psychology of Discovery and Invention.

Most people believe creativity has been awarded to those perceived to have special talent. We look upon these “creative geniuses,” as we often call them, with awe and a bit of envy, and most people assume they’re born with the good genes, or, as if in Greek mythology, acquire from some kind of divine inspiration.

There is no argument that the world is never short of highly talented and creative people. They are masters of their trades and stand heads-and-shoulders above commoners, making new pathways for others to follow, and providing greater context and understanding of our world. It could be said that without creativity humanity would not evolve so rapidly.

But like a publicly recognized creative baseball player who sharpens his skill through years of continuous training, giving up other pursuits for the sole passion, people who show the slightest reluctance for arduous labor are bound to witness their boasted ability disappear.

After closely studying 91 creative and influential people, including novelists, playwrights, composers, musicians and scientists, Csikszentmihalyi concludes that no one would ignore the sweat they shed and their almost insane willingness to follow their creative endeavor to the very end, wherever that may be. These are the very things we all can master, so long as we’d like to.

【小题1】It’s widely believed that creativity comes from              .
A.good training in artistic classes.B.inborn genes or relevant gifts.
C.good luck in productivity.D.certain Greek historical textbooks.
【小题2】Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.People with creativity speed up the evolution of human race.
B.Not all people are born with creativity.
C.We can’t understand the world without talented and creative people.
D.People tend to live under the shadow of geniuses.
【小题3】Why do people lose their creativity according to the passage?
A.Because they stop pursuing their dream.B.Because their passion gradually fades away.
C.Because they keep boasting about their ability.D.Because they are unwilling to work hard.
【小题4】.What is the passage mainly about?
A.How ordinary people and scientists view creativity differently.
B.The reasons for people’s lack of creativity.
C.People’s misunderstanding of creativity and its true nature.
D.Ordinary people’s unwillingness to follow the examples of creative ones.

Young children are more likely than adults to have their opinions influenced by robots according to a new research. The study, conducted at the University of Plymouth, compared how adults and children respond to an identical task when in the presence of both their peers (同龄人) and robots.

It showed that while adults regularly have their opinions influenced by peers, something also shown in previous studies, they are largely able to resist being persuaded by robots. However, children aged between seven and nine were more likely to give the same responses as the robots, even if they were obviously incorrect.

The study asks people to look at a screen showing four lines and say which two match in length. When alone, people almost never make a mistake but when doing the experiment with others, they tend to follow what others are saying.

When children were alone in the room in this research, they scored 87% on the test, but when the robots joined in, their score dropped to 75%. And of the wrong answers, 74% matched those of the robot.

Professor Belpaeme said, “People often follow the opinions of others and we’ve known for a long time that it is hard to resist taking over views and opinions of people around us. But as robots will soon be found in the home and the workplace, we were wondering if people would follow robots. What our results show is that adults do not follow what the robots are saying. But when we did the experiment with children, they did. It shows children can perhaps have more of an affinity (亲和力) with robots than adults, which does pose the question: What if robots were to suggest, for example, what products to buy or what to think?”

【小题1】What’s the purpose of this passage?
A.To show the results of a research to the readers.
B.To persuade the children not to be influenced by robots.
C.To warn parents to keep their children away from the robots.
D.To compare the responses of kids and adults in the presence of robots.
【小题2】Why did children make more mistakes staying with robots in the experiment?
A.Because children were not as clever as adults.
B.Because robots performed better than human beings.
C.Because robots in the presence made mistakes.
D.Because children and robots influenced each other.
【小题3】What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Children are likely to be affected both by their peers and robots.
B.Children are more likely to be influenced by robots in comparison with adults.
C.Children consider robots as friends and are too willing to learn from them.
D.Children take over robots’ views easily because robots are smarter than them.
【小题4】What is Professor Belpaeme’s attitude towards the result of the experiment?
A.He is optimistic about the result.B.He is worried about the future.
C.He doesn’t care about the result.D.He doubts the result of the research.
【小题5】The following paragraph may talk about ___________ .
A.how robots give suggestions to childrenB.what adults should do to avoid the problem
C.why children tend to be influenced by robotsD.what will be done to solve the problems
