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New Year's Day is worth celebrating and you probably celebrate New Year's Day together with your family and friends,enjoying drinks and watching the ball drop. If you're lucky,perhaps you share a kiss with that special one when the clock hits 00:00 am. But how New Year's Day would look in another country? Listed below are four of the top ten “Unique New Year Traditions from Around the World.”

1Breaking Dishes on Neighbor's DoorDenmark

A strange Danish New Year tradition,depending on how you look at it,is throwing dishes at neighbor's door.The family with the tallest tower of broken plates,glasses,cups and other crockery is considered to be the luckiest person because it symbolizes their large crowd of loyal friends.

2Talking to SpiritsMexico

Mexicans strongly believe that they can communicate with the souls of their dead loved ones. New Year's Eve is considered the best time to communicate with dead spirits to convey a message or ask for guidance. Taos Inn,in New Mexico for example,offers 15 minutes session of spiritualism and deep thought for $15. Not a bad price for some helpful guidance!

3Wearing Polka DotsPhilippines

Imagine people wearing polka dots and dining room tables full of round shaped food and fruits on one single day of the year in Philippines. And they believe that this will bring them prosperity by associating the round dots to coins and wealth.

4Burning Scarecrow DummyEcuador

Ecuador has a custom of crafting scarecrows and burning them. As midnight approaches,gathering outside,each family burns their own scarecrow filled with newspapers and pieces of wood. The tradition says that this destroys all the bad things that took place in the past 12 months. The scarecrow also scares away bad luck,which in turn,fills their new year with luck and happiness.

The world is large but different. People of all nations may celebrate New Year's Day much differently,but a lot of general themes are to be seen. We all want to start a new,fresh year with renewed enthusiasm and hope no matter what happened during the past year. We all want to be happier,find love,renew friendships,increase our wealth and also hope for a little extra luck in the coming new year.

【小题1】People generally celebrate New Year's Day in the following ways except________.
A.sharing the time with their familyB.getting together with their friends
C.participating in the ball dropD.spending the time with their lovers
【小题2】Which of the following can't describe the 4 unique New Year traditions properly?
A.The more broken plates,glasses,cups you have at your door,the more good friends you have according to Danish New Year tradition.
B.By paying $15 in Taos Inn,Mexicans can communicate with the souls of their dead loved ones.
C.Wearing polka dots can help people in Philippines to gain wealth.
D.People from Ecuador make and burn scarecrows to win good luck and happiness.
【小题3】What can you infer from the last paragraph?
A.No matter how we celebrate New Year,increasing our wealth is very important.
B.The traditions will be changed with the time going by.
C.We seldom experience different traditions to celebrate New Year.
D.Celebrating New Year's Day means looking forward to a happier and better coming year.
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The Tomatina Festival (西红柿节) is a festival that is held in a town named Bunol in Spain, on which people throw tomatoes for fun. It is held on the last Wednesday of August each year.

In 1945, during a parade (游行) in the town one day, young men who wanted to be in the parade started a fight in the town square. They used tomatoes as weapons (武器) . 【小题1】

At around 10: 00 a. m. on Wednesday, activities that are organized to celebrate the festival begin. 【小题2】 When a person is climbing, some people sing and dance. When the person drops the ham off the pole, the tomato fight starts. The tomatoes come from Extremadura. 【小题3】 The number of tomatoes used is about 150, 000. After exactly one hour, the fight ends. 【小题4】 Then hoses are used to clean the square and to wash away the tomato juice on people’s bodies. After that, the town goes back to the way it was.

【小题5】 One of them is as follows: People have to squash (把……挤软) the tomatoes before throwing in order not to hurt other people.

The Tomatina Festival has inspired other similar celebrations in other parts of the world, for example, in the city of Dongguan, Guangdong Province, China, a tomato fight is held on October 19th.

A.The first one is climbing a pole with a ham on top.
B.There are also various competitions held during the festival.
C.The local government has made some rules for the safety of people.
D.This is the most popular story about how the Tomatina Festival started.
E.The whole square becomes red because there is tomato juice everywhere.
F.Hotels, parks, or convention centers are common places for large festivals.
G.The tomatoes there are less expensive and are grow n specially for the festival.

During lunch all my friends were talking about their families’ plans for winter break, and I was a little jealous since my parents couldn’t take a vacation during Christmas week.

I came home from school that day to find a newsletter from the Jewish CommunityCenter, which contained an ad for an “alternative vacation” community-service trip to New Orleans during Christmas week. I wondered whether cleaning neighborhoods destroyed by Hurricane Katrina and sleeping on the floor in a sleeping bag were really the way I wanted to spend Christmas vacation. I sent in an application anyway, went for an interview, and was actually very excited when I was accepted into the program.

We arrived in New Orleans on December 23. First, we had dinner at a pizza place that had been destroyed by the hurricane. The owners told us about what they had gone through to rebuild their homes.

On Christmas Eve, we spent the day removing garbage as part of a beautification project in the Lower Ninth Ward, which was most heavily damaged by Hurricane Katrina.

On Christmas Day, we worked at a center for homeless people. The people really appreciated our work, and we felt like we had made Christmas a little more special for them. My favorite project was helping at an animal rescue center. We walked the animals, cleaned their places, and fed them. Six thousand dogs and cats, separated from their owners, were rescued by that shelter after the hurricane.

When I returned to New York and told my friends about my trip, I realized how ridiculous I had been to be jealous of their Christmas plans. I looked around at my house, my dog, my family and everything I owned and felt really spoiled. All the things I saw in New Orleans, all the amazing people I met and the small ways l was able to contribute to the rebuilding of the city made that week  the  most memorable vacation I can imagine.

【小题1】What was the author’s first reaction to the community-service trip?
A.He felt upset.B.He was excited.
C.He felt hopeful.D.He was doubtful.
【小题2】Which did the author like most?
A.Removing garbage.B.Helping the homeless.
C.Working with animals.D.Dining with survivors.
【小题3】What can be the best title for the text?
A.The Most Memorable DayB.My Special Christmas Vacation
C.Post-Disaster ReconstructionD.A Big Contribution to Society

In the United States, the word "holiday" is synonymous with celebration. The following ten holidays per year are proclaimed by the federal government.

Independence Day

Independence Day is annually celebrated on July 4 and is often known as "the Fourth of July”. It is the anniversary of the publication of the declaration of independence from Great Britain in 1776. Now it is celebrated in all the states. The army marks the occasion by firing a 13-gun salute every year. Ceremonies may include parades, official speeches, visits to historic monuments and fireworks displays.

Memorial Day

This holiday, on the fourth Monday of every May, is a day on which Americans honor the dead. Originally a day on which flags and flowers were placed on graves of soldiers who died in the American Civil War, now it has become a day on which the dead of all wars and all other dead are remembered the same way.

Veterans Day

Veterans Day was established to honor Americans who had served in World War I. It falls on November 11, the day when that war ended in 1918, but it now honors veterans of all wars in which the United States has fought Veterans' organizations hold parades or other special ceremonies, and the US president customarily places a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National.


Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. It has been an annual tradition in the United States since 1863. Today, people celebrate Thanksgiving to remember these early days. The most important part of the celebration is a traditional dinner. Thanksgiving dinner almost always includes some of the foods served at the first feast: roast turkey, cranberry sauce potatoes pumpkin pies. Before the meal begins, families often pause to give thanks.

【小题1】When is Independence Day?
A.May 14,B.July 13.C.July 14.D.July 4.
【小题2】Which holiday honors dead solidiers?
A.Independence Day.B.Memorial Day.C.Veterans Day.D.Thanksgiving.
【小题3】What will Americans do on Thanksgiving Day?
A.They say thanks.B.They have friend gatherings.
C.They go on holiday.D.They buy many cards.
