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By the time you read these words, winter should have gone within the Northern Hemisphere (半球). But at its worst, this winter was unusually cold. Here in New York City on January 31, the low temperature dropped to -17℃. In Chicago, it was also -17℃—but that was the high. The low jumped to -29℃. And the wind chill within the Windy City was -44℃ or -46℃, relying on which climate station was crying out in pain. As comic Lewis Black said, “That is not weather. That’s an emergency condition.”

When the forecast warned us a few days earlier that Arctic air was looming (阴森地逼近), President Trump issued a sincere and helpful tweet, which ended with: “What the hell is going on with Global Waming [sic]? Please come back fast, we need you!” And being the most powerful man on Earth, he was successful in his polite request. On February 4 the Chicago temperature reached 11℃. And the following day the Big Apple was in a sunny 19℃.

The Arctic is warming at twice the speed as the global average. This heat might help disrupt (打破) the polar vortex, a gradual wind pattern that usually stays focused on circling the North Pole. A shaky jet stream (高速气流) then runs right into a brick wall of that Arctic air, which continues to be fairly cold by human standards, and both wind up lots of miles farther south than they usually belong. And for a few days we in the Deep South—by which I mean Chicago or New York compared with the Arctic—freeze our butts off. But less than a week later, thanks to some warm air coming up from the real South, I was walking outside without a coat on a date when the temperature in Chicago reached 11℃ on February 4.

Like so much else we are currently living through, this experience is not normal. Or it didn’t used to be, anyway.

After all, scientists have been waming—sorry, warning—that warming can have these very results. Climate change deniers may sneer (冷笑), “So when it’s warmer than usual, that’s because of global warming. And when it’s colder, that’s also because of global warming?” Well, yes. And anybody who just can’t accept these kinds of seemingly paradoxical conditions needs to reflect on the expression “freezer burn.”

【小题1】By mentioning Lewis Black’s words in Paragraph 1, the author intends to .
A.indicate how unusual the winter’s weather was
B.suggest the north isn’t a suitable place to live
C.remind people never to forget the past winter
D.urge people to take action against the emergency
【小题2】What led to the sudden increase in the Chicago temperature on February 4?
A.The cold Arctic air.B.Trump’s sincere tweet.
C.Warm air from the real South.D.Disruption of polar vortex.
【小题3】Why does the author use the expression “freezer burn”?
A.To show readers his concerns about the extreme weather.
B.To prove global warming to be the cause of the extreme weather.
C.To cast doubt about scientists’ study on the paradoxical conditions.
D.To express his disapproval of the result of the paradoxical conditions.
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【小题1】Snowboarders, delighted! North America gets a lot more snow than previously imagined — so much that each year if spreading equally across the continent, it would add up to about 19 centimeters. 【小题2】

【小题3】 In the analysis, researchers used computer simulations (模拟) to calculate the typical annual snowfall in each of 11 North American mountain ranges. Researchers used supercomputer to simulate the regional climate. 【小题4】 Although those ranges together cover only about 25% of the area stretching from the Arctic Ocean down to Mexico’s southern border, they get about 60% of its snow, the researchers report in Geophysical Research Letters. That’s nearly three times the amount for mountain snow from one previous study.

The researchers combined their new result with another team’s value for snow in the continent’s non-mountainous areas. 【小题5】 That’s enough to cover no-ice-covered areas of the continent to a depth of about 6.4 centimeters (2.5 inches) of water once it melts. Good luck when that refreezes.

A.How those figures are obtained?
B.Those figures come thanks to a new analysis.
C.And if piled up only in Ohio, the snow would be up to 45 meters deep.
D.And if gathering only in the United States, the snow would be 10 meters deep.
E.North American mountains get almost 3 times the amount of the snow previously thought.
F.And they calculate that North America each year gets about 5052 cubic kilometers of snow.
G.And they found that those mountain ranges receive about 3018 cubic kilometers of snow a year.

By the time you read these words, winter should have gone within the Northern Hemisphere (半球). But at its worst, this winter was unusually cold. Here in New York City on January 31, the low temperature dropped to -17℃. In Chicago, it was also -17℃—but that was the high. The low jumped to -29℃. And the wind chill within the Windy City was -44℃ or -46℃, relying on which climate station was crying out in pain. As comic Lewis Black said, “That is not weather. That’s an emergency condition.”

When the forecast warned us a few days earlier that Arctic air was looming (阴森地逼近), President Trump issued a sincere and helpful tweet, which ended with: “What the hell is going on with Global Waming [sic]? Please come back fast, we need you!” And being the most powerful man on Earth, he was successful in his polite request. On February 4 the Chicago temperature reached 11℃. And the following day the Big Apple was in a sunny 19℃.

The Arctic is warming at twice the speed as the global average. This heat might help disrupt (打破) the polar vortex, a gradual wind pattern that usually stays focused on circling the North Pole. A shaky jet stream (高速气流) then runs right into a brick wall of that Arctic air, which continues to be fairly cold by human standards, and both wind up lots of miles farther south than they usually belong. And for a few days we in the Deep South—by which I mean Chicago or New York compared with the Arctic—freeze our butts off. But less than a week later, thanks to some warm air coming up from the real South, I was walking outside without a coat on a date when the temperature in Chicago reached 11℃ on February 4.

Like so much else we are currently living through, this experience is not normal. Or it didn’t used to be, anyway.

After all, scientists have been waming—sorry, warning—that warming can have these very results. Climate change deniers may sneer (冷笑), “So when it’s warmer than usual, that’s because of global warming. And when it’s colder, that’s also because of global warming?” Well, yes. And anybody who just can’t accept these kinds of seemingly paradoxical conditions needs to reflect on the expression “freezer burn.”

【小题1】By mentioning Lewis Black’s words in Paragraph 1, the author intends to .
A.indicate how unusual the winter’s weather was
B.suggest the north isn’t a suitable place to live
C.remind people never to forget the past winter
D.urge people to take action against the emergency
【小题2】What led to the sudden increase in the Chicago temperature on February 4?
A.The cold Arctic air.B.Trump’s sincere tweet.
C.Warm air from the real South.D.Disruption of polar vortex.
【小题3】Why does the author use the expression “freezer burn”?
A.To show readers his concerns about the extreme weather.
B.To prove global warming to be the cause of the extreme weather.
C.To cast doubt about scientists’ study on the paradoxical conditions.
D.To express his disapproval of the result of the paradoxical conditions.
The Frost looked forth one still, clear night,
And whispered, “Now I shall be out of sight,
So through the valley and over the height,
In silence I’ll take my way,
I will not go on, like that blustering train,
The wind and the snow, the hail and the rain,
Who make so much bustle and noise in vain,
But I’ll be as busy as they.”
He flew up, and powdered the to the mountain’s crest,
He lit on the trees, and their boughs he dressed,
With diamonds and pearls; and over the breast,
Of the quivering lake, he spread,
A bright coat of mail, that it need not fear,
The glittering point of many a spear,
That he hung on its margin, far and near,
Where a rock could rear its head.
He went to the windows of those who slept,
And over each pane, like a fairy, crept,
Wherever he breathed, wherever he stepped,
Most beautiful things were seen,
By morning’s first light! There were flowers and trees,
With bevies of birds and swarms of bright bees,
There were cities with temples and towers; and these,
All pictured in silver sheen!
But he did one thing that was hardly fair,
He peeped in the cupboard, and, finding there,
That all had forgotten for him to prepare,
“Now just to set them a-thinking,
I’ll bite this basket of fruit," said he,
“This costly pitcher—I’ll burst in three,
And the glass with water they’ve left for me,
Shall ‘tchick’! to tell them I’m drinking!”
【小题1】Read the stanza: “ He flew up, and powdered the mountain’s crest...” What did the frost do to the tree boughs? (No more than 8 words)
【小题2】What do the first three lines of the poem communicate about the setting?
A.The frost quietly moves through a clear night.
B.The frost went blustering through the valley like a train at night.
C.The frost is awakened by the clear morning sun.
D.The frost ventured out during a windy and rainy evening.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “bevies” in Stanza3 mean, a couple, nests or flocks?(No more than 2 words)
【小题4】What is the poet trying to tell the readers about frost?(No more than10 words)
【小题5】Read the 1st stanza in the poem. For what purpose does the poet include a description of trains, wind, snow, hail and rain?
