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A good relationship with a teacher today may help you in the future. You will need teachers’ written recommendations (推荐信) to apply to a college or for a job after high school. And if you’re thinking about going into a career in science, who is better to ask about the field than your science teacher?

If you don’t get along well with your teachers, you can try to do this. Before you try to get out of a class to escape a teacher you don’t like, here are a few things you can try to make a difficult relationship improved:

●Ask yourself, “What can I learn from this teacher?” Even if you don’t worship (崇拜) his or her character or lectures, dig deep until you find a subject which he or she is very good at. Not only will you gain more knowledge in that subject, but a closer relationship with your teacher may help you understand one another better.

●Talk to students who are doing well in the class and ask them for tips, tools, and a plan of action to get along with the teacher better. If you’re too shy to talk to another student, study his or her actions and behavior in the classroom and try to follow that lead.

●If you still can’t get along, make an appointment with the school guidance counselor (辅导员). He or she will offer many tips and suggestions for you to get out of difficult teacher relationships. Sometimes a guidance counselor can act as a mediator (调停者) between you and the teacher. That means they can help you and your teachers avoid the bad impression on each other.

●If your relationship problems can’t be solved in school, then it’s time to tell your parents or guardians. Let them meet with your teacher and try to work it out.

Teachers are there for more than just homework, and they know about more than just their subject matter. They can help you learn how to function as an adult and a lifelong learner. Undoubtedly, there will be a few teachers along the way who you’ll always remember and who might change your life forever.

【小题1】The passage mainly focuses on ________.
A.advice on developing good learning habits
B.advice on making a good excuse for your absence from class
C.advice on getting good relationships with your teachers
D.advice for students on solving problems in everyday life
【小题2】According to the third paragraph, we can infer that ________.
A.there must be something good in every teacher for you to learn from
B.good relationships with your teachers call for your interest in the subjects they teach
C.finding what the teachers are good at can’t help you solve the problem
D.understanding each other is the only way to solve every problem
【小题3】What’s the writer’s attitude towards teachers?
A.He thinks that every teacher has a great effect on his students.
B.He doesn’t think teachers are very useful for a student’s development.
C.He thinks that teachers can only teach knowledge in their majors.
D.He respects the teachers very much and thinks highly of their functions.
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I’ve just got to talk about this problem I’m having with my postman. It all began a year ago, after the birth of his first child. Not wanting to appear rude, I asked him about the baby. The next week, not wanting him to think I had asked out of mere politeness the week before, I asked all about the baby again. Now I can’t break the habit. I freeze whenever I see him coming. The words “How’s the baby?” come out on their own. It holds me up. It holds him up. So why can’t I stop it? The answer is that I want him to like me. Come to think of it, I want everyone to like me.

What about at work? Richard Lawton, a management trainer, warns: “Those managers who are actually liked by most of their staff (员工)are always those who are honest with staff, treating them as human beings and following common politeness like saying hello in the morning.” To explain the point, Richard told the story of the company chairman who especially wanted to be liked. One day, after making one of his employees fired, the employee replied: “If you were that sorry, I wouldn’t be leaving.” The lesson is that if you try too hard to be liked, people won’t like you.

The experts say it all starts in childhood. “If children feel they can only get love from their parents by being good,” says Zelda West-Meads, a marriage adviser, “they develop low self-confidence.” But is there anything wrong in being a giver? Anne Cousins believes there is. “Sometimes giving becomes unhealthy,” she says. “It comes when you do things for others but feel bad about it.”

I am now trying hard to say to people “I feel uncomfortable about saying this, but…” and tell myself “Refusal of a request does not mean Refusal of a person” and I find I can say almost anything to almost anyone.

【小题1】Why does the author ask the postman about his baby?
A.He is interested in the baby.
B.He wants to be always polite to him.
C.He wants to leave a good impression to him.
D.It’s a way to start a chat with great politeness.
【小题2】Managers are more likely to be popular if they ______.
A.help the staff with their problems
B.make sure the staff do not lose their jobs
C.encourage the staff to be polite to each other
D.do not make too much effort to be liked
【小题3】What is the author’s intention of writing this passage?
A.To show how to let others like you more.
B.To encourage people to have more self-confidence.
C.To prove how to create a harmonious atmosphere.
D.To suggest ways of dealing with difficult people.

It all started because Lynn and her two teenage children needed to get from Georgia to Alaska, where Lynn’s husband, an American officer, is stationed (驻扎). Lynn packed up all their belongings, bought a 4x4 truck, and started a cross-country family adventure. The first 3,000 miles of the trip went well.

The farther north they traveled, the worse the weather got. Lynn, who was raised in the South, met her first winter white-out conditions. Then she used up windscreen wiping fluid. Slush (雪泥) covered her windows and she couldn’t see to drive. Even scarier — her tires seemed to be sliding on the ground.

After changing the summer tires at a tire store, Lynn decided to give up driving. She phoned her husband and asked if he could just come and get them where they were. Her husband was worried but he wasn’t legally able to get them himself. Then the family had to find a motel and went to bed. That’s when the kind people there put out a request on Facebook for someone to drive them the last 1,056 miles to the border.

Gary Bath was at home when he saw his friend’s post about the trapped family. After watching the post for a while and seeing no one was able to help, he and his wife made the decision that he would drive them the whole way to the border.

Both families met over the Internet, and when they decided they were all comfortable with the plan, the Baths drove to meet the family at the motel. It took Gary two days to drive them to a border checkpoint (边防关卡) where the family was greeted by Lynn’s husband and the new friends parted ways.

【小题1】Why did the American family set off for Alaska?
A.To enjoy the beautiful scenery.
B.To visit an old friend.
C.To have an adventure.
D.To have a family reunion.
【小题2】What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
A.The birth place of Lynn.
B.The difficulties Lynn got into.
C.The direction of this journey.
D.The weather conditions on the way.
【小题3】How did the people in the motel help the family?
A.By asking for public help.
B.By telephoning the husband.
C.By offering them free meals.
D.By driving them to the border.
【小题4】Which of the following can best describe Gary Bath?
A.Serious and careful.
B.Smart and honest.
C.Kind and caring.
D.Brave and determined.

Mrs. Strickland did not talk much, but she had a pleasant gift for keeping the conversation general; and when there was a pause she threw in just the right remark to set it going once more.

“Why do nice women marry dull men?”

“Because intelligent men won’t marry nice women.”

Mrs. Strickland had the gift of sympathy.

There was another thing I liked in Mrs. Strickland. She managed her surroundings with elegance. Her flat was always neat and cheerful with flowers. The meals in the little dining room were pleasant; the table looked nice; the food was well cooked. It was impossible not to see that Mrs. Strickland was an excellent housekeeper. And you felt sure that she was an admirable mother. There were photographs in the drawing room of her son and daughter. The son — his name was Robert — was a boy of sixteen at Rugby. He had his mother’s fine eyes. He looked clean, healthy, and normal.

“I don’t know that he’s very clever,” she said one day, when I was looking at the photograph, “but I know he’s good. He has a charming character.”

The daughter was fourteen. Her hair, thick and dark like her mother’s, fell over her shoulders, and she had the same kindly expression and untroubled eyes.

“They both look like you,” I said.

“Yes, I think they are more like me than their father.”

“Why have you never let me meet him?” I asked.

“Would you like to?” she smiled and her smile was really very sweet.

“You know, he’s not at all literary,” she said. “He has no interest in literature.”

“He’s on the Stock Exchange, and he’s a typical broker. I think he’d bore you to death.”

“Does he bore you?” I asked.

“You see, I happen to be his wife. I’m very fond of him.” She smiled to cover her shyness, and her eyes grew tender.

“He doesn’t pretend to be a talent. He doesn’t even make much money on the Stock Exchange. But he’s awfully good and kind.”

“I think I should like him very much.”

“I’ll ask you to dine with us quietly some time, but mind, you come at your own risk; don’t blame me if you have a very dull evening.”

【小题1】Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Mrs. Strickland is a very good housekeeper.
B.Her daughter looks more like her than her husband.
C.Her son, clever or not, has a pleasant character.
D.Mrs. Strickland doesn’t love her husband because of his dullness.
【小题2】What does the sentence “I think he’d bore you to death” imply?
A.Mrs. Strickland doesn’t think her husband is a dull man.
B.It must be boring for the guest to talk with Mr. Strickland because of different interests.
C.Mrs. Strickland fears that her husband will make the guest die.
D.The guest will finally find Mr. Strickland is a humorous host.
【小题3】Which is the closest meaning to the underlined word “awfully”?
【小题4】What does the author think of Mrs. Strickland in this passage?
A.Elegant and attractive.B.Dull and unconfident.
C.Beautiful and unlucky.D.Bitter and foolish.
