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It is easier to float in the ocean than it is to float in a swimming pool. Do you know why?

Ocean water is full of salt—and salt water can hold up more weight than fresh water. See for yourself!

You Will Need

3 cups of warm water

·Measuring cup(量杯)

·Wide-mouthed jar




You Will Do

1. Pour 1. 5 cups of warm water into the jar.

2. Add 1/3 cup of salt.

3. Stir(搅拌)until the salt is completely


4. Add another 1. 5 cups of water. Pour it slowly over the spoon into the jar so that the two liquids will not mix together.

5. Gently place the potato into the jar. Do not drop it.

What Will Happen:

The potato will sink—but only halfway!


Salt water is heavier than fresh water,so it will stay on the bottom. The fresh water will remain on top.

The potato is heavier than the fresh water, but it is lighter than the salt water. That is why the potato will sink halfway down.

【小题1】In which step of the experiment do you add the salt?
A.Step 1.B.Step 2.
【小题2】In the experiment,what should you do right after you pour the water over the spoon?
A.Add the salt to the water.
B.Stir the salt in the water.
C.Place the potato into the jar.
D.Pour warm water into the jar.
【小题3】In Step 4 of the experiment,why do you pour the water over the spoon“slowly”?
A.It is easier to see what you are doing.
B.It pushes the fresh water to the bottom.
C.It will keep the water from coming out.
D.It will keep the liquids from mixing together.
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You may have noticed sudden, brief twitching (抽动) at some point while your dog was sleeping and wondered if he was dreaming or even expressing some type of discomfort.

These involuntary movements only occur during dream states and usually don’t last long. So is twitching just a normal part of dreaming, or are there times when you should worry?

Dogs sleep an average of 12-14 hours each day. While they sleep, a dog’s brain processes information and experiences from the day through dreams. Twitching is often related to active dream cycles in the brain.

According to research by psychologist Stanley Coren, an average-size dog will dream about every 20 minutes, and these dreams will last about a minute. Larger breeds have fewer dreams that last longer—about every 45 minutes for 4 minutes. The opposite is true for smaller breed dogs; they will dream about every 10 minutes for up to 30 seconds.

Dogs experience the same dream stages as humans, including non-rapid eye movement (NREM), short-wave sleep (SWS), and rapid eye movement (REM). During the REM state, a dog’s eyes move around behind their closed eyelids, and the large body muscles are turned off so the dream is not physically acted out. The amount of twitching depends on how much these off switches cramp (阻碍) muscle movement.

If your dog sleeps next to you, he may unintentionally disturb your sleep with his sudden body movements. However, it is often advised not to awaken a dog that is twitching in his sleep unless he is clearly uncomfortable.

A bad dream or night terror could be the cause of these involuntary movements, and they may wake up frightened. Try to avoid touching them so they don’t bite you as a result of being shocked and panicked. Instead, gently call your dog’s name until they respond. Speak calmly and tell them that they are safe and secure after they wake up. While they appear to be pretty active in their sleep, dreaming dogs may be slow to awaken.

【小题1】Which of the following influences how often dogs dream?
A.Their sleeping time.B.Their body size.
C.Their daily experiences.D.Their health conditions.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “involuntary” mean in paragraph 2?
【小题3】Why is it advised not to wake up a dog twitching in sleep?
A.To avoid being bitten by the dog.B.To ensure the dog adequate sleep.
C.To prevent the dog getting shocked.D.To escape disturbance from the dog.
【小题4】What is the passage mainly about?
A.How dogs’ brain works.
B.Why dogs dream at night.
C.Why dogs twitch in their sleep.
D.How dogs’ twitch affects their sleep.

The research company OpenAI has recently released ChatGPT, a language model that can construct remarkably well-structured arguments based on simple cues provided by a user. The system which uses a massive source of online text to predict what words should come next is able to create new stories in the style of famous writers, write news articles about itself and produce essays that could easily receive a passing grade in most English classes.

That last use has raised concern among academics, who worry about the possibility of an easily accessible platform that, in a matter of seconds, can put together essays as good as -- if not better than -- the writing of a typical student.

Cheating in school is not new, but ChatGPT and other language models are totally different from the hacks(雇佣文人)students have used to take a shortcut in the past. The writing these language models produce is completely original, meaning that it can’t be distinguished by even the most advanced plagiarism(剽窃)software. The AI also goes beyond just providing students with information they should be finding themselves. It organizes that information into a complete narrative.

Beyond potential academic honesty issues, some teachers worry that the true value of learning to write -- like analysis, critical thinking, creativity and the ability to structure an argument -- will be lost when AI can do all those complex things in a matter of seconds.

“We might know more things but we never learned how we got there. We’ve always said that the process is the best part and we know that. The satisfaction is the best part. That might be the thing that’s removed from all of this. Actually, I don’t know what a person is like if they’ve never had to struggle through learning. I don’t know the behavioral implications of that,” said Peter Laffin.

“Whenever there’s a new technology, there’s a panic around it. It’s the responsibility of academics to have a healthy amount of distrust, but I don’t feel like this is an undefeatable challenge,“ Sandra Wachter, technology researcher, said.

【小题1】What is mainly stressed about ChatGPT in the first paragraph?
A.Its unusual functions.
B.Its working process.
C.Its promising future.
D.Its wide application.
【小题2】What is unique about ChatGPT’s writings?
A.They belong to a new cheating form.
B.They are writings of ChatGPT’s own.
C.They provide students with all needed information.
D.They are better than writings from the hacks.
【小题3】What is Peter Laffin concerned about?
A.AI makes us struggle through learning.
B.AI might be improperly used by hacks.
C.AI might rob us of the pleasure of learning.
D.AI might result in many writers losing their jobs.
【小题4】What can we infer from Sandra Wachter’s words?
A.He is pleased to see the release of ChatGPT.
B.He is ready for the challenges from ChatGPT.
C.He is in a panic about the use of ChatGPT.
D.He has a healthy distrust of ChatGPT.

A study of adults suggests that the negative effects of alcohol consumption grow stronger with each additional drink, and cutting on the final drink of the evening could greatly improve brain health.

“There is some evidence that one additional drink in a day could have more impact than any of the previous drinks that day. Cutting back on that final drink of the night might have a big effect in terms of brain ageing,” said Dr. Remi Daviet, the study’s first author. The study found that the more a person drinks, the smaller their brain. And the link between alcohol consumption and reductions in brain volume grew stronger if the level of alcohol consumption is greater.

Previous work has shown links between alcohol consumption and brain health. But it was unclear whether moderate levels of drinking had an impact — some had even suggested that light drinking could be beneficial. The NHS recommends not drinking more than 14 units a week on a regular basis, although it states there is no safe level.

The latest study used MRI scans from more than 36,000 adults in the UK Biobank, which allowed the relationship between drinking and brain health to be examined in greater detail. The research showed a negative association between even one drink a day and brain volume. In 50-year-olds, increasing average drinking from one alcohol unit(half a pint of beer)a day to two units was associated with changes in the brain equal to ageing two years. It gets worse the more you drink. It’s believed that alcohol has a negative impact on the brain, leading to the loss of grey matter and the structure of white matter connection being hurt. “Our study doesn’t randomly assign people to drink, this wouldn’t be moral to do,” said Dr. Reagan Wetherill, a co-author.

The authors hope to look at whether drinking one beer a day is better than drinking none during the week and then seven on the weekend.

【小题1】What does Paragraph 1 mainly tell us about drinking alcohol?
A.The ageing of the brain is determined by drinking.
B.Having some drink in the evening protects the brain.
C.The harm of drinking alcohol builds up in the body.
D.Drinking in the day is more harmful than in the evening.
【小题2】How can higher levels of alcohol consumption affect the brain?
A.The function of the brain is boosted.B.The volume of the brain is reduced.
C.The alcohol level in the brain rises.D.The brain fails to send out signals.
【小题3】What can we infer from Dr. Reagan’s words?
A.Moral rules are in place when designing the study.B.Any small amount of drinking will do people harm.
C.The old suffer more than the young from drinking.D.Grey matter in the brain can hurt the white matter.
【小题4】What’s the next target of research for the researchers?
A.Whether drinking beer regularly hurts people.B.How moderate beer drinking benefits our health.
C.Which of the two ways of beer drinking is better.D.How much the NHS recommends about beer.
