书面表达-读写任务 较难0.4 引用2 组卷113
San Francisco, long one of the most tech-friendly and technologically first-class cities in the world, is now the first in the United States to prohibit its government from using facial recognition technology. The ban is part of a broader anti-surveillance (反监控)rule that the city's Board of Supervisors approved on Tuesday.
Xuzhou Railway Station introduced four self-service check-in machines on Jan 25 to offer travelers a more convenient and efficient traveling experience. Passengers can enter the station by scanning their ID cards and looking at a camera. After the facial recognition scan is complete, the gate will open automatically and the passenger can enter.
1. 用约30个词概括上述新闻中不同城市对人脸识别技术采取的态度;
2. 谈谈你如何看待人脸识别技术,并用2-3个理由或论据支撑你的看法。
1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;
3. 不必写标题。
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That night, Jane quarreled with her mother, then stormed out of the house. While out, she remembered that she did not have any money in her pocket. She did not even have enough coins to make a phone call home.

At the same time, she went through a noodle shop. Picking up a sweet smell, she suddenly felt very hungry. She wished for a bowl of noodles, but she had no money!

The seller saw her standing before the counter and asked, “Hey little girl, you want to eat a bowl?” “But I do not take any money,” she shyly replied. “Okay, I’ll treat you,” the seller said. “Come in, I will cook you a bowl.”

A few minutes later the seller brought her a steaming bowl of noodles. They smelt delicious. Jane cried when eating the noodles.

“What is it?” the seller asked when he saw the tears rolling down Jane’s face. “Nothing. I am just touched by your kindness! Even a stranger on the street gives me a bowl of noodles, and my mother, after a quarrel, chased me out of the house. She is cruel!” Jane said as she wiped her tears.

The seller sighed, “Girl, why did you think so? Think again. I only gave you a bowl of noodles and you felt that way. Your mother has raised you since you were little. She looked after you carefully and cared about you so much. Why are you not grateful to your mom? Maybe she is waiting for you eagerly at home.”

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
Paragraph 1

Jane really felt ashamed after hearing that.

Paragraph 2

Jane can not control herself any longer and cried in her mom’s arms.


It was the longest heat wave anyone could remember, and Sebastian couldn’t wait to cool off at the beach with his dad. Before heading out of town, they stopped at the library and dropped off a few books.

Sebastian noticed a crew working on the library roof. He asked Dad what they were doing. Dad explained that they were repairing the roof, a difficult job he had done himself for a few years.

It was then that an idea flashed into Sebastian’s head: I bet they could use some water. But the idea disappeared just as quickly as the scenery passing by his window, and his thoughts turned to swimming.

The waves were perfect for bodyboarding, and a sea breeze cooled the air. But all too soon they were headed home, back to the heat. Sebastian was half listening to the radio when the DJ gave the weather report, “The record-breaking heat will continue throughout the afternoon,” she said. “If you have to be outside, remember to hydrate (补水) and stay in the shade.”

When they drove by the library, the roofers were still working and the sun was beating down on them. Sebastian wondered whether they have enough water. Sebastian had just finished two weeks of soccer camp, and even with frequent water breaks, it had been miserably hot. It made him think again about taking some water to the roofers. So he shared the idea with his brother, Marcos. Marcos shrugged. “You don’t even know those guys. They’ve probably gone home already anyway.”

Maybe Marcos was right Sebastian walked to the end of his driveway, where he could get a view of the library. But the roofers were still there, and the sun was still broiling (酷热的). Sebastian didn’t see any coolers or jugs anywhere. Then he told Dad, “I really think they need some water.” A look of concern came over Dad’s face. He picked up his car keys, saying “I think you’re right. It’s only going to get hotter.”

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Sebastian stuffed a bag with water bottles and got into the car with his dad.


“It was all his idea,” dad smiled, nodding at Sebastian.


In a warm home, a young girl named Shireen was busily preparing for a special occasion. As she tiptoed (踮着脚走) to tie a balloon, hunger was evident in her eyes. How did her family do this every year? It was so hard to go without food or drink from lunch until sunset. She found this period especially challenging, because today also turned out to be her grandfather Babajoon’s birthday.

Suddenly the phone rang. Shireen answered to find her friend Amy on the other end, inviting her to the park. “Can I join Amy and Maya? They want to show me their new toys,” Shireen begged her mom. Understanding the struggle of Shireen, her mother gently replied, “Sorry, sweetie. You’ll get tired and thirsty running around in the sun, especially on an empty stomach.”

Disappointed, Shireen felt angry, thinking of her friends enjoying themselves. The burst of hunger and anger made Shireen question the significance of giving up meals of the period. Realizing Shireen’s upset, her mom explained that the most important thing was to know how it felt to be hungry, allowing them to understand those less lucky people’s feeling and experiences and developed compassion (同情).

To cheer Shireen up, her mom suggested baking a birthday cake for her grandfather. Her dad was passing by and heard their conversation. He considered it a bad idea, fearing that it would be too hard for Shireen on an empty stomach. However, Shireen had made her mind. She wanted to surprise Babajoon with a cake, not just any cake, but a beautiful chocolate one.

Shireen and her mom set out the materials: cocoa powder, sugar, flour (面粉),eggs and butter. Her mom selected the cocoa and flour. Shireen measured sugar into the mixer and added the butter. She liked watching the mixer turn the separate materials into a soft yellow paste. She cracked the eggs one by one into the bowl. “Oops! There’s some shell.” Shireen tried getting it out with a spoon.


The process of making the cake brought moments of joy.


Finally evening approached.

