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Do you want to be a scientist?If you’d like to be one,you should lay the foundation(基础)for the task ahead. 【小题1】

Take the necessary classes in high school. You’ll need to do well in mathematics. 【小题2】 You can also consider going to a science camp during high school. There you’ll do more intensive projects than you do in your regular science classes in school.

Start out with the basics in college. You’ll need to take basic courses in biology,chemistry and physics to equip yourself with the basics of each science,as well as the scientific method of observing and experimenting. Skills in one or two foreign languages may be helpful as well,in order to read older scientific papers that are written in foreign languages. 【小题3】

【小题4】 After you’ve gotten your feet wet and you’re familiar with the directions this work could take you,choose a major in a more specific(具体的)branch of science.

Develop your writing skills. You’ll also need to mite well as a scientist,both to get money for your research and to publish your results in scientific magazines. 【小题5】 Always be reading scientific journals and keep up with the field. You’ll be in those journals yourself,in time. Look over their work for structure and the basics of a good scientific paper.

A.Get a higher education.
B.Be patient,and think creatively.
C.There’s a guide for the preparation work.
D.Choose a major in a field that interests you.
E.Scientists in the physical sciences use a great deal of mathematics.
F.The most helpful languages to learn include French,German and Russian.
G.Classes in English in high school and technical writing in college will help you improve your skills.
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Successful students have good study habits.【小题1】Read about study habits below. Work to develop any study habit you do not have.

Plan specific times for studying. Study time is any time you are doing something related to schoolwork. It can be completing assigned (指定的) reading, working on a paper or project, or studying for a test. Try to study at the same time each day. 【小题2】When a scheduled study time comes up during the day, you will be mentally prepared to begin studying.

Avoid doing too much studying at one time. Set specific goals for your study time. Goals will help you stay focused and check your progress.

【小题3】You may delay( 延误) starting your studying because you don't like an assignment(任务) or think it is too hard. If you keep delaying for any reason, you will find it difficult to get everything done when you need to. You may rush to make up the time you wasted getting started, resulting in careless work and errors. So it is important to make preparations in advance and act as they are.

Work on the hardest assignment first.【小题4】Start with them since this is when you have the most mental energy.

Review your notes before beginning an assignment. Reviewing the notes can help you make sure you are doing an assignment correctly. Also, your notes may include information that will help you complete an assignment.

There is also a case where "two heads may be better than one". 【小题5】

A.Start studying as planned.
B.They apply these to all of their classes.
C.Concentrate(专注于)on what you are studying.
D.Your most difficult assignment will require the most effort.
E.So call another student when you have difficulty with an assignment.
F.Developing good study habits will help you study properly and efficiently.
G.Studying at the same time each day develops a routine that becomes a regular part of your life.

Christmas doesn’t have to be a burden on the planet. With a little effort and imagination, we can reduce the environmental influence of the holiday season. Here are some ideas to help celebrate the season while caring for the earth.

1. Buy less. Some holiday gifts fill a practical need and need to be bought new. But many gifts are really gestures of thoughtfulness. 【小题1】.

2. Not all gifts have to be store-bought. You can give more while spending less by giving gifts that are personal and unique. 【小题2】, most adults appreciate anything that shows thoughtfulness.

3. 【小题3】. Many gifts in today’s marketplace come from halfway around the world, and the influence of transportation contributes significantly to greenhouse emissions(排放)and global warming. Local craft fairs and artisan shops are good places for gifts that come without the added costs of transportation. And gifts made locally often have a story which goes with the gift, since the artisan and the origin of the gift are known.

4. Choose gifts made from recycled things. 【小题4】. Supporting these businesses helps reduce the waste stream while promoting the concept of making best use of available materials.

5. Give “Battery-Free” gifts. According to the ЕPA, about 40% of all battery sales occur during the holiday season. Thrown batteries are harmful to environment. Even rechargeable batteries find their way into the waste stream eventually.

6. Avoid children’s toys that promote violence. There is too much violence in the world, and the new wave of video games for children is disturbing. 【小题5】. There are many toys and games hat are fun, and give children’s creativity and sense of active play.

A.Look for locally made gifts
B.You can give more while spending less
C.Your gift list is for the adults in your family
D.Remember the theme of Christmas is “Peace on Earth”
E.You can now focus on a special gift for your loved ones
F.While young children may favor the shiny store-bought thing
G.Many businesses have developed products using recycled materials

How to Stay Cool and Save Money in Summer?

Although summer is filled with various fruits, food, and various water entertainment activities. But how to enjoy summer while saving energy and expenses? 【小题1】, and you may find some that suit you.

Set your air conditioner to 28 degrees or higher.

An obvious pointer, but also one of the most ignored. Running your air conditioner at colder temperatures won’t cool down a room any faster than a more moderate setting, but it will force your system to work harder. Worse yet, it’s easy to forget to turn it back up. 【小题2】, and move on to other stay-cool ideas.

Wear cool, loose clothing—even indoors.

Shorts, absorbent fabrics and loose-fitting clothes all work outdoors. They’ll work in-side, too. It’s your space: dress for comfort. 【小题3】, the less you’ll need air conditioning.


If you live in an area experiencing water shortages, skip this one. Otherwise, a quick three-minute cold shower is a fantastic way to cool down. Going longer than three minutes won’t make you feel much cooler, so skip the soap and just enjoy the relief. For regular showers, avoid using hot water during the summer. In most temperate locations, tap water is plenty warm for bathing by July. The cooler you run your shower, the less heat and steam you’ll need to remove from your living space. Use the exhaust fan if it’s vented outdoors.

Clean your air conditioning filter.

【小题5】. Check your filter once a week, and clean as often as necessary. Filters are generally throwaway items, but some may be reusable if thoroughly cleaned. Clean window-unit filters once a week. Some window air conditioners have a warning light to indicate when air flow is restricted.

A.Wear sunglasses
B.Take cold showers
C.The cooler your clothing
D.We have summarized some ways
E.It may also provide other health benefits
F.Stick with the warmest setting you can tolerate
G.Dirty filters will reduce air-conditioner efficiency
