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On average, Americans spend about 10 hours a day in front of a computer or other electronic devices and less than 30 minutes a day outdoors. That is a claim made by David Strayer, a professor of psychology at the University of Utah. In his 2017 TED Talk , Strayer explained that all this time spent with technology is making our brains tired.

Using an electronic device to answer emails, listen to the news and look at Facebook puts a lot of pressure on the front of the brain,which, Strayer explains, is important for critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making.

So, it is important to give the brain a rest. And being in nature , Strayer claims , helps get a tired brain away from too much technology. More than 15,000 campers from around the world attended an international camping festival in September. That is when friends and family take time off and escape to nature for several days. They take walks, climb, explore , swim, sleep, eat and play. Camping may be just what a tired brain needs.

Take Carl for example.He lives in West Virginia and enjoys camping . He says that staying outdoors makes him feel at ease. It also prepares him for the work he must do. Kate Somers is another example who also lives in West Virginia. She says she enjoys camping with her husband and two children . She calls it a “regenerative” experience.

At the University of Utah , David Strayer has studied both short-term and long-term exposure to nature. He found that spending short amounts of time in nature without technology does calm the brain and helps it to remember better. However ,he found , it is the long-term contact with nature that does the most good. He and his research team found that spending three days in nature without any technology is enough time for the brain to fully relax and reset itself.

【小题1】What is David Strayer’s opinion ?
A.Electronic equipment should be quitted
B.Americans dislike outdoor activities
C.New technologies are a double-edged sword
D.Electronic equipment brings great convenience
【小题2】Why does Strayer insist we go outdoors?
A.To try another lifestyleB.To make better decisions.
C.To refresh our brainD.To play with our family and friends
【小题3】What does the underlined word “regenerative” mean?
【小题4】Which is the proper title for the passage?
A.Electronic Equipment Harms the Brain
B.Being in Nature Is Good for the Brain
C.Tips on Using New Technologies
D.Good Rest Develops Good Memory
知识点:日常生活 社会问题与社会现象 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
If you had a strange sound in your ear,what would you do? One man in Wales who thought he had a fly in his ear called 999,the emergency services number in Britain.And so did a woman who was worried about her green potatoes.Could she make chips with them? Were they poisonous? She didn’t hesitate about calling the local ambulance service to ask.According to a recent report,more than 31,000 non-urgent calls were made to the Welsh Ambulance Service in the last year.
Inappropriate calls are a headache for health professionals everywhere.In the US,prank calls to 911 happen on a daily basis.Many callers use apps which hide their identity.But those who try to be funny shouldn’t be surprised if the police _________.One man from Colorado was arrested for making more than 1,200 prank calls,according to a report on the US television station KOAA—TV.
People who take these calls are trained to stay calm and keep a straight face,no matter how strange the call sounds.“There’s no way for us to know whether the call is real,accidental or a prank call,”said a public safety worker interviewed by the American TV channel.
The Head of Clinical Services at the Welsh Ambulance Service,Richard Lee,has a warning for prank callers.He says,“When people misuse the service it means our precious time is being taken away from someone who really does need our help.”Indeed,these hotlines are supposed to help the seriously ill or those with a life—threatening injury.You never know,one day,the person who needs assistance could be you or someone in your family.
【小题1】How does the author introduce the topic of the text?
A.By giving examples.B.By telling a story.
C.By listing figures.D.By making a comparison.
【小题2】Why are prank calls usually made?
A.To be helpful.B.To deal with problems.
C.To get praise.D.To play tricks.
【小题3】What does the phrase“have the last laugh”in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Win at last.B.Never find them.
C.Laugh at them.D.Know nothing.
【小题4】What does the author intend to suggest in the text?
A.Prank calls are usually easy to identify.
B.Operators feel annoyed by strange callers.
C.Prank calls may cause serious results.
D.Prank callers should be punished by law.

When people wanted to find their way to a place in the past,they used to have to buy a map.But they don't have to do that any more.Now they can either buy a GPS,or go online and find maps for just about anywhere.

Is this an improvement?Perhaps,but some people think some of the online companies are going too far,because they have been sending out cars with photographic equipment on their roofs,to photograph every street and house in the country.

One of these cars arrived on a Wednesday morning in the quiet English village of Broughton.The camera was on a meter-high stick an top of the car and could see over walls and into people's gardens.Some of the villagers came and stood around the car,and then asked the driver and photographer to go away.Reporters quickly arrived on the scene,and soon the event was news all over the country.

Of course,the online company in question says that it is simply collecting information that people on the Internet want.But the villagers feel differently."We used to have privacy in this country—now companies just come and take photographs of our home without even asking,"said one villager."It' not right.We mustn't let this happen.We mustn't lose our right to live privately."

There is,of course,no law to prevent people from taking photographs of houses,so the villagers cannot go to court.But many people are asking the question:"OK,it's legal,lout is rt right?"

【小题1】How is Paragraph 1 developed?
A.By analyzing causes.B.By describing experiences.
C.By ma king comparisons.D.By providing explanations.
【小题2】What does the underlined phrase "going too far" in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.Doing a lot of work.B.Walking a long distance.
C.Taking more pictures than necessary.D.Behaving in a way that upsets people.
【小题3】How do the locals in Broughton feel about the online company?
【小题4】What would be the best title for the text?
A.Why is GPS Important?B.The Improvement of Maps
C.It's Legal—But is It Right?D.The Development of the Internet


It’s an inconvenient truth that the road to success isn’t a secret. Most of us know exactly what we need to do to improve our lives. 【小题1】 We prefer things that feel good and avoid things that we know are hard but most effective. Follow these tips to get hard things done with less struggle.

First, you need to make sure you know what the hard, but effective thing is in the skill or job that you want to improve. 【小题2】 It’s usually the thing that creates the output. For writers, it’s writing. For musicians, it’s writing a song. For athletes, it’s doing a workout.

Figure out your why. Make sure you know why you want to do this hard thing. 【小题3】 So figure out your why and frequently remind yourself of it. Write it down and put it where you can see it. The stronger your why, the better.

【小题4】 Every day at a particular hour, you will do this hard thing. Pure focus, no multi-tasking. Take it easy at first and gradually lengthen the amount of time you spend on this. Enjoy it, too. You’re a winner and you can do it.

Leave the doubts behind. When you’re doing something hard, your brain will try to find ways to stop doing it. You’ll want to look things up or find easy ways of doing the hard thing. Don’t give in to these tempting arguments during your hard work sessions. 【小题5】

If you keep improving yourself by doing hard things, you’ll be getting better at your targeted skill. So don’t spend too much time working around the hard task. Just do the hard thing instead.

A.This should be easy to figure out.
B.Change your thinking so the hard thing looks good.
C.But we don’t do those things because they are hard.
D.Make a commitment and turn the hard thing into a habit.
E.If you are not clear about it, you’ll lose motivation quickly.
F.Do whatever you want after or before, but stay focused during.
G.Life is hard sometimes, and you will have to do hard things at some point.
