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As much as seventy years ago, in the city of Boston, there lived a small girl who had the naughty habit of running away.

Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alcott, from first to last, had had a good many frights about this flyaway Louisa. Once when she was only two years old they were traveling with her on a steamboat, and she darted away, in some moment when no one was noticing her, and crawled into the engine-room to watch the machinery. Of course her clothes were all grease and dirt, and she might have been caught in the machinery and hurt.

Except for this one fault, Louisa was a good child, so she felt much ashamed that she had caused her mother, whom she loved dearly, so much worry. She made up her mind that she would never frighten her so again. No-she would cure herself of the running-away habit!

After that, whenever she felt the least desire to slip out of the house without asking permission, she would hurry to her own little room and shut the door tight. To keep her mind from bad plans she would shut her eyes and make up stories-think them all out, hers, you know. Then, when some of them seemed pretty good, she would write them down so that she would not forget them. By and by she found she liked making stories better than anything she had ever done in her life

Her mother sometimes wondered why Louisa grew so fond of staying in her little chamber the head of the stairs, all of a sudden, but was pleased that the runaway child had changed into such a quiet, like-to-stay-at-home girl.

It was a long time before Louisa dared to mention the stories and rhymes she had hidden in her desk but finally she told her mother about them, and when Mrs. Alcott had read them, she advised her to keep on writing. Louisa did so and became one of the best American story-tellers. She wrote a number of books, and if you begin with Lulu's Library, you will want to read Little Men and Little Women and all the books that dear Louisa Alcott ever wrote

【小题1】What does the underlined word “darted away” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.disappearedB.left quickly
C.lost herselfD.hid herself
【小题2】Why did Louisa crawl into the engine room?
A.Because she wanted to watch the machinery.
B.Because she wanted to make her parents frightened
C.Because she liked to make Jokes.
D.Because otherwise, she might have been hurt.
【小题3】How did Louisa cure herself of running-away habit?
A.She asked permission before going out of the house
B.She found making stories more interesting and gave up her run-away plan at once.
C.Her mother made her enter her own room and shut the door tight.
D.She made up stories and then wrote them down
【小题4】Which of the following can best describe Louisa?
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Centuries ago, these caves were places of worship (祭祀) for Buddhist monks. Today they’re homes for 200 poor Afghan families and one classroom.

Fereshta Ahmadi was able to stay in school after her family moved to the caves about a decade ago. She’s now a senior at an all-girls high school in Bamyan but she felt the need to educate the children of cave settlers. So 6 years ago, she transformed her living space into a classroom.

For 2 hours every day she teaches 30 primary school-age kids different subjects including English. She says she wants to give an opportunity to the children who don’t have access to mainstream schools.

“Cave settlers are no different from people who live in modern communities or people who live in fancy apartments and buildings. They, too can study, can go to public schools and take private courses so they build their abilities and development.”

Using her own money, the young teacher opened a small library with 200 books to improve the reading skills of her students. She hopes to expand her cave class in the future. “My plan is to change my small course to a big school and there must be some assistance from government and /or other organizations so that I can take my services to the next level.”

The children in this classroom are happy to get an education and they have big dreams for the future. “We study different subjects here, for example, Dari, math, English, drawing and reading, I want to become a doctor in the future and serve my people,” said one of the students.

Years of conflict and poverty forced these families to seek refuge (避难所) in these ancient caves with no basic facilities and, previous to Ahmadi’s initiative (自发性), no chance of getting an education for the children. After an Afghan service broadcast report about Ahmadi’s school, Afghanistan’s Ministry of Education offered to help her in her efforts.

【小题1】What does Ahmadi think vital for the children?
A.A secure income in the future.B.Their admission to college.
C.A comfortable living space.D.Their access to education.
【小题2】What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Ahmadi has been honored.B.The mass media are powerful.
C.Ahmadi’s plan is promising.D.All Afghans are left homeless.
【小题3】Which of the following words best describes Ahmadi?

One Sunday, Mark decided to go sailing in his boat with his friend Dan, but Dan happened to be away. Dan’s brother John offered to go instead though he did not know anything about sailing. Mark agreed and they set out to sea.

Soon they found themselves in a thick fog. Mark was sure they would be hit by a big ship. Fortunately he saw a large buoy (浮标) through the fog and decided to tie the boat to it for safety. As he was getting onto the buoy, however, he dropped the wet rope. The boat moved away in the fog carrying John, who did not know how to use the radio. He drifted (漂流) about and was not seen until twelve hours later.

Mark spent the night on the buoy. In the early morning he fell asleep. He was having a bad dream when a shout woke him up. A ship, the Good Hope, came up and he climbed onto it and thanked the captain. The captain told him that John had been picked up by another ship and the ship’s captain had sent out a message. “Without the message I would not have found you on the buoy,” he said.

【小题1】Why didn’t Mark and Dan go sailing together?
A.Dan asked his brother to go instead.B.Mark would like to go with John.
C.Mark was in some other place.D.Dan was in some other place.
【小题2】John and Mark became separated because ________.
A.there wasn’t room for both John and Mark on the buoy
B.Mark thought it safe to stay on the buoy but John didn’t
C.John couldn’t control the boat and drifted away
D.John had to stay in the boat to radio for help
【小题3】What made it possible for Mark to be found on the buoy?
A.John radioed to the Good Hope to get him.
B.John told people where to look for him.
C.He shouted when he caught sight of the Good Hope.
D.The captain saw him as the fog cleared.

75-year-old hip-hop (街舞) grandma Stephanie Walsh has gained worldwide attention with her intense dance moves and incredible energy. Better known as “Ms. Stephanie” online, Walsh has been featured on social media accounts with some videos drawing more than 11 million people to watch.

Walsh believes the videos gained popularity because she is 75. “It’s because I’m a senior,” said Walsh. “You don’t usually see someone my age doing hip-hop and moving like that. ”But actually, it’s more than that. Just as her profile claims, Walsh’s videos are “inspiring the world to dance like no one is watching. ”

“Dance isn’t just your body, it’s what you’re feeling inside about the dance and it’s what comes out here in your face,” Walsh said. “What I want to put through my movement is how much fun it is and how much joy it gives you.”

From a young age, Walsh loved to dance but her family didn’t have the money for classes. When she was nearly 30, she got her daughter ballet lessons, which her daughter hated. So, she took her daughter out and started classes herself right away.

Walsh believes her lifelong passion for dance is what motivates her today. “Everybody has to have a passion in their life,” she said. “It’s like that saying, ‘A life without passion is a life half lived.’ I believe that.”

Walsh dances for fun and fitness, but also for therapy (心理治疗). She struggled through countless hardships, and she has more than enough reasons to keep her down. But they don’t. She turns to her faith, her friends and of course, dance, to shine as an inspiration to those around her.

Gilbert, one of Walsh’s followers, says she inspires him every day. “She’s a beautiful soul who teaches me that it doesn’t matter about your age or your size. As long as you feel good, that’s all that matters,” says Gilbert. “I am truly thankful that Walsh is teaching me at the age of 32 to live my life full and stop being so scared.”

【小题1】What motivates Walsh to do hip-hop?
A.Its great social benefit.B.Its growing popularity.
C.Her enthusiasm for dance.D.Her hunger for reputation.
【小题2】What contributes to her videos’ popularity according to Walsh?
A.Her advanced age.B.Her smooth moves.
C.Her endless energy.D.Her confident claim.
【小题3】What will Walsh’s story probably inspire Gilbert to do?
A.Be active in social media.
B.Set a good example to others.
C.Take full advantage of his talent.
D.Adopt a positive approach to life.
【小题4】Which is a suitable title for the text?
A.Optimistic About Life: The Way to Survive
B.Forever Young in Dance: An Inspiring Figure
C.Embracing Social Media: The Key to Success
D.Dancing with the Young: An Amazing Journey
