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Prosocial behaviors are those intended to help other people. Behaviors that can be described as prosocial include feeling empathy(同感) and concern for others and behaving in ways to help or benefit other people.

Prosocial behavior has long posed a challenge to social scientists seeking to understand why people engage in helping behaviors that are beneficial to others, but costly to the individual performing the action. Why would people do something that benefits someone else but offers no immediate benefit to the doer?

Psychologists suggest that there are a number of reasons why people engage in prosocial behavior. In many cases, such behaviors are fostered during childhood and adolescence as adults encourage children to share, act kindly, and help others. Prosocial behaviors are often seen as being compelled by a number of factors including egoistic reasons (doing things to improve one's self­image), reciprocal benefits (doing something nice for someone so that they may one day return the favor), and more altruistic reasons (performing actions purely out of empathy for another individual).

Characteristics of the situation can also have a powerful impact on whether or not people engage in prosocial actions. The bystander effect is one of the most notable examples of how the situation can impact helping behaviors. The bystander effect refers to the tendency for people to become less likely to assist a person in distress when there are a number of other people also present. For example, if you drop your purse and several items fall out on the ground, the likelihood that someone will stop and help you decreases if there are many other people present. This same sort of thing can happen in cases where someone is in serious danger, such as when someone is involved in a car accident. In some cases, witnesses might assume that since there are so many other present, someone else will have surely already called for help.

Why do people help in some situations but not in others? Experts have discovered a number of different situational variables that contribute to (and sometimes interfere with) prosocial behaviors. First, the more people that are present decreases the amount of personal responsibility people feel in a situation. People also tend to look to others for how to respond in such situations, particularly if the event contains some level of ambiguity. Fear of being judged by other members of the group also plays a role. People sometimes fear leaping to assistance, only to discover that their help was unwanted or unwarranted. In order to avoid being judged by other bystanders, people simply take no action.

Experts have suggested that some key things must happen in order for a person to take action.

【小题1】Prosocial behaviors are motivated for all the following reasons EXCEPT ________.
A.empathy for another individualB.instant benefits of helping others
C.parental influences in the early lifeD.the desire to better one's self­image
【小题2】What does the underlined word “distress” in the fourth paragraph mean?
【小题3】Which situation can be described as the bystander effect?
A.When hearing an injured lady crying for help, the neighbors didn't take action.
B.Seeing an old man slipping on the icy road, many people volunteered to help.
C.A woman was to give birth on the train and you were the only doctor there.
D.On the scene of your colleague's traffic accident, you called the police for help
【小题4】After the last paragraph, the most possible topic could be ________.
A.possible benefits of prosocial behavior
B.various reasons for prosocial behavior
C.situational influences on prosocial behavior
D.skills and knowledge to provide assistance
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You’ve seen news reports about people who need assistance after a natural disaster, or TV programs about how lonely and isolated older people can get. Maybe you’ve walked past people who are living on the streets.【小题1】The answer: you can volunteer. Volunteering gives you an opportunity to change people’s lives, including your own. Helping others in need is such an important part of life. So how do you go about it?

Find what’s right for you.

Volunteering isn’t school.【小题2】You can choose what really interests you and who or what is most deserving of your time.


After you’ve discovered what interests you, decide how much time you want to spend and what fits into your schedule.

Expand your mind.

Volunteering is a great way to learn new skills — from working as part of a team to setting and reaching goals.【小题4】And it can help you develop a new understanding of people who are different from you — people with disabilities, people in financial problems, sick kids, or the elderly.

Feel good.

Volunteering helps people feel they make a difference — that they do have the power to change things for the better. When people depend on you, it can change the way you look at yourself.【小题5】Volunteering is also a great way to get a view on your own life.

A.It can give you a chance to discover what kinds of things you’re best at and enjoy most.
B.Instead of having the choices made for you, you’ve got to pick.
C.Doing something for others helps people to change the world.
D.So what can you do about any of those things?
E.You can feel proud of what you’ve achieved.
F.Find what fits your schedule.
G.Change things for the better.

We all have our own idea of what the perfect smile should look like,whether we show a mouthful of whites or keep our lips closed and turned up at the corners.When we think of the perfect smile,we often picture someone grinning,with all of our teeth showing,but based on new findings,less is actually more.Nathaniel He1wig and his colleagues at the University of Minnesota discovered that a successful,genuine smile actually rests less on showing teeth and more on facial balance and symmetry(对称).

For the study,researchers looked at 3D computer-animated facial models of more than 800 study participants.The computer-animated facial models went through a series of facial transformations,with researchers changing the mouth angle,amount of teeth shown,the degree of the smile.Participants were then asked to rate the models’smiles based on effectiveness,genuineness and pleasantness.

The results of the study found that the most successful smile had a perfect balance of teeth,an ideal mouth angle,and a smile length that extended to what was called the“sweet spot”.Smiles that showed a quick sync(同步)of the left and right side of the face during smiling were also more highly related.

Smiling makes up a good part of our nonverbal(非语言的)communication,making it important to have a grin that will draw people to you and also seem sincere.It’s also worth noting that perfect smile could help improve your health too.

【小题1】What is the possible meaning of the underlined word“grinning”in the first paragraph?
A.Talking softly.B.Smiling widely.
C.Chatting cheerfully.D.Eating healthily.
【小题2】Which aspect should be considered when rating the smiles in the study?
A.How pleasant it makes people feel.
B.Whether it improves health.
C.How successful smiling people are.
D.Whether it lasts long enough.
【小题3】What makes the perfect smile based on the new study?
A.White teeth.B.Smile length.
C.Facial balance.D.Lip corners.
【小题4】Where does this text probably come from?
A.A book review.B.A science report.
C.A history textbook.D.A travelling guide.
“If you want to see something well, reach out and touch it!”
That may seem a strange thing to say.But touching things can help you to see them better.
Your eyes can tell you that a glass ball is round.But by holding it in your hands, you can feel how smooth and cool the ball is.You can feel how heavy the glass is.When you feel all these about the ball, you really see it.
With your skin, you can feel better.For example, your fingers can tell the difference between two coins in your pockets.You can feel a little drop of water on the back of your hand, too.
You can even feel sounds against your skin.Have you ever wanted to know why some people like very loud music? They must like to feel the sounds of music.
All children soon learn what “Don’t touch!” means.They hear it often.Yet most of us keep on touching things as we grow up.In shops, we often have to touch things before we buy them.
The bottoms of our feet can feel things, too.You know this when you walk on warm sand, cool grass or a hard floor.All feel different under your feet.
There are ways of learning to see well by feeling.One way is to close your eyes and try to feel everything that is touching your skin.Feel the shoes on your feet, the clothes on your body, the air on your skin……
Most museums are just for looking.But today some museums have some things to touch.Their signs say, “Do touch!” There you can feel everything on show.
【小题1】By touching things,___________.
A.you will have a strange feeling
B.you will learn how to reach out
C.you can see things better
D.you can tell what colors they are
【小题2】Which of the following best serves as the best title of the story?
A.Touching by Feeling
B.To See or to Feel
C.Seeing by Feeling
D.Seeing Is Believing
【小题3】When people buy things in shops, they often _________.
A.try them on first
B.put their right hand on them
C.just have a look
D.feel and touch them
