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Another person’s enthusiasm(热情)was what set me moving toward the success I have achieved. That person was my stepmother.

I was nine years old when she entered our home in the countryside of Virginia. My father introduced me to her with these words: “I would like you to meet the fellow who is well known for being the worst boy in this county and will probably start throwing rocks at you no later than tomorrow morning.”

My stepmother walked over to me, raised my head slightly upward, and looked at me right in the eye. Then she looked at my father and replied, “You are wrong. This is not the worst boy at all, but the smartest one who hasn’t yet found a way to give out his enthusiasm.”

That statement began a friendship between us. No one had ever called me smart, My family and neighbors had built me up in my mind as a bad boy. My stepmother changed all that.

She changed many things. She persuaded my father to go to a dental school, from which he graduated with honors. She moved our family into the county seat, where my father’s career could be more successful and my brother and I could be better educated.

When I turned fourteen, she bought me a secondhand typewriter and told me that she believed that I could become a writer. I knew her enthusiasm, and I saw how it had already improved our lives. I accepted her belief and began to write for local newspapers and finally reached the goal she set for me. I wasn’t the only beneficiary. My father became the wealthiest man in town. My brother and stepbrothers became a physician, a dentist, a lawyer, and a college president.

【小题1】What does the author mean by “I wasn’t the only beneficiary”?
A.His stepmother bought typewriters for other family members, too.
B.Not only he but also his family gained from his stepmother’s enthusiasm.
C.Other family members’ enthusiasm has great effects on his stepmother.
D.There were other boys who behaved as badly as he did.
【小题2】According to the author, ______ before his stepmother came into his life.
A.his father had been away from home for a long time
B.people had noticed his intelligence
C.he knew how to release his enthusiasm properly
D.he was considered a rude boy with wild behaviors
【小题3】The author’s stepmother did all the following EXCEPT ______.
A.giving some writing lessons to him at home
B.moving the family into the centre of the county
C.planning the future for each family member
D.praising him from the bottom of her heart
【小题4】Which of the following best serves as the title of the passage?
A.Enthusiasm, a Source of Authority
B.Enthusiasm, a Gift from my Father
C.Enthusiasm, a Trend in Families
D.Enthusiasm, a Power for Success
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One North Carolina business owner is helping the homeless by opening up his parking lot to people who may be living out of their cars.

James Charles is the owner of Kiplin’s Automotive Group in Charlotte, North Carolina. For about two months, he has been encouraging people sleeping in their cars to use the company’s parking lot as a safe place to sleep at night.

Charles was first encouraged to do something helpful after his team tried to take back a woman’s car back in January.

“The gentleman who was taking back the car said, ‘We can’t take the car; there’s somebody living in the car,’” Charles told WBTV.

Then he tried to get the woman into a homeless shelter (收容所). But he was shocked to find that every shelter in the city was full. Although he paid for her to stay in a hotel for a few nights, he knew that there were other people suffering from the same thing.

Charles made a Facebook post: “We would like to provide a safe place for those going through this tough time. We can’t put everyone in a hotel, but we can get you a safe place for the night.

Since more and more people have shared his post, people have donated (捐赠) hats, scarves, food, and even an easy-to-move toilet for the parking lot. Not only that, but about 20 different people have helped Charles with his offer by parking their cars overnight at the lot.

These kind acts also made it possible for Charles to start his non-profit (非盈利的) organization, HALO Now. The organization was set up to raise money for the homeless people of Charlotte — and he has raised more than US$30,000.

【小题1】From the passage, we know Kiplin’s Automotive Group __________.
A.may be a company that rents cars to people
B.is a company that rents a parking place
C.is a non-profit organization in North Carolina
D.may be an organization that offers homeless shelters
【小题2】Why did Charles provide the parking lot as a safe place for people to sleep?
A.Because his parking lot was rented as a living place.
B.Because Charles wanted to show his kindness.
C.Because people had no place to park their cars.
D.Because many people had no place to go during a tough time.
【小题3】What did Charles do to help the homeless?
A.He asked people to donate online.
B.He shared the story through the Internet.
C.He gave out food to people living in their cars.
D.He built an easy-to-move toilet for the parking lot.
【小题4】What is the passage mainly about?
A.Parking lots can be safe places for people to live in the future.
B.Homeless people seek help through the Internet.
C.A company owner provides a safe place for the homeless to park and sleep.
D.The government uses parking lots to help the homeless settle down.

In the northern part of Austin there once dwelt an honest family by the name of Smothers. The family consisted of John Smothers, his wife, himself, their little daughter, five years of age, and her parents, making six people toward the population of the city when counted for a special write-up, but only three by actual count.

One night after supper the little girl was seized with a severe colic, and John Smothers hurried down town to get some medicine.

He never came back. The little girl recovered and in time grew up to womanhood. The mother grieved very much over her husband’s disappearance, and it was nearly three months before she married again, and moved to San Antonio. The little girl also married in time, and after a few years had rolled around, she also had a little girl five years of age. She still lived in the same house where they dwelt when her father had left and never returned.

One night by a remarkable coincidence her little girl was taken with cramp colic on the anniversary of the disappearance of John Smothers, who would now have been her grandfather if he had been alive and had a steady job.

“I will go downtown and get some medicine for her,” said John Smith (for it was none other than he whom she had married).

“No, no, dear John,” cried his wife. “You, too, might disappear forever, and then forget to come back.”

So John Smith did not go, and together they sat by the bedside of little Pansy, After a while, Pansy seemed to grow worse, and John Smith again attempted to go for medicine, but his wife would not let him. Suddenly the door opened, and an old man, stooped and bent, with long white hair, entered the room.

“Hello, here is grandpa,” said Pansy, She had recognized him before any of the others.

The old man drew a bottle of medicine from his pocket and gave Pansy a spoonful. She got well immediately.

“I was a little late,” said John Smothers, “as I waited for a streetcar.”

【小题1】According to the first paragraph, how many people were there in the Smothers’ family?
【小题2】What happened to his wife and daughter after John Smothers disappeared?
【小题3】What is your understanding of “John Smother’s disappearing for medicine and his returning with the medicine years later”?

Some people are never right. They never have good luck. They usually do the wrong things and say the wrong things. And even if what they say and do is OK, they say it or do it at the wrong time. So these people always have problems. They often break glasses. They sometimes miss buses or trains.

Mr.Neff is different. He is always right. He is never wrong. He usually has good luck. He hardly has problems. He never misses buses and trains. Even though he really misses them, it is always the fault of the buses and the trains.

Mr. Neff knows almost everything. He doesn’t ask questions. He answers questions. He never says “I don’t know”.

I don’t know Mrs. Neff. It seems that not many people know her. I sometimes want to know about her. Is she always right? Or maybe she is always wrong? Does she often break glasses or miss buses and trains?

Does she have problems? I really want to know!

【小题1】What kind of man is Mr.Neff?
A.He’s cleverer than other people.
B.He does everything better than his friends.
C.He’s the luckiest man in the world.
D.He is pleased with himself.
【小题2】The writer really thinks that ________.
A.Mr.Neff is always right
B.Mr.Neff usually has good luck
C.Mr.Neff almost knows everything
D.it’s the fault of buses and trains when he misses them
【小题3】Which of the following do you think is TRUE of Mrs.Neff?
A.She perhaps listens to her husband in everything.
B.She perhaps doesn’t agree with her husband.
C.She perhaps feels strange to be so lucky.
D.She is very happy to have a lucky husband.
