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Walking routes that are quicker and cheaper than the Tube in London

Love to shop? You can walk between Knightsbridge and fashionable Sloane Square in around 10 minutes一much simpler than swapping lines at South Kensington.

Don't fall into the trap of taking the Piccadilly line between Covent Garden and Leicester Square. It takes just four minutes to walk and you'll avoid the queues for the lifts at Covent Garden.

*Use a Santander Cycle for just £2

It costs £2 to access Santander Cycles for 24 hours. The first half hour is free each time you hop on a new bike, which means you can make multiple trips in one day and still pay only £2.

*Hop on a bus

Buses don't just offer a scenic way of getting around London—they're easy on the wallet too! A single fare costs just £1.50, while unlimited bus travel on a contactless card costs £4.50.

Make the most of the hopper fare, which allows you to make a second bus journey for free within an hour of travel.

*Go contactless for the cheapest fare

If you have to take the Tube, use the same contactless card all day long to make the most savings when making multiple journeys. Contactless card users benefit from a daily cap (上限).

【小题1】What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?
A.To introduce different ways of transport in London.
B.To offer people tips for cheap travel options in London.
C.To warn people against traps of wasting money in London.
D.To compare different ways of transport in London.
【小题2】We can learn from the passage that .
A.one takes the Tube from Knightsbridge to Sloane Square without changing lines
B.it takes one only £2 to make multiple trips with a Santander Cycle for 24 hours
C.one will enjoy a free journey as long as he/she transfers within an hour of travel
D.unlimited Tube travel with a daily cap is accessible when the same card is used
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Copenhagen, voted as the "Best City for Cyclists" and "World's Most Livable City", has a profound bicycle culture, one that is rooted in almost every Copenhagener's daily life.

For Copenhageners, bicycles are one of the best means of transportation. They are convenient, fast and environmentally friendly. Every morning, when I head to school, I can see a great many cyclists from all age groups riding their well-equipped and beautifully designed bicycles to school or work. What is most unbelievable for me is that even those aged 70 or 80 still prefer biking as their main mode of transportation.

The Danes' passion for bicycles is similar to the Chinese craze for ping-pong or Brazilians' love of football; many great cyclists arise in Denmark who have already achieved great success in the international sporting arena. One example is Larsen Norman Hansen, a Danish professional road and track racing cyclist, who won one gold medal and two silver medals in big events. In addition, bikes are also huge part of the recreational life of many young Danes. One of my Danish friends, Laurits Genz, a 21-year-old Chinese studies student from Copenhagen University, has a hobby of rebuilding old bicycles. He has collected many old bikes from a recycling station near his home and completely restored them, giving them new parts and a fresh coat of paint. He believes that eventually, all of these bikes with that "classic" look are going to be very sought after and valuable.

Some people might wonder why bike-related culture is so universal and popular in Copenhagen, but not as much so in other parts of the world. I would name a couple of reasons: First of all, the infrastructure constructed in Copenhagen is very cyclist friendly. On many roads in Copenhagen, if cyclists can ride their bikes at the speed of 20 kph and remain stable, they can surf through on a wave of green traffic lights through the city without putting a foot down. It's absolutely a great environment. Another factor is the government's friendliness to cyclists. Because of this government policy, bikers enjoy a sort of encouraged state of privilege(特权), meaning they will stick to this means of transportation even during the coldest winter season. Danes' tendency toward a healthy and environmentally friendly lifestyle also lends itself to choosing cycling.

【小题1】What makes the author feel most surprised according to Paragraph 2?
A.People aged 70 or 80 preferring biking.
B.The advantages represented by bicycles.
C.The passion for bicycles shown by Danes
D.Bike-related culture rooted in Danes' daily life.
【小题2】How many factors contribute to the popularity of riding bikes in Copenhagen?
【小题3】What can we learn from the text?
A.Larsen Norman Hansen won three gold medals in big events.
B.Bicycles are the best means of transportation in Copenhagen.
C.Everyone in Denmark can rebuild old bicycles by themselves.
D.The government policy is in favor of this kind of transportation.
【小题4】What does the underlined phrase "sought after" in Paragraph 3 refer to?

Petrol and diesel cars may still dominate our roads, but their days are numbered. A recent university study found that current electric cars could be used for 87 per cent of daily car journeys in the US. That figure could rise to 98 per cent by 2020.

One barrier (障碍) to the widespread adoption of electric cars has been ‘range anxiety’ -- drivers’ concerns about using up juice on a journey. While petrol stations are conveniently located across national road systems, the necessary network of electric charging stations is still being developed. Nevertheless, charging points are becoming increasingly common throughout the USA.

Attitudes towards electric vehicles have changed quite considerably over the last few years. Not that long ago, electric cars were met with distrust, and their large price tags drove customers away. Thanks to improvements in battery capacity, recharging times, performance and price, the current generation of electric cars is starting to persuade critics. Plug-in cars   will soon give internal combustion engine models a run for their money.

As well as advancements on the road, electric vehicles are taking to the seas and skies. Electric boats are among the oldest methods of electric travel, having been popular for several decades from the late 19th to the early 20th century before petrol-powered outboard motors took over. Now, the global drive for renewable energy sources is bringing electric boats back. Steps towards electric air travel are also being made, with Airbus and NASA among the organizations developing and testing battery powered planes. The experiments could soon make commercial electric flight a reality.

Electric vehicles do not produce any emissions. Were the US to act on the study’s findings and replace 87 per cent of its cars with electric vehicles, it would reduce the national demand for petrol by 61 percent. However, because of the production processes and the generation of electricity required to charge these vehicles, they cannot claim to be completely emission-free. However, as many countries continue to increase their use of renewable energy sources, electric vehicles will become even cleaner.

【小题1】In the past, why did many people refuse to buy the electric cars?
A.They were not good value.B.They were very poorly made.
C.They were not widely promoted.D.They couldn’t travel at a high speed.
【小题2】What is the function of Paragraph 4?
A.To introduce the history of electric travel.
B.To explain why the world needs more electric cars.
C.To show why more people have interest in electric cars.
D.To describe different ways electric vehicles can be used.
【小题3】Which is the best title for this passage?
A.My Dream CarB.History of Electric Car
C.Problems with Petrol CarsD.Driving into the Future

Have you ever been on an airplane, minding your own business, and found your eyes filled with tears for no reason? Or perhaps you sat near someone who burst into tears. Is there something happening to your body that triggers (引发) the tears?

There sure is! When you’re inside a flying airplane, you’re miles off the ground. Not exactly a place where humans usually find themselves. The airplane is pressurized (加压) to keep passengers comfortable. But it’s still not the pressure levels that you’ll experience at ground level. It’s a bit like having climbed a pretty high mountain.

The primary tear-trigger is the lower amount of oxygen in your blood. The oxygen levels in the plane are lower than you’ll find on the ground. And it can bring you bad feelings.

Another cause is dehydration (脱水). Because the air in the plane is very dry, we may get dehydrated. And being dehydrated can have all kinds of harmful effects on your 30,000-foot-high body, which is making you have bad feelings like sadness and worry. In fact, there is a spiritual reason, too! Even if you’re not afraid of planes, it’s a high-stress situation. Taking a flight often involves saying goodbye to someone in the place you’re leaving. You can also be worried about plane crash or losing your baggage.

You can drink plenty of water before your flight to fight back your tears. You can also keep your mind busy with a puzzle or brain game. And if you’re going to watch a movie, maybe choose one that’s a bit more relaxing. In short, make flying a more pleasant and less stressful experience.

【小题1】Why did the author raise questions in Paragraph 1?
A.To lead to the topic of the text.
B.To give background information.
C.To research how many people cry on an airplane.
D.To ask who knows why people cry on an airplane.
【小题2】What triggers tears when you’re on an airplane according to Paragraph 2?
A.The temperature inside the plane.B.The altitude you’re at.
C.The weather.D.Your health.
【小题3】Which one is RIGHT according to Paragraph 4?
A.One shouldn’t sleep in the plane in case of losing his/her baggage.
B.One may not feel afraid when the plane flies below 30,000 feet high.
C.One that often feels sad or worried is not fit to take a plane.
D.One may lose too much water from his/her body when he/she travels by plane.
【小题4】What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Suggestions on how to take a safe flight.
B.Advice on how to get over fears when flying.
C.Tips on how to hold back tears while you’re flying.
D.Ways of making you comfortable while you’re flying.
