阅读理解-七选五 适中0.65 引用2 组卷97

Laziness is a state of mind. If you're determined to make a fresh start, but something always pulls you back, that something could be you. We choose our behaviors, even the lazy ones. 【小题1】

Admit that you are lazy.

Much like any recovery program, the first step is admitting there is a problem. 【小题2】 However,you don't have to experience any public humiliation. You can keep this to yourself. Nobody has to know that you're even thinking about it, let alone trying to change your lazy habits.

Stop delegating.

Lazy people like to delegate(委派)a lot. 【小题3】 You really want that pizza for dinner? Walk your feet to your car and go pick it up! Nowadays convenience has become a great selling point in the US because of laziness.


Who is that? That is the person who is solely (唯一的)responsible for your successes and failures in life. Wave. Get acquainted. When you start taking responsibility for yourself and stop blaming others, you can begin to attack laziness at its core.

Make a plan.

Write out the things about you that are lazy, in every category of your life—health, diet, work, home, family. Evaluate just how much life you are wasting by being lazy. Notice how many things you are missing out. 【小题5】 Make a priority list.

A.Take a look in the mirror.
B.Get up and get it yourself.
C.Change some little things first.
D.If you can’t come to terms with it, you won't make any effort to change it.
E.Read on to find out how you can stop being lazy and start moving forward!
F.Then you can decide which aspects of your laziness you want to eliminate first.
G.However, continuing to be lazy means you are cheating yourself out of the one and only life you have.
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Travelling with friends can be an amazing experience where you could make lifelong memories or it could ruin your friendship. 【小题1】 Here are some rules you should follow to make sure your next trip with friends goes as smoothly as possible.

【小题2】 Sure, you and your friends probably have some similar interests, but that’s not always the case. In an effort to keep everyone happy, go over travel plans and expectations ahead of time. Have each person categorize activities or sights into “must-see”, “want to see” and “would go if we have time”. Plan accordingly and make sure everyone can see some of their top attractions.

Communicate and respect each other. Everyone has personal preferences when travelling— from getting the bed closest to the bathroom or sitting in the airplane’s window seat. But sometimes things don’t go as you like. In this case, share your requirements directly with your travel companions. 【小题3】 Have a conversation when problems arise, for communication is the key.

Don’t disappear. When travelling with a group — or even just one other person — you may want some alone time. That’s completely fine, but make sure your friends know where you are and have a way of contacting you. 【小题4】

Get off your phone. Of course, your friends will understand if you need to take a call from a family member, or in the event of a work emergency, but other than that, try to stay off your phone. 【小题5】 After all, the appeal of this type of trip is to spend time with friends. Just enjoy it!

A.Give each other some space.
B.Include at least one activity for everyone.
C.So it’s important to make sure you and your friend(s) are on the same page.
D.At the same time, listen to their concerns and be respectful of them.
E.Don’t respond to less important work contact or send messages frequently.
F.It’s especially true of travelling in foreign countries or unfamiliar places.
G.And remember that consideration and respect go a long way.

You probably learned many things by watching how-to videos on YouTube, but have you ever thought of making your own ones? You do not need to show it to anyone or put it on the Internet. 【小题1】.

Recording yourself, whether on video or audio, is an effective method of self-study. 【小题2】 When you record yourself it helps you identify what you are good at in English and which areas need improvement. How-to videos give you the chance to do several things at once. You will talk about a subject you already enjoy while giving step-by-step instructions, which gives you a chance to use a few grammatical forms. 【小题3】.

Now, let’s go through the steps for preparing to make your video. First, choose a subject that will work well for a short video. Ideally, your subject will be something that is visually appealing and can be divided into steps. Is there a dish that you are great at making? Can you build or fix something? Do you have an artistic ability? 【小题4】Even something as simple as how to fold a fitted sheet can be a great subject.

【小题5】 Make a list of the steps you think are important in making or doing the thing you have chosen. You might not know the English words for some of the things you are describing. Find and practice saying them.

The last step is to record your video. A great way to introduce it is to say your name and then say what you are going to show.

A.Any of these can be the subject of your video.
B.Then, it’s time to prepare by gathering information.
C.How do videos show people how to do or make something?
D.We can learn to do something with the help of an Internet search.
E.This is especially true if you cannot find someone to practice speaking with.
F.Instead, the goal is to use the video to observe your own English speaking skills.
G.You will also get the chance to learn and use words related to your chosen subject.

Many people spend weekends doing meaningless things, which is a complete waste of our life. However, successful people make the best use of their weekends differently. Here are some things they may choose to do.


Successful people don't go into the weekend with no plan. 【小题2】 It might be a little more loosely scheduled than a usual Tuesday, but with only so many hours in a week, successful people know they have to use all the free time they can get to finish tasks they need to.

Get up early.

Of course, it feels good to sleep in. However, it's actually quite refreshing (使人精力充沛的) to get up and move early on days when you don't have to get up early. 【小题3】 It will leave them feeling more refreshed than just wasting two or three hours lying in bed staring at the wall.

●Put the phone aside.

In today's busy world, most of us never truly leave work. Our phones are likely connected to our emails and Twitter accounts, meaning we may deal with a work-related task even after 5 p. m. 【小题4】 They go fishing or hiking or do something without their phones in their pockets.

●Follow hobbies.

【小题5】 They know they'll never get that time back. Even if their hobbies require hard work, they'll still be relaxed and comfortable while working on them if they're fond of them.

A.Make a plan.
B.Prepare for the week carefully.
C.But successful people need time to let work go.
D.The weekend is the perfect time to make up for it.
E.They plan their day out just as they would on any other day.
F.Successful people start their Saturday off by hitting the gym or reading a book.
G.Successful people use every minute of their free time to do something they love.
